小谷 一郎 古厩 忠夫 丸尾 常喜 丸山 昇 佐治 俊彦 尾崎 文昭 伊藤 虎丸

1.研究会の開催、研究者のネットワーク化私たちは研究計画に基づき、メンバー以外の研究者にも呼びかけながら研究会を組織、開催した。この研究会は平成11年度に4回、12年度に3回、13年度に3回、つごう10回開かれた。研究会には毎回メンバー以外の多くの研究者が参加され、その数は40名前後にも及ぶ。また在中国の研究者からも積極的な支援、協力を得ることができた。その結果、研究者の学際的ネットワーク作りが基本的に終了し、今後の研究発展に向けて大きな足掛かりを得ることが出来た。2.関係資料の発掘、収集、整理、データベース化 本研究の遂行、発展のためには 次資料の発掘、収集が不可欠である。私たちは研究計画に基づきメンバー以外の研究者の協力を得ながら資料の発掘、収集に当たった。その結果、これまで日本国内になかった1920年代から40年代の資料をマイクロフィルムなどのかたちで100点近く入手することが出来た。これらの資料は現在も分析、データベース化が進行中であるが、複製があり埼玉大学に集中してあるので、要請があればいつでも提供可能な状態にある。3.成果の公開私たちは研究会の開催以外に本研究の成果を論文等のかたちで公開してきた。その詳細は別記の通りである。また私たちは発掘、収集した資料のうちすでに,データベース化を終えた13種について、それを『1920-40年代中文稀観雑誌目録・第一集(附著者別索引)』のかたちで公刊した。このデータベース化は現在も進行中である。私たちは本研究の成果を基に今後も研究の発展に努めていく所存である。
伊藤 虎丸 田代 安見子 樋口 容子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.45, no.2, pp.93-110, 1995-03-08

Professor Chi Myong-kwan (1924-), as chief editor of The Realms of Ideology and college teacher, was one of the major leaders of democratization movement in Korea in the 1960's. Being exhausted by the conflicts in North Korea, he left his country and became a research fellow of the Department of Politics at the graduate school of Tokyo University in October, 1972. However, after he moved to Tokyo, he was requested to commit himself to the Korean democratization movement in Japan. After the former President of South Korea, Kim Tezong was kidnapped in Japan, Mr. Chi had to protect himself from dangers. As a result, he has been obliged himself to be an exile for over twenty years. Being supported by WCC and NCC, he was invited to be a visiting professor of philosophy at Tokyo Woman's Christian University in April, 1974. Later he became an exchange professor of the Institute of Comparative Studies at Tokyo Woman's Christian University, and a professor of the Junior College of the University. After retiring from the College of Communication and Culture of the University in March, 1993, he returned to Korea. This paper is written by Yasumiko Tashiro and Yoko Higuchi, his ex-students: They researched Mr. Chi's biography and publications which are written in Japanese. The introduction by Toramaru Ito, one of Mr. Chi's colleagues discusses mainly Mr. Chi's ideology and actions as an expresson of his preparation of a new bridge that may allow Japan, Korea and other Asian countries to be associated more closely with each other in the future. It is made clear how the relationship between the churches in Japan and those outside of Japan was affected by the issue of Mr. Chi's immigration into Japan; his association with Japanese intellectuals, and especially the role of Tokyo Woman's Christian University, which played an important part for him, are also discussed. Moreover, the introduction explains his new ideology which seems to have developed out of his own experience in Japan. One aspect of his thinking about comparative culture is discussed here from this viewpoint.