奥住 秀之 國分 充 平田 正吾 田中 敦士 葉石 光一 北島 善夫
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.68, no.2, pp.62-67, 2009 (Released:2009-06-01)
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This study was conducted to investigate the factors of one foot balancing and beam-walking in persons with intellectual disabilities (ID). There were 181 subjects with ID (male, 126; female, 55; 14 persons with autism; 22 with Down's Syndrome (DS)). One foot balancing was measured with eyes open and with eyes closed. In the beam-walking test, the subjects were asked to walk on five types of beam 3 meters in length. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the results. The dependent variables were the one foot balancing score (sec) with eyes open and with eyes closed and the beam-walking score (from 0 to 5), and the independents were sex, age, height (cm), weight (kg), IQ, presence/absence of autism, and presence/absence of DS. The results were as follows: (1) The one foot balancing with eyes open only related to IQ. Persons with a higher IQ showed a higher score in all the three balance tests than those with a lower IQ. The one foot balancing with eyes closed correlated with IQ and presence/absence of autism. Autistic subjects stood longer than persons with other IDs. The beam walking correlated with IQ, presence/absence of autism, and presence/absence of DS. Autistic subjects attained a higher score than subjects with other IDs, and DS subjects had lower scores. These characteristics of balance in subjects with ID are discussed in terms of executive function, motor dysfunction, and compensatory strategies.
宮寺 千恵 石田 祥代 細川 かおり 北島 善夫 真鍋 健
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482084)
vol.66, no.2, pp.113-120, 2018-03

[要約] 本邦では現在,(1)特別な支援を必要とする子どもへの就学前から学齢期,社会参加までの切れ目ない支援体制整備,(2)特別支援教育専門家等配置,(3)特別支援教育体制整備の推進の3つの柱からなるインクルーシブ教育システム推進事業が展開されている。そのようななか,発達障害の児童及び生徒に対する支援体制の構築を目指し,重点的に支援が拡大されている。本稿では,発達障害の児童及び生徒に焦点を当てて,インクルーシブ教育の視点から,通常学級,通級指導教室,特別支援学級における教育課程と指導方法の取り組みと課題について整理を試みた。それぞれの場に応じた教員の専門性,高等学校を含めた連続的な学びの場としての支援体制の在り方,学校内で教員をサポートする校内委員会の役割,交流および共同学習の進め方等が課題として挙げられた。