太田 啓介 冨田 佳孝 高木 翔太 中村 貴久 中島 進
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:24366021)
vol.79, no.3, pp.22-00236, 2023 (Released:2023-03-20)

流動化処理土は,従来より土木材料として幅広く使用されているが,鉄道盛土としては列車荷重の繰返し作用に対する累積変形特性や乾燥に対する長期的な安定性が明確になっておらず,限られた箇所での適用となっている.本研究では,列車荷重作用下での流動化処理土について,保護層を設けた盛土の提案構造における変形特性,施工時の転圧荷重の影響,保護層の乾燥対策効果について検討を行った.その結果,細粒分質砂を母材とした流動化処理土について,本提案構造において,流動化処理土への作用応力を応力比で 0.15 以下,かつ処理土密度を 1.60 kg/cm3以上とすることで,列車荷重の繰返し作用に耐えうる盛土となること,若材齢時であっても転圧荷重が強度発現を阻害することはないこと,粒調砕石による保護層を施すことで乾燥を防止できることを把握した.
中島 進 青山 勲 八木 正一
Japanese Society of Water Treatment Biology
日本水処理生物学会誌 (ISSN:09106758)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-8, 1994-06-15 (Released:2010-02-26)

In order to clarify the mechanism of growth of musty-odor producing cyanobacteria, the effects of iron (III) citrate and iron (III) phosphate as the iron source on the growth of musty-odor producing cyanobacteria Oscillatoria tenuis, Anabaena macrospora, Phormidium tenuis and Oscillatoria brevis were studied using laboratory cultures.The growth of O. tenuis was remarkably suppressed at even high levels of iron (28μ M as Fe) when not-autoclaved iron (III) citrate was used as the iron source. A. macrospora and P.tenue grew better by using not-autoclaved iron citrate as the iron source compared with the use of autoclaved iron citrate. On the other hand, O. brevis was capable of growing even at low levels of iron (2μM as Fe) using autoslaved iron citrate as the iron source. In addition, the growth of cyanobacteria was assessed using iron (III) phosphate as the iron source. When iron phosphate was used as the iron source, none of cyanobacteria except O. brevis were able to grow. Thus, the order of the ability of Fe absorption among musty-odor producing cyanobacteria used in this study was suggested as follows: O. brevis>>P. tenue≥A.macrospora>O. tenuis. The present results and previous studies (Water Sci. Technol., 25: 207-216, 1992) indicate that O. brevis has the ability to utilize a wide variety of iron forms such as Fe (III) -EDTA, FeII (BPDS) 3, Fe (III) -Desferrioxamine B (microbial siderophore) chelates, colloidal iron, iron oxides, and furthermore autoclaved iron citrate and iron phosphate. On the other hand, O. tenuis seemsto have specific requirements for the iron form it can utilize for growth.
中島 進 阪田 功 竹村 健
Drug Delivery System (ISSN:09135006)
vol.11, no.2, pp.105-110, 1996-03-10 (Released:2009-02-23)
3 10

One of the “dreams” of cancer treatment is missile therapy targeted specifically to cancer tissues. At first, monoclonal antibodies were expected to play primary roles in this therapy and were studied globally at a number of institutions. However, the practical use of monoclonal antibodies is hampered by their poor accumulation in tumor tissues and side effects such as the human antigen-murine antibody reaction (HAMA) phenomenon. Porphyrin derivatives are low-molecular-weight agents that accumulate in tumor tissues and have recently attracted much attention as possible substitutes for monoclonal antibodies We have synthesized about 750 porphyrin-related derivatives since 1980, when we first became interested in the tumor tissue accumulating property of porphyrins, and have studied them in many respects. The mechanisms of tumor tissue accumulation of porphyrins as we speculate at present are followings ; Important factors are the strong affinity of porphyrins to proteins because of their high π electron contents and the amphipathicity to water and oil due to the stacking phenomenon. As for the tumor tissue, active endocytosis associated with enhancement of LDL and transferrin receptor activities and the immaturity or lack of lymphatic tissues in tumor are important factors. The increased permeability of tumor vessels, which has been discussed for years, is also considered to be a factor in tumor tissue accumulation of porphyrins. In this issue, recent knowledge about the mechanism of accumulation of porphyrins in the tumor tissues and the prospects of their application to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer are discussed.