内田 敦子 土居 敏明 難波 倫子
臨床皮膚科 (ISSN:00214973)
vol.61, no.7, pp.503-505, 2007-06-01

要約 31歳,女性.ネフローゼ症候群の治療中に,円形の落屑性局面が体幹を中心に次々に出現するようになった.病理組織学的に不全角化を伴わない角質増生,顆粒層の減少,有棘層の菲薄化がみられ,臨床症状と併せて連圏状粃糠疹と診断した.ネフローゼ症候群の改善と尿素軟膏の塗布により,皮疹は約2か月後には軽快した.本疾患は,悪性腫瘍や結核に合併することが多く,消耗性疾患のデルマドロームの一型と考えられている.
佐野 武仁 内田 敦子 Takehito SANO Atsuko UCHIDA 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 Department of Human Environmental Science and Design Showa Women's University Department of Human Environmental Science and Design Showa Women's University
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.813, pp.49-57, 2008-07-01

There are various theories about the origin of glass. One is that glass beads were made during the time of the Old Kingdom in Egypt (27th-22nd century BC). Another suggests that glass was first manufactured around 18th-17th century BC. The truth is uncertain. Without a doubt, however, glass has been a notable feature of a great deal of architecture, most notably the Crystal Palace which was built on the grounds of the first World Exposition, held in Hyde Park, London, in 1851. It was an enormous building made from an iron frame work and glass. The theme of this paper is the continuing evolution of glass architecture. It discusses design, and plans which make full use of state-of-the-art technology to achieve energy conservation. Here, the term "glass architecture" refers to buildings whose outer walls and roofs are mainly or entirely made of glass. The distinguishing features of glass architecture can be described as follows: (1) In glass architecture, the aim is to bring more light into the building, and thereby create building with a healthy environment and outstanding occupant comfort, which prevents people from getting sick. This can be achieved by skillfully using natural conditions such as light and heat. (2) Transparent architecture allows people to see the sunny sky on clear days, and the cloudy sky when it is overcast. Sunshades are indispensable fixtures which enable adjustment of light and heat. (3) Glass architecture is the starting point for greenhouses, and the standard practice is to investigate greenhouses first when looking at design and functions such as ventilation or the heat/light environment. (4) If intelligent design and function are built in, then it is possible to construct glass architecture with outstanding occupant comfort, and low overhead thanks to energy conservation. (5) Since there are too many types of glass, and this makes things difficult to understand, a classification is used which combines the glass manufacturing process and sunshades.
吉田 圭吾 高山 泰一 福原 弘太郎 内田 敦 関根 秀真 鹿志村 修
社団法人 日本リモートセンシング学会
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.32, no.5, pp.287-299, 2012-11-20 (Released:2013-08-24)

This paper presents a monitoring method for paddy fields with hyperspectral remote sensing images in West Java, Indonesia. The statistical modeling method called sparse reguralization is introduced in two forms, that is, LASSO regression for the rice yield estimation and sparse discriminant analysis for the growth stage classification of rice plants, in order to take advantages of the detailed reflectance spectrum measured by numerous bands and to overcome the difficulties in hyperspectral image analysis such as model overfitting. Results of the experiment with airborne hyperspectral images measured by HyMap indicate that sparse regularization can predict paddy conditions with higher degree of accuracy than several estimation methods commonly used in remote sensing applications, such as normalized difference spectral index, partial least squares, or support vector machines. Besides, the prediction models have a limited number of bands which are expected to be informative to figure out the rice growth situation. The overall error between predicted rice yield of the target area and agricultural statistics is 6.40 %, showing the potential effectiveness of methods described in this paper.