中澤 務
關西大學文學論集 (ISSN:04214706)
vol.60, no.2, pp.55-83, 2010-09
中澤 務
Semawy Menu
vol.4, pp.105-115, 2013-03-04

In this essay I discusss the academic debate called the Black Athena Debate. This debate was initiated by the publication of Martin Bernal's Black Athena in 1987. This book rejects the orthodox model that Aryans founded ancient Greek civilization and proposes a new model. Bernal agrgues that the orthodox model had been formulated through the many prejudices of modern Europe. I examine the debate in detail and conclude that Bernal's model has as many flaws and problems as his rival's model making both models untenable. However, Bernal's contention that the images of ancient civilization have been biased by many prejucices of modern Europe is Basically correct.この論文では、古代文明に対する歴史的なイメージ形成の問題の一環として、20世紀後半から繰り広げられている、いわゆる「『黒いアテナ』戦争」を追い、その意義を考察する。1987年に刊行が開始されたマーティン・バナールの『黒いアテナ』は、古代ギリシア文明の成立に関する学会の定説を覆し、その源泉は古代エジプトにあったとする新しいモデルを提示するだけでなく、現代の学説が信奉するモデルが、ヨーロッパの近代化の中でのアフリカや中近東地域に対する様々な偏見に基づくバイアスによって捏造されたものであると主張した。このバーナルの主張をめぐって、その妥協性を否定しようとする批判的議論が沸き起こった。たしかに、バナールの提示するモデルにも多くの問題があり、モデルをめぐる問題には決着が付けられない。しかし、この論争が持つ意義は、むしろ、過去の文明に対するイメージがいかに時代のバイアスを受けながら成立するかを浮き彫りにしたところにあり、この点にこそ、この論争の真の意義がある。
中澤 務
關西大學文學論集 (ISSN:04214706)
vol.60, no.2, pp.55-83, 2010-09
中澤 務
The journal of Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture
vol.2, pp.127-139, 2015-03-19

The points of "nomos" and "physis" played an important role in the cross-cultural understanding of the ancient Greeks. As to the origin and historical role played by these notions, F.Heinimann's view is still influential. His view is as follows: (1) The origin of these notions stems from ethnological studies of the various cultures of the time. (2) However, the antithetical way of thought of philosophers at that time (e.g. 'name vs reality' or 'seeming vs being') changed the notions of "nomos" and "physis" into sharp antithetical notions. (3) The Sophists used these notions to oppose 'law and convention' (nomos) to 'human nature' (physis) and accepted the lattter and rejected the former. In this paper, I reexamine his view and propose a new interpretation. The outline of my interpretation is as follows: (1) The origin of these notions was not only derived from the ethnological studies, but also from the thoughts of Protagoras, the Sophist. (2) Protagoras presupposed close interrelations between "nomos" and "physis." (3) This presupposition was shared by many Sophists of the day including Antiphon (whom Heinimann regarede the champion of anti-nomos thought). In my view, ancient Greeks had consistently used these twin notions as effective tools for cultural understanding.
中澤 務
關西大學文學論集 (ISSN:04214706)
vol.66, no.4, pp.87-113, 2017-03

Essays and StudiesJSPS科研費25370036
中澤 務
Semawy Menu
vol.4, pp.105-115, 2013-03-04

In this essay I discusss the academic debate called the Black Athena Debate. This debate was initiated by the publication of Martin Bernal's Black Athena in 1987. This book rejects the orthodox model that Aryans founded ancient Greek civilization and proposes a new model. Bernal agrgues that the orthodox model had been formulated through the many prejudices of modern Europe. I examine the debate in detail and conclude that Bernal's model has as many flaws and problems as his rival's model making both models untenable. However, Bernal's contention that the images of ancient civilization have been biased by many prejucices of modern Europe is Basically correct.
中澤 務
關西大學文學論集 (ISSN:04214706)
vol.69, no.1, pp.51-78, 2019-07-30

中澤 務
Semawy Menu
vol.4, pp.105-115, 2013-03-04

In this essay I discusss the academic debate called the Black Athena Debate. This debate was initiated by the publication of Martin Bernal's Black Athena in 1987. This book rejects the orthodox model that Aryans founded ancient Greek civilization and proposes a new model. Bernal agrgues that the orthodox model had been formulated through the many prejudices of modern Europe. I examine the debate in detail and conclude that Bernal's model has as many flaws and problems as his rival's model making both models untenable. However, Bernal's contention that the images of ancient civilization have been biased by many prejucices of modern Europe is Basically correct.
中澤 務
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.44, pp.166-175, 1994-04
中澤 務
Semawy Menu
vol.1, pp.67-76, 2010-03-08

Our images of the Mediterranean ancient civilizations were formed through the excavations and reseraches made by modern European countries. However, do these images reflect the ancient civilizations properly? In this paper, I take up the case of the excavation of "Palace of Konossos" by Sir Arthur Evans and reexamine the process of image-formation of this archaeological site. (1) Influence of Green Myth Evans had been deeply influenced by the Greek Myth of "the King Minos and the Labyrinthos". Evans believed that the building he found must be the King Minos' Labyrinthos (Fig.2). When he found a room in which a stone chair was installed, he concluded that this was the room of the king and named it "The Throne Room." He rehabilitated the room completely through many conjectures (fig.3). His interpretation of this building as the king's palace is uncertain. We must admit that this is the image made by Evans influenced by the Greek Myth. (2)Influence of Modern European Culture The Image-formation of the Minoan Culture was also influenced by the modern European culture. Europeans found that the aesthetic taste of ancient Minoans was similar to theirs (Fig.4,5). For example, they believed "Dolphin Fresco" in the "Queen's Megaron" as the manifestation of the love towards nature and formed a romantic image of the Minoan culture (Fig.6,7), but it is not certain whether such remains are manifestations of theis own naturalism. This seems to be the typical case of the image-formation problem. (3)Prince to the Lilies Evans reconstructed the notorious fresco "Prince of the Lilies" (Fig.9). Evans (and E. Gillieron) put together few remains of the fresco and favricated a clear image of the"Priest King." In fact, their reconstruction was dubious. Many scholars have tried to present a new reconstruction, but Evans' original image has been so influential that we cannot get rid of its power even today (Fig.10,11).
中澤 務
Semawy Menu
no.1, pp.67-76, 2010-03-08

Our images of the Mediterranean ancient civilizations were formed through the excavations and reseraches made by modern European countries. However, do these images reflect the ancient civilizations properly? In this paper, I take up the case of the excavation of "Palace of Konossos" by Sir Arthur Evans and reexamine the process of image-formation of this archaeological site. (1) Influence of Green Myth Evans had been deeply influenced by the Greek Myth of "the King Minos and the Labyrinthos". Evans believed that the building he found must be the King Minos' Labyrinthos (Fig.2). When he found a room in which a stone chair was installed, he concluded that this was the room of the king and named it "The Throne Room." He rehabilitated the room completely through many conjectures (fig.3). His interpretation of this building as the king's palace is uncertain. We must admit that this is the image made by Evans influenced by the Greek Myth. (2)Influence of Modern European Culture The Image-formation of the Minoan Culture was also influenced by the modern European culture. Europeans found that the aesthetic taste of ancient Minoans was similar to theirs (Fig.4,5). For example, they believed "Dolphin Fresco" in the "Queen's Megaron" as the manifestation of the love towards nature and formed a romantic image of the Minoan culture (Fig.6,7), but it is not certain whether such remains are manifestations of theis own naturalism. This seems to be the typical case of the image-formation problem. (3)Prince to the Lilies Evans reconstructed the notorious fresco "Prince of the Lilies" (Fig.9). Evans (and E. Gillieron) put together few remains of the fresco and favricated a clear image of the"Priest King." In fact, their reconstruction was dubious. Many scholars have tried to present a new reconstruction, but Evans' original image has been so influential that we cannot get rid of its power even today (Fig.10,11).
中澤 務
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.19, pp.31-41, 2001-10-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

This article investigates a new ethical basis for prohibiting human cloning from the point of view of a child's rights, and examines the limitations of human cloning in special cases. My approach appeals to two new points. (1) We must distinguish between two intentions of human cloning. One is the intention to duplicate the same genotype as the donor for the purpose of duplicating the same phenotype of that person (the intention of duplication). The other intention is to make a baby who is related to the parent by blood, in which case human cloning is not a means to the genetic duplication (the intention of non-duplication). (2) A child has a special right, "the right to an open future" (J. Feinberg), which is the collection of autonomy rights that are in trust until the child grows up. We should prohibit human cloning done with the intention of duplication, because in this case cloning will violate the cloned child's right to an open future. However,it seems there is no clear ethical ground for prohibiting human cloning when it meets the following conditions, (1) when it is done for the purpose other than duplication (the intention of non-duplication), (2) when it is in accordance with the normal reproductive rights, (3) when there is enough reason to choose cloning. Human cloning for infertility treatment seems to meet these conditions. Regarding human cloning, we must reexamine the total ethical framework of reproductive medicine.
中澤 務
關西大學文學論集 (ISSN:04214706)
vol.53, no.4, pp.63-90, 2004-03