加藤 隆寛 田中 聡 渡邉 暁洋 織田 順 浅香 えみ子 有賀 徹 畝井 浩子 鏑木 盛雄 菊池 憲和 桑原 健 篠原 高雄 峯村 純子 眞野 成康 西澤 健司 定光 大海
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.19, no.6, pp.725-734, 2016-12-31 (Released:2016-12-31)

加藤 隆寛 岩澤 瞳 甚目 陽子 加藤 顕子 築山 郁人 斎藤 寛子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.12, pp.680-690, 2017-12-10 (Released:2018-12-10)
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The efficacy of pharmaceutical interventions for patients with cardiovascular disease has been reported in several countries. However, the interventions especially for patients with cardiovascular disease have not been evaluated for safety, efficacy and economy. To evaluate pharmaceutical interventions in the cardiovascular ward, we evaluated the economic benefit of pharmaceutical interventions retrospectively. We classified pharmaceutical interventions into 3 items, which included type of intervention, intervention that influences patients' outcome, and intervention according to guidelines. Moreover, we evaluated for economic benefit regarding the prevention of serious adverse drug reactions, and avoidance of drug interaction. We also collected interventions for initiating drugs, and the estimated cost savings by decreasing the risk of hospital readmission by initiating drugs.One hundred and thirteen interventions were accepted and 27 interventions were rejected. It was considered that 48 interventions led to safety. The cost saving associated with pharmaceutical interventions that include the prevention of serious ADRs, avoidance of drug interaction and others was estimated to be about 13 million-yen of financial benefit.In addition, 33 interventions were those for changing medications according to several guidelines. The interventions (drug initiation) cut the medical care cost by about one million yen per year by the decreased risk of hospital readmissions.This is the first study to estimate the economic impact directly associated with various pharmaceutical interventions of pharmacists in cardiovascular disease in Japan. Evaluating the economic impact in relation to the pharmaceutical interventions is an important method for assessing the role of pharmacists.