内海 和雄
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.14, pp.86-101, 2016 (Released:2017-04-25)

‘A sport event’ is an expression which embraces a sport meeting and surrounding social phenomenon. A sport event here is confined as a mega sport event in contemporary capitalist society. Researches are required to clarify the merits and the demerits of the mega sport events. In the first half of this manuscript, “the social history and sport event” will be discussed. A primitive society was “the birth age of sports”, because sports were born as training for hunting. Sports were equally enjoyed by all people of the society. Then, the ancient slavery age, especially ancient Greece, emerged. As typically seen to ancient Olympics, the age was “a birth age of sport events”. feudalism society was dominated by religions. Since religions had a common belief that “Spirit dominates over body”, three body demands, exercise, sex and appetite, were very important subjects of religious training. Therefore, sport events disappeared from the medieval times of Europe. However, capitalist society required new movement cultures, such as sports (Britain), gymnastics (Sweden, Germany) and martial art (Japan) etc. And sport events were re-born in capitalist society. In the second half of this manuscript, “capitalism and sport events” will be discussed. Especially, the Olympics as a representative of mega sport events will be analyzed from the financial viewpoint and historically. The Olympics developed its gigantism and authority from the 1970s, with combining the global strategy of multinational corporations and the infrastructure building of Olympics host cities. The maladies (the sacrifice of the social welfare, environmental destruction etc.) became very severe. IOC and the Olympics have been pressured to make a sustainable mega sport event.
尾崎 正峰 高津 勝 内海 和雄 上野 卓郎 坂 なつこ 岡本 純也

内海 和雄
スポーツとジェンダー研究 (ISSN:13482157)
vol.14, pp.86-101, 2016

'A sport event' is an expression which embraces a sport meeting and surrounding social phenomenon. A sport event here is confined as a mega sport event in contemporary capitalist society. Researches are required to clarify the merits and the demerits of the mega sport events. In the first half of this manuscript, "the social history and sport event" will be discussed. A primitive society was "the birth age of sports", because sports were born as training for hunting. Sports were equally enjoyed by all people of the society. Then, the ancient slavery age, especially ancient Greece, emerged. As typically seen to ancient Olympics, the age was "a birth age of sport events". feudalism society was dominated by religions. Since religions had a common belief that "Spirit dominates over body", three body demands, exercise, sex and appetite, were very important subjects of religious training. Therefore, sport events disappeared from the medieval times of Europe. However, capitalist society required new movement cultures, such as sports (Britain), gymnastics (Sweden, Germany) and martial art (Japan) etc. And sport events were re-born in capitalist society. In the second half of this manuscript, "capitalism and sport events" will be discussed. Especially, the Olympics as a representative of mega sport events will be analyzed from the financial viewpoint and historically. The Olympics developed its gigantism and authority from the 1970s, with combining the global strategy of multinational corporations and the infrastructure building of Olympics host cities. The maladies (the sacrifice of the social welfare, environmental destruction etc.) became very severe. IOC and the Olympics have been pressured to make a sustainable mega sport event.
上野 卓郎 早川 武彦 高津 勝 内海 和雄 尾崎 正蜂 岡本 純也 藤田 和也

3年間の研究成果の概要を示せば、以下のようになる。第1に、1990年を前後して、情報化社会の成熟と共に多国籍化した「メディア・スポーツ・生産複合体」(media-sport production complex)が「国際スポーツ機構」と提携し、スポーツのメディアイベント化・メディアソフト化を大規模で進め、トランスナショナルな体験の機会を地球的な規模で提供するようになった。その過程で、スポーツは世界共通の言語であるとともに、夢や感動を生み出す「グローバルドリーム」として受け入れられていった。第2に、その影響力は、国民国家やインターナショナルな境界を超え、個人や社会集団に直接・間接に影響を及ぼすようになった。第3に、そのような「スポーツのグローバリゼーション」とローカルなスポーツ文化の関係は、一方向ではなく、双方向的であり、互いに孤立したものではなく、相互に影響し合っていることが明らかになった。第4に、ただしヘゲモニーは「生産複合体」と「国際スポーツ機構」の側にあり、その影響力の浸透によって、スポーツの商品化と公共性の矛盾は複合化・顕在化し、ローカルなスポーツ文化主体の衰弱という事態も起こっている。第5に、そこには葛藤や主体的な営みも存在する。従って、「スポーツのグローバリゼーションとローカリゼーション」研究は、文化の伝播や変容、一方向的な変化の過程としてだけでなく、生活世界の変容・再構成を視野に入れて考察する必要がある。最後に、「研究成果報告書」の構成を示しておく。(1)グローバリゼーション・文化・スポーツ、(2)グローバリゼーションとメディア・スポーツ、(3)スポーツインターナショナリズム、(4)グローバリゼーションとローカリティ、(5)グローバリゼーションと政策・運動。