信岡 沙希重 樋口 貴俊 中田 大貴 小川 哲也 加藤 孝基 中川 剣人 土江 寛裕 礒 繁雄 彼末 一之
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.497-510, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
5 4

The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between maximal running speed, step frequency, step frequency index, step length, step length index, foot contact time, and aerial time during sprinting in elementary school children. The participants were 335 girls and 352 boys (age: 6 to 12 years) who ran a 50-m sprint race as part of their school fitness test in 2013. Their maximal running speed, step frequency, and step length were calculated from images captured by video cameras (60 frames/second) located at the sides of the lanes. Contact time and aerial time over the distance from 20 m to 30 m were calculated from images captured by high-speed video cameras (300 frames/second) located at the side of the 25-m mark for the lanes. Two-way ANOVA with the Games-Howell procedure was used to test differences among all grades. Two-way ANCOVA was used to test interaction and the main effect of gender and grade on maximal running speed. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) and partial correlation coefficient (pr) were calculated to analyze the relationship between maximal running speed, step frequency, stride length, foot contact time, and aerial time. Step length (which was strongly correlated with maximal running speed) showed a strong partial correlation (controlled for age) with maximal running speed. Therefore, it is suggested that step length contributes to not only the increase in running speed with growth, but also individual differences in running speed among the children at the same age. There were slight tendencies for step frequency and foot contact time to increase with growth. However, these factors showed a significant partial correlation (controlled for age) with running speed. Therefore, it was suggested that these factors contribute to individual differences in running speed. The absence of a negative impact of a shorter foot contact time on stride length suggests that the running performance of school children could be improved by decreasing their foot contact time. In order to establish effective methods for augmenting the development of running ability in children, it will be necessary to consider foot contact time and aerial time in addition to step frequency and step length.
中西 智也 中川 剣人 小林 裕央 中澤 公孝
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11790, (Released:2020-09-10)

【目的】スポーツ歴のある脊髄完全損傷者を対象として,一次運動野の上肢筋脳機能地図をfunctional magnetic resonance imaging(以下,fMRI)法により作成し,機能地図の拡張,および経過年数,運動年数との関係を明らかにすること。【方法】脊髄完全損傷者7 名,健常者6 名を対象としてfMRI 撮像中に上肢筋収縮課題を行い,脳賦活量の定量化および経過年数・運動年数と相関のある脳領域を算出した。【結果】脊髄損傷群において,手指筋収縮時の脳賦活量が健常者群よりも大きかった。また,上腕周囲筋収縮時の脳賦活量は脊髄損傷者群内でも差が見られたが,運動年数との正の相関が見られた。【結論】脊髄損傷後の一次運動野では,障害由来的に手指筋脳機能地図が拡張し,使用頻度依存的に上腕周囲筋脳機能地図が拡張しうる。本結果は,脊髄損傷受傷後に高強度の身体活動が神経学的にも推奨される根拠となりうる。