北村 陽英 鯰 裕美 木村 洋子
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.53, no.2, pp.51-60, 2004-10-29

Using a questionnaire which asseses premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea symptoms, we investigated 392 senior high school female students in June and July, 2002. Sixty-eight percent of these students were suffering from premenstrual syndrome, and eighty-three percent of these students were suffering from dysmenorrhea symptoms. Comparing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome with dysmenorrhea, there are a lot of somatic symptoms in both conditions, but premenstrual syndrome has more symptoms of swelling and breast pain than dysmenorrhea. Symptomatically, it is recognized that symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are different from symptoms of dysmenorrhea. In daily and school life, thirty-three percent of those students were disturbed by premenstrual syndrome. This study proposes that it is necessary to teach students not only about dysmenorrhea but also about premenstrual syndrome in school health education and mental health counseling classes.
vol.6, pp.91-98, 1986
北村 陽英 加藤 綾子
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.56, no.2, pp.21-28, 2007-10-31

Among the cases under guidance for social withdrawal by the public health centers, 45% are said to have a history of past school non-attendance, and 31%, an academic standing of high school dropout. These figures imply the existence of many subjects with a history of extended non-attendance in high school, subsequent transfer or dropping out, culminating in eventual social withdrawal. To determine the process such students follow leading to social withdrawal, 116 cases of school non-attendance or dropouts with tendencies of social withdrawal among 17,211 high school students in 2004 were followed through reports from the‘yogo' or school healthcare teachers starting from when such students were attending school through August 2005. School non-attendance had been noted before entering high school in 20%, during the 1st year of high school in 51%, and the 2nd year of high school in 19%. Transfers and dropping out were most prominent in the 1st and 2nd years of high school, with the number of cases of school non-attendance, transfers, and dropouts falling in the 3rd (final) year of high school. This was taken to indicate that most such students appeared to have dropped or transferred out in the first two years of high school, with few remaining in school into the 3rd year. Interpersonal relationships were cited as the reason for school non-attendance by many, followed by familial circumstances of absence of caregivers in 33%, and excessive pressure from family in 21%. Diagnoses were established in only seven cases, but eating disorder, depression, and wrist cutting being noted at relatively high frequencies. In the first five months of 2005, 31% had dropped out, 21% had transferred, 22% were under treatment, 23% appeared to be heading toward recovery, and 4% had become fully reinstated in school. Although the course of students following transfer is unknown, given that the dropouts had for most part been non-attendant students in high school with a tendency of withdrawal, the course and prognosis of high school non-attendant students tending towards withdrawal cannot be considered good. Among the various types of school non-attendance, the apathetic non-attendance type is believed to be at high risk of non-attendance in high school, leading on to dropping out, and subsequent withdrawal from society and holing up within the home.
三原 和子 北村 陽英
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.97-111, 2001-10-15

Right after World War II , the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the allied forces occupation conducted a drastic reform of the Japanese education systenr. As part of this reform, 8 Institutes for Educational Leadership (IFEL) were held for 9.374 educators from 4 October 1948 to 28 March 1952. The Civil Information and Education Section (CIE) of the GHQ had expressed sharp criticism of past Japanese school education in the Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan (United States Government Printing Office,1946). In that report it stated that "Instruction in health appcars to be seriously lacking in the elementary school. There is practically no teaching either of physiology or of hygiene"--a scrious omission. Three IFEL sessions on school nursing were held, in which 84 school nursing teachers participated. How these courses and workshops on school nursing functioned was not known up to now, and there have been no major research reports about the IFEL school nursing program. We recently fotrnd mineographed copies of Study Reports issued by the Institute for Educational Leadership's 5th Session, XXⅢ School Nursing, edited by the IFEL in 1950 - 1951, which we have analyzed. It closely resembles the content of today's Japanese school nursing teacher's duties. Today's Japanese school nursing teacher system is considered to be better than the systen used in the USA and that the School Education Law should be revised so that in school affairs the school nursing teacher should have charge not only of school nursing but of health education as well.