川井 敬二 佐藤 将之 野口 紗生 船場 ひさお
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.24, no.58, pp.1083-1086, 2018-10-20 (Released:2018-10-20)
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This report describes the results of site inspection of child daycare facilities and interview with the related persons regarding with acoustic design, which were carried out in Munich city region, Germany, where regulations of acoustic design for daycare facilities exist. The purpose of this attempt is to find the situation of acoustic design in daycare facilities in contrast to those in Japan without any standards or regulations. The result revealed that all the rooms in the inspected facilities were equipped with sound absorptive material and personnel were more or less aware of the benefit of good acoustics.
佐藤 将之 宮森 正 小柳 純子 村瀬 樹太郎 坂 祥平 石井 信朗 西 智弘 山岸 正 石黒 浩史
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.8, no.1, pp.515-522, 2013 (Released:2013-06-07)
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【目的】脊髄圧迫症状は, がん患者のQOLを大きく低下させる合併症である. 脊髄圧迫症状を合併した患者に対するデキサメタゾン大量療法の有効性や副作用についてレ卜口スペクティブに検討し, 報告した. 【症例】2009年5月から2011年9月までに当院でデキサメタゾン大量療法のみを, 脊髄圧迫症状を合併した8症例に対して行った. 【結果】放射線照射や外科的治療を併用できずデキサメタゾン大量療法のみを行った患者8例のうち, 徒手筋力テストの改善を4例(50.0%)に, 改良Frankel分類の改善を5例(62.5%)に認めた. デキサメタゾン大量療法のみで, 歩行不可能であった7例のうち1例(14.3%)が自力歩行での退院となった. 自験例では重篤な副作用はなかった. 【考察】放射線照射や外科的治療を受けることができない脊髄圧迫症状に対してのデキサメタゾン大量療法が神経症状を改善する選択肢として有用である可能性が示唆された.
早川 亜希 橋本 雅好 佐藤 将之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.669, pp.2101-2107, 2011-11-30 (Released:2012-02-23)

This study sought to clarify the reference domains of demonstrative pronouns in young children. Japanese uses three different demonstrative pronouns: KORE, SORE, and ARE. Subjects (aged 3 to 6) were presented with a referent and were then asked to use KORE, SORE, or ARE.Results showed:1) Young children distinguish between KORE and ARE.2) The area covered by KORE depended on whether the subject was sitting or standing. When standing, KORE covers an area in front and diagonally to the right; whereas when sitting, it covers an area in front and laterally to the right.3) The KORE area shape was the same for males and females.
生田 尚志 堀越 まい 佐藤 将之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.777, pp.2363-2373, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

The operation of public facilities is increasingly outsourced to the private sector for cost reasons. On the other hand, the local government is the only organization that can involve in the local community permanently, but their role in facility management is not adequately discussed. We analyze human-environment transactions around public facility “Hacchi” and civic group “Machigumi” which are located in Hachinohe-City, and describe the patterns of civic engagement and the roles of local governments. In chapter 3, we analyze from a spatial perspective. First, we analyzed the use of the rental area of Hacchi and found that there was a difference of about 100m2 in the space between the independent business and the general public. On the other hand, about half of the events in Hacchi held by the general public. Secondly, we analyzed where exhibitors in Hacchi self-produced events participated from and found they joined from not only the central city area but also the other areas, including outside Aomori prefecture. Finally, we plotted on a map where Hacchi self-produced projects and Machigumi involved in. We found that Machigumi performed their activities in various places in the central city area. In contrast, Hacchi held their self-produced events in Hacchi. In Chapter 4, we analyzed the activities of “Machigumi,” focusing on two aspects: places and interaction. First, in their lab, members of Machigumi generally spent their time getting ready for events, communicating with each other, and enjoying various club activities. Outside their lab, they sell products, hold events, and participate in events hosted by other organizations. Also, their activities outside the laboratory divide into three cases performed in public facilities (e.g., Hacchi), open spaces, and private buildings. Furthermore, in a questionnaire survey for members of Machigumi, reasons for joining in Machigumi were not necessarily related to downtown revitalization. Most of the members join Machigumi to do what they want. In Chapter 5, Machigumi has to coordinate with the city government, building owners, residents before they work in the city. We analyzed those processes by using the social relationship diagram and summarize the subject and content of the first episode in each section to examine the trigger of events. As a result, the social relationship surrounding Machigumi changed over time; for example, the city government changed how to handle Machigumi. Also, citizens have been consulting with Machigumi gradually, and they put their consultation contents into activities and events in the city. In summary, Hacchi provides several patterns of civic engagement in their building, and Machigumi also provides more patterns in the central city area. These various patterns of civic engagement show the methods of downtown revitalization that the local governments achieve through the development and operation of base facilities when governments aim to revitalize their city comprehensively. Also, behind the fact that Machigumi is free to act, there is a device for management by Hacchi, such as an only annual activity report. These are the viewpoints to have when the local government considers planning of facility management.