岡田 成幸 南 慎一 北川 諭
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.16, no.1, pp.75-92, 1997-05-31

When disaster strikes, though the Japanese central administration gives an economic support to any damaged local governments for rehabilitation of their public facilities destroyed, it asserts that the disaster victims should achieve the personal calamity restoration by their self-help efforts. Instead of officially pecuniary assistance, donation money is voluntarily drawn to them for the individual restoration. In the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki earthquake, a donation of 257 billion yen was made to the major damaged areas of Hokkaido district which had significant damage of 1,323 billion yen. Despite of suffering from the comparable damage of 755 billion yen in the 1994 Sanriku Haruka-Oki earthquake, the major damaged area of Tohoku district got a donation money only of 2.7 billion yen owing to a larger earthquake that is the Hyogoken Nanbu earthquake occurred immediately after the Sanriku Haruka-Oki earthquake. This paper appeals the necessity of social system on financially mutual aid for individual restoration through the comparative analyses of donations to aid the disaster victims.
山本 博之 田中 篤 北川 諭 鈴木 高祐 藤田 善幸 丸山 正隆
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.44, no.11, pp.579-585, 2003-11-25 (Released:2009-03-31)
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症例は35歳男性. 入院10カ月前から防風通聖散を服用していた. 入院3カ月前にはじめて肝機能異常が出現. 入院6週間前に近医受診, この時点で肝機能障害は増悪していたが, 5種の薬剤を新たに投与され, 防風通聖散はそのまま服用していた. 入院1週間前から黄疸・皮膚掻痒感が出現したため当院へ入院となった. 防風通聖散, および併用薬は入院前日まで服用していた. 入院時ALT 2996IU/l, AST 7174IU/l, T. Bil 15.1mg/dl, PT 30.6%であり, 第2病日肝性昏睡2度となったため劇症肝炎急性型と診断, 血漿交換および血液濾過透析とステロイドパルス療法を開始した. この結果意識清明となり肝機能も急速に改善したが, その後黄疸が遷延し, 肝機能は薬剤中止後4カ月に正常化した. 本症例ではもともと防風通聖散による薬物性肝障害が存在し, そこへ併用薬の影響が加わって最終的に劇症化に至ったものと考えられた.
山本 博之 田中 篤 北川 諭 鈴木 高祐 藤田 善幸 丸山 正隆
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.44, no.11, pp.579-585, 2003-11-25
3 1

症例は35歳男性. 入院10カ月前から防風通聖散を服用していた. 入院3カ月前にはじめて肝機能異常が出現. 入院6週間前に近医受診, この時点で肝機能障害は増悪していたが, 5種の薬剤を新たに投与され, 防風通聖散はそのまま服用していた. 入院1週間前から黄疸・皮膚掻痒感が出現したため当院へ入院となった. 防風通聖散, および併用薬は入院前日まで服用していた. 入院時ALT 2996IU/<i>l</i>, AST 7174IU/<i>l</i>, T. Bil 15.1mg/d<i>l</i>, PT 30.6%であり, 第2病日肝性昏睡2度となったため劇症肝炎急性型と診断, 血漿交換および血液濾過透析とステロイドパルス療法を開始した. この結果意識清明となり肝機能も急速に改善したが, その後黄疸が遷延し, 肝機能は薬剤中止後4カ月に正常化した. 本症例ではもともと防風通聖散による薬物性肝障害が存在し, そこへ併用薬の影響が加わって最終的に劇症化に至ったものと考えられた.
西村 顕 北川 諭 柿田 将信 廣田 真史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._J0530302--_J0530302-, 2015

The aim of this study is to design and propose the building model integrated with solar panel and wind turbine for the purpose of realizing the smart city. The number and angle of tilt of solar panel installed on the roof of the building are investigated considering the effect of shadow for some cities in Japan. The power generation characteristics of solar panel installed on not only the roof but also the wall of the building are also investigated assuming the building model to be installed in Tsu city. In addition, the power generation performances of the photovoltaic as well as the combined power generation of photovoltaic and wind turbine which are integrated with the buildings are compared with the power demand of the buildings. To estimate the power generation characteristics of the proposed model, the statistical meteorological data base is used. As a result, the optimum angle of tilt is 0 degree irrespective of investigated cities since the number of solar panel is the largest. Though the power energy generated by solar panel installed on the roof covers the most part of energy demand of the building, the addition of solar panel installed on the wall is effective to cover the energy demand through the year. The combined power generation of photovoltaic and wind turbine is effective when these power generation systems perform complementing the weakness of each system, e.g., the wind turbine covers the energy demand in night.
西村 顕 柿田 将信 北川 諭 村田 淳介 安藤 俊剛 鎌田 泰成 廣田 真史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._J0530301--_J0530301-, 2015

The aim of this study is to design and propose the size and layout of buildings which provide the better wind speed distribution for the higher power generation of wind turbine. A building model whose layout is like nozzle is proposed to obtain the acceleration of wind blowing through buildings due to contracted flow between buildings. In addition, the effect of the angle between two buildings on the power generation performance of the proposed building model is also investigated. For the feasibility check of installing the building model in some cities actually, the power energy output of wind turbine is investigated by considering the meteorological data such as wind speed and direction distribution for Fukushima city and Tsu city as an example. As a result, the proposed building models which have the angle between two buildings like nozzle of 90, 135 and 180 degree can provide the wind acceleration at the back of buildings for the wind blowing from the main wind direction and the angle of 135 degree is found to be the optimum building layout. In the case of installing the proposed building model in Fukushima city and Tsu city, the wind power energy output in winter is higher while that in summer is lower irrespective of the buildings angle. The interaction between the change in frequency distribution of wind speed direction through the year and the location of open tip of building model decides the power generation characteristics of the proposed building model.