出村 慎一 春日 晃章 松沢 勘三郎 郷司 文男
日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.2, pp.231-244, 1998-04-01

60歳~89歳の女性高齢者338名を対象に, 基礎体力と生活諸状況の複合的関連について検討するため, 高齢者の体力に関与すると考えられる健康状態, 日常生活活動, 運動実施状況, 食生活の各領域から計30項目を選択し生活状況調査を実施した.また, 高齢者の体力を捉えるために安全性, 信頼性および実用性を考慮し, 筋機能, 肺機能, 関節機能, 神経機能の各体力領域から14変量を選択した.これら変量間の相関行列に主成分分析法を適用し, 第一主成分を基礎体力因子と解釈し, 高齢者の体力の指標とした.基礎体力と各生活状況の関連を検討した結果, 基礎体力は就寝時間, 飲酒習慣, 現在の運動実施頻度, 好き嫌いの有無, 魚・肉・卵・大豆製品等の摂取と有意に関連することを認めた.また, 基礎体力に対する生活諸状況の複合的関連を検討するために, 連関係数を考慮して選択した生活状況8項目と年齢を説明変数, 基礎体力得点を目的変数とし, 数量化理論第I類を実施した.その結果, 基礎体力と生活諸状況の間に0.643の有意な重相関係数が認められ, 基礎体力と年代, 現在の運動実施頻度, 過去の病気や怪我による生活活動への支障, 就寝時間の4項目に有意な偏相関係数が認められた.これらの項目のカテゴリー数量から, 運動実施頻度, 病気や怪我による生活活動への支障が体力に影響を及ぼすことが明らかにされた.また, 60歳代と70歳代では, 体力に及ぼす生活諸状況の関与が異なると推測された. he purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of fundamental physical fitness(FPF) and health-conditions, activities of daily living, and food habits in elderly women.A total of 338 women aged 60 to 89 years were the subjects for this study. Fourteen tests wereselected from 4 physical fitness domains of muscle function, joint function (flexibility), neuromuscularfunction and lung function, considering the validity, safety and convenience of tests. To measure theabove-stated living conditions, a questionnaire consisting of 30 items was constructed. Principalcomponent analysis was applied to the correlation matrix, which was calculated from physical fitnessvariables. The first principal component could be interpreted as the FPF factor, since it correlatedsignificantly with all physical fitness variables and showed the greatest contribution (about 36%) tototal variance. Statistical techniques of contingency coefficient and theory of quantification I wereused to determine the influence of the above-stated living conditions to FPF.It was inferred that each living condition influences FPF as a composite factor, and the elementsof exercise habit, the existence of the trouble caused by past disease and injury, bedtime and agehave greater influence on the decline of FPF. Fundamental physical fitness showed a decreasingtrend with age, but the continuous exercise enforcement on one day or more a week, seemed to beeffective in postponing the decline of FPF related to age. Further, it was inferred that influence ofeach living condition to FPF differs in the 60 and 70 age levels.
小林 秀紹 出村 慎一 郷司 文男 南 雅樹 長澤 吉則 佐藤 進 野田 政弘
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.54, no.3, pp.552-562, 1999-10-15
6 5

The relationship among subjective symptoms of fatigue, subjective fatigue feeling, and life habits of high school and college students<br>The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among subjective symptoms of fatigue (SSF), subjective fatigue feeling (SFF), life habits (behavioral patterns (BP) and life-style consciousness (LC)) in male students.<br>A questionnaire on SSF, SFF, fatigue content, BP and LC was administered to 1802 male students aged 15-20yr, and data from 1792 properly completed questionnaires was analyzed.<br>The results were:<br>1) Students experience high SFF from daily activity. Students with a higher SFF tend to have more complaints of SSF, especially symptoms of languor, but the relationship between SFF and symptoms of irritation and physical disintegration are low.<br>2) Relationships between SFF and BP and LC are relatively low, except for physical condition. Even if the BP is successful, student's SFF is relatively high.<br>3) Subjective degree of health and physical condition relate highly to SSF. Exercise habits relate to loss of vigor, dietary habits to languor, loss of vigor, drowsiness and a decrease in concentration, and LC to SSF except for languor. It was inferred that SSF is influenced by BP and LC.