森下 剛久 清水 鈴昭 井村 洋 岡本 昌隆 小野 芳孝 斉藤 稔 中村 康一 松井 俊和 重村 はるひ 井野 晶夫 江崎 幸治 平野 正美
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.25, no.5, pp.627-639, 1984 (Released:2009-01-26)

Pulmonary complications were studied in 213 patients with leukemia and lymphoma. The incidence of pulmonary lesions was 38.5% and diffuse changes were encountered twice more frequently than localized ones. Etiological diagnosis during life was difficult. In 38 out of 62 cases with diffuse lesions, their etiology was not determined. In 9 out of 28 cases with localized lesions their etiology was not clear. In some of these cases autopsy clarified their etiology.Among localized cases, infection, mainly of bacterial origin and infiltration of underlying diseases were two main etiologies. On the other hand, diffuse lung lesions were of various etiology; 29 infections (bacteria 8, fungus 9, virus 8, p.carinii 2), 11 tumor infiltrations, 11 interstitial pneumonia, 3 vascular origins. In these cases with diffuse lesions of different etiology, clinical findings such as fever, cough, dyspnea, low PO2, high LDH, increased CRP, and hypoalbuminemia were observed, but not helpful in differentiating the etiology. Eight out of 11 cases of interstitial pneumoonia occurred during or after tapering of glucocorticoid.The mortality rate was as high as 54.4% of all lung diseases. Retrospective studies on the chest X-ray pictures showed that diffuse ill-defined opacities or multilocated consolidations were associated with poor prognosis.The diagnostic value of transbronchoscopic lung biopsy and therapeutic implications of empirical glucocorticoid administration for etiologically undiagnosed lung lesions were also discussed.
中村 康一 板倉 潮人 髙木 聡 小林 和陽 齋藤 浩子 月岡 悦子 山口 貴子 野口 周作 加藤 和久 臼杵 二郎
一般社団法人 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 (ISSN:18817319)
vol.26, no.2, pp.345-348, 2016-08-31 (Released:2016-09-15)

栄養失調とサルコペニアを伴う高齢者に対し,運動療法と栄養療法によるマネジメントの必要性が言われている.66歳男性,肺腺癌のため右肺全摘出後,外来通院していた.混合性換気障害と呼吸器症状が進行し,体重減少および身体活動性の低下を認めるようになったが入院を拒否.サルコペニアが疑われ外来で栄養士と看護師が介入し,栄養状態は改善した.しかし自覚症状は改善せず,理学療法士が介入を開始した.4ヶ月間の介入によりAMC(19.9→20.9 cm),MIP(31→68 cmH2O),握力(20→22 kg),CAT(12→9点)と筋力およびCATの改善を認めた.今回,入院が困難なCOPD症例に対し,外来で多職種が介入することで全身状態を改善させ,入院を回避することができた.栄養失調を伴うサルコペニアが疑われるCOPDに対する,外来における栄養および運動療法の有用性が示された一例と考えられる.
林 理 伊藤 昭浩 阿部 文昭 中村 康一 持田 泰秀
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.4, no.6, pp.95-98, 1998
1 2

Taking into account the earthquake-resistant design standards in effect when the building was designed, new earthquake-resistant design criteria were established for the retrofit, to check the earthquake-resistant safety of the retrofit design. Structural and functional considerations led to a choice of laminated rubber for the isolator material. The results of vibration analysis using a mass system model demonstrated that the earthquake motion input into the building would be reduced substantially by the retrofitwork. It was also shown that the work would substantially meet the earthquake-resistant design criteria. Three-dimensional vibration analysis was also carried out using a solid frame model to calculate the margin of safety of each structural member would be earthquake-resistant.
松本 胖 中村 康一郎 鈴木 秋津 野口 拓郎 渡邊 位 鷲見 妙子
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.10, no.5, pp.394-400, 1956 (Released:2011-10-19)

The present paper deals with the effects of Reserpine on 36 psychoses which were treated in our clinic since December 1954. Twenty schizophrenics, five manic depressives, two epilietics, 3 general paresises, two cerebral arterioscleroses, two feeblemindeds and two other cases were studied. 31 cases of the total cases were preveiously treated with EST or other specific treatments.0.5 mg of Reserpine were given orally for 30-50 days, or 0.5-1.0mg of Reserpine were given initially, and succeedingly the dose was increased to 3-5 mg per day and the last dose of 10-20 mg was continuously administered for 30-50 days.1) 7 out of the 20 schizophrenics (35.0%) and all of the 5 manic depressives (100%) were much or completely improved, while 4 schizophrenics were unchanged. In two of the two psychomotor epileptics, some degrees of improvement were evident, while most symptoms in the organic psychosis such as general paresis or cerebral arteriosclerosis were unchanged or poorly improved.2) Reserpine treatment was most effective on emotional disturbances such as irritability, excess or instability, and more effective on catatonic psychomotor disturbances such as negativism, mutism, excitement or stupor than on delusion or hallucination.3) The group, treated with more than 400 mg of Reserpine, was more improved than the group, treated with less than 400 mg, while better result was found in the group treated for more than 45 days than the group treated for less than 45 days.4) During the observation period of one year, 6 cases of 16 schizophrenics (37.5%), 3 cases fo 5 manic depressives (60.0%) and one of the two epileptics have recurrented or relapsed.