関口 由香 長田 由紀子 伊波 和恵 菅沼 憲治 白﨑 けい子
研究紀要 = Bulletin of Seitoku University, Bulletin of Seitoku University Junior College (ISSN:21876843)
vol.30, pp.1-6, 2019

要旨本研究は中高齢者のアサーティブネスに関する自己陳述を測定する尺度を開発し、その信頼性と妥当性を検討することを目的とした。高齢者のアサーティブネスに関連する認知的側面を測定する項目を先行研究から抽出し、中高齢者のためのアサーティブネス自己陳述尺度が作成された。調査対象者は60 歳以上男女646 名(男性319 名、女性327 名)であった。因子分析の結果、受身的自己表現に関連する認知と考えられる「受身的思考」、攻撃的自己表現に関連する認知であると想定される「攻撃的思考」、アサーティブネスの考え方を理解している「アサーティブ思考」の3因子が抽出された。Cronbach のα係数による内的整合性が検討され、 中程度の信頼性が示された。また、シャイネス自己陳述尺度および怒りの自己陳述尺度、自尊感情尺度との基準関連妥当性が示された。その結果、アサーティブネスの概念と整合性のある高い妥当性が示された。
篠﨑 香織 伊波 和恵 田畑 智章
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.4, no.1, pp.194-199, 2015-07-31 (Released:2015-07-31)

The number of families engaging in childcare and elderly care simultaneously is expected to rise, because there is a trend towards delayed marriage and child-bearing while the healthy life expectancy remains roughly stable. The questionnaire survey we conducted shows that there are people who are faced with all of the three activities of work, childcare, and elderly care. Those people often experience three-way conflict among those activities, which we call “WOP conflict,” because it involves work, the family of orientation, and the family of procreation. We conducted a series of interviews to identify the problems associated with people who are faced with all three activities. Some people who are faced with work, child care, and elderly care entrust one of the latter two to their spouses, and concentrate on balancing the remaining two activities. However, this can lead to strained human relations at work, in the family of orientation, or in the family of procreation. We argue understanding and cooperation from family members and colleagues help people who are faced with the WOP conflict. Close partnership with service providers including local governments also helps reduce burden on these people. For future work, we will continue to interview people who are faced with the three activities of work, childcare, and elderly care. We will also work towards identifying conditions that facilitate closer cooperation among the relevant entities including local governments.