井原 基公 三田尾 賢 小滝 照子 重光 昌信 木村 公重
環境感染 (ISSN:09183337)
vol.15, no.4, pp.291-294, 2000-11-09

母子同室を行っていなかった母子異室期間と, 希望者に対し母子同室を行った母子同室期間での退院前新生児鼻腔からのブドウ球菌メチシリン感受性黄色ブドウ球菌 (以下MSSAと略), メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌 (以下MRSAと略), コアグラーゼ陰性ブドウ球菌 (以下CNSと略) 検出率を比較し, 母子同室が新生児のMRSA院内感染に及ぼす影響について検討した.<BR>母子異室期間 (1567例) では黄色ブドウ球菌は5.8% (MSSA5.0%, MRSA0.8%) に検出された. これに対し母子同室期間 (927例) では黄色ブドウ球菌は5.8% (MSSA5.7%, MRSA0.1%) に検出され, 母子異室期間と母子同室期間において有意差を認めなかった. 母子同室期間で母子同室実施者 (555例) では黄色ブドウ球菌は7.6% (MSSA7.4%, MRSA0.2%) に検出された. これに対して母子異室実施者 (372例) では, 黄色ブドウ球菌は7.3% (MSSA7.3%, MRSA0.0%) に検出され, 母子同室実施者と母子異室実施者で差を認めなかった.<BR>この結果から, 母子同室がMRSAを含めた黄色ブドウ球菌による新生児院内感染増加の要因とはならないことが判明した.
井原 基
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.34, no.3, pp.23-48, 1999-12-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

In consumer chemical industry, the functions near the market, such as distribution, sales and a part of product development, play a key role in international competition. Kao Corporation is said to have excellent production technology and steady marketing ability, but didn't finally succeed in international market. In this paper, we examine the adaptation process of Kao Thailand in attention with its product development, price policy, distribution system, investment on advertisement and promotion.In the 1960-80s, there were many trials and problems in the process of adaptation. Kao tried to build direct sales system to sell in local area, but because of the needs of training on sales staff, short of product line, direct sales system remained insufficient. At the same time, there was difficulty in development of compounding technology for the Thai market because of the difference of social and natural climates with Japan. These problems were mainly due to the relation with joint-venture partner, Taisin Group. Kao can't make use of the know-how and resources of Taisin, which contributed on the diffusion of Kao's shampoo in the Thai market. But in the aspect of production technology, Kao localized its production process including production of raw materials and transferred brand-new chemical plant from Japan.In the late 80s, with the establishment of research facilities, Kao realized adaptive price policy and compounding technology in shampoo business. But the amount of investment on advertisement on shampoo market was few until quite recently. On the other hand, success of 'concentrated detergent', the main product of Kao, was limited because compounding technology was based on Japanese-standard. Throughout these times, decision-making process was centralized to the Japanese headquarter. Thai specific conditions were not easily understandable by Japanese top managers.Kao has succeed in localization of production technology, often the sources of competitive edge in Japan, but had problems in adaptation of its product and marketing in Thailand. Adaptation of technology and organization is key factor in local, at the same time, global competition.
井原 基

本研究では、タイ東北地方のウボン・ラーチャターニーにおけるハイパーマーケット進出が、地域経済、特に地域の消費者及び流通業者にどのような影響を及ぼしつつあるのかを調査した。人口約10 万人のウボン市街地におけるハイパーマーケット(類似業態であるC&C 含む)進出店舗数は3 店に上り、これらの同地域の市街、流通、消費に与えた影響は広い範囲に渡っている。流通業者の廃業は統計上では必ずしも明示されなかったが、アンケート調査やインタビュー、視察などの定性的調査から、一部では共存可能な状況にあるものの、個人商店の事業機会圧迫と中心市街の空洞化という影響を与えつつあることが示された。消費に関しては、必ずしも高所得ではない世帯月収5000 バーツ以上(年収約5400 ドル以上)のほとんど(85.7%)がハイパーマーケットでの購買を実際に行っており、ハイパーマーケットが同地域のボリュームゾーンの顧客層を捉えていること、さらに典型的な顧客のプロフィールとして子供のいる家族、若年層、耐久消費財の購入や自家用車の利用の進捗、住宅・医療等基盤インフラへの支出の少なさ等が明らかになった。