中野 登志美
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.60, pp.125-134, 2011

The purpose of this paper is to clarify as the critical concept in the literature education. This paper is elucidating about the critical concept in New Criticism and Analysis Criticisms. It would be better to say that we should understand the critical concept how it is defined and how it is meant in the literary education. To begin with an critical thinking on American languages education in the nineteen-thirtieth. Then I consider the origin of an critical concept in Japanese literary education. Then I consider Jiniti Konishi's critical concept and Toshihiko Kawasaki's one in Japanese literary education. Then I consider Yoshihisa Iseki's critical concept and Yoichi Mukouyama's one Japanese literary education. Finally I consider the starting point of the viewpoint's discussions. The following results were obtained by an critical concept that we analyze the origin which we get when we are impressed by the literary works and that we get appraisals from judging worth of literary works on causes which we lead rationally and logically. This way of thinking is reflected the power of critical in now and future.
中野 登志美
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.92, pp.41-49, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-11-01)

中野 登志美
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.62, pp.191-200, 2013

The purpose of this paper is to clarify as the critical concept in the reading instruction theory of Literature' works. This paper is compared "A national language education of educational science", Especially, I examine it that ten years since issue the first number and ten years date from present. As a result, it was clear that critical concept in the present. In addition to this, it is saw the prob lems have been arguing "critical reading" not only Before the war, Wartime but also After the war. I discuss the subject from reading instruction on literary works point of view, a lot of theory by researcher and practices by teachers. It shows significance that a training that pupils' and students' ability of critical reading and thinking. It has been not changed a critical concept and the idea and attitude that makes much of guide critical concept, however, it has been changed that the instruction method and concept of the phrase on "critical".
中野 登志美
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.71, pp.27-34, 2012-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

Eimi Yamada's "Eyes of Baby Chick" is included in many high school textbooks. According to an instructor who teaches the story many high school students read it as a love story. However, the work seems by no means a mere a love story when we note the function of the first-person narration. That they read it as a love story shows that high school students do not read deeply. This fact goes to the very heart of the problem when we direct our attention to the new "criticism" in high school courses of study. This paper studies the reading of "Eyes of Baby Chick" from the "criticism" point of view and obtains the following results: "Eyes of Baby Chick" clearly contains a duality of critical function both in the substance of its first-person narration and in ways of describing its first-person narration. If we attach importance to reading the duality in the critical function of the first-person narration, this work reads deeply, not superficially. This paper demonstrates that this work can instruct in the ability to read critically.