加藤 綾子
vol.23, pp.104-107, 2008

It is getting difficult to make hit music because consumers' tastes are diversifying. Basically, music is a product which we can't foresee the commercial success in advance. In this research, one of the successes in the music business will be shown through the case study on FUNKY MONKY BABYS. And it will suggest the possibilities for the success strategy for the music business by using new technology such as IT and marketing.
川上 昭吾 加藤 綾子
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.26, no.5, pp.394-401, 2002-12-27 (Released:2017-06-30)

We investigated the characteristics of the children museum "Eureka!" in cooperation with schools as a viewpoint. Eureka! was founded in 1992 and it is a small non-governmental museum. It is a small museum but, there are about 800 visitors from 18 schools in a day. We found five reasons why Eureka! has so many visitors. The first reason is that its exhibitions are connected tightly with the British National Curriuculum, especially for KS 1 and KS 2. Actually, Eureka! appealed to school teachers and parents that their exhibitions be connected with the National Curriculum. This is the main reason why there are so many visitors every day. Secondly, exhibitions are all hands on type, that is. interactive museum. Students are able to learn science through experiences and exhibitions. These are attractive to students for reasons of having these good ideas. For example, not only students can merely touch the exhibitions or push the switches, but they can also learn science through discovery with much surprise and interest. Another characteristics of this museum is that the exhibitions are made colorfully. There are four amazing galleries namely; "Me and my body". "Invents. Create, Communicate", "Things", and "Living and Working Together". Thirdly, they accept visitors by three guide courses: 10:15-12:15. 12:30-14:30, and 13:30-15:30. Every cousc consists of one focus hour with enabler (teaching assistant) and one discovery hour by learning themselves. Fourth, Eureka! is always evaluated by visitors. The results are reflected in the exhibitions. Fifth, there are some detailed information on the corner of galleries for further study.
松石 昌典 加藤 綾子 石毛 教子 堀 剛久 石田 雄祐 金子 紗千 竹之中 優典 宮村 陽子 岩田 琢磨 沖谷 明紘
Japanese Society of Animal Science
日本畜産學會報 = The Japanese journal of zootechnical science (ISSN:1346907X)
vol.76, no.4, pp.423-430, 2005-11-25
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若山 俊隆 丸山 直子 加藤 綾子 水谷 康弘 東口 武史

患者によって異なる外耳道の3Dマップを個別に取得し,最適化された音を鼓膜に伝えることができれば,うつ病や認知症の抑制に貢献できる.研究対象となる外耳道の緩やかなS字を描くような湾曲した細い管の形状を計測する方法は,医療分野にとどまらず産業分野においても必要不可欠な医術であるが,これを達成する方法は確立されていない.このような研究背景から,本研究では三次元音響解析からハウリングを起こしにくい発振器の最適な位置と角度を明らかにする外耳道完全3Dマップを作成するために,極細径の新規な円管ビーム光源と三次元動作解析により,湾曲した外耳道を形状計測できる光スキャナの開発を目的にしている.本研究では,従来の樹脂を用いた外耳道の型取りをなくし,光計測で瞬時に型取りするパラダイムシフトを起こす.このような研究目的を達成するために,本年度は細径の内管の内壁の三次元形状を計測するための方法を提案し,直径3 mmの細径光スキャナを開発した.本手法によって従来までは困難であった外耳道の形状計測を可能とした.さらに本方法に多関節アームを導入することで湾曲した外耳道の3Dマップを達成した.実験サンプルには外耳道模型を購入し、形状計測を行った.得られた光スキャナの結果をマイクロフォーカスX線CTの結果と比較すると計測エリア全体で0.5 mm以下の一致となった.通常、マイクロフォーカスX線CTでは被爆がある.また、シリコンなどの印象材では外耳道を傷つける恐れもあるが、本手法は非侵襲かつ非接触にこれらを計測することを実現した.その一方で,提案した方法の問題点も山積していることも明らかになった.次年度以降はこれらの問題点を突破することを目指す.それと共に取得された外耳道の形状から補聴器への応用を考えていく.
北村 陽英 加藤 綾子
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.56, no.2, pp.21-28, 2007-10-31

Among the cases under guidance for social withdrawal by the public health centers, 45% are said to have a history of past school non-attendance, and 31%, an academic standing of high school dropout. These figures imply the existence of many subjects with a history of extended non-attendance in high school, subsequent transfer or dropping out, culminating in eventual social withdrawal. To determine the process such students follow leading to social withdrawal, 116 cases of school non-attendance or dropouts with tendencies of social withdrawal among 17,211 high school students in 2004 were followed through reports from the‘yogo' or school healthcare teachers starting from when such students were attending school through August 2005. School non-attendance had been noted before entering high school in 20%, during the 1st year of high school in 51%, and the 2nd year of high school in 19%. Transfers and dropping out were most prominent in the 1st and 2nd years of high school, with the number of cases of school non-attendance, transfers, and dropouts falling in the 3rd (final) year of high school. This was taken to indicate that most such students appeared to have dropped or transferred out in the first two years of high school, with few remaining in school into the 3rd year. Interpersonal relationships were cited as the reason for school non-attendance by many, followed by familial circumstances of absence of caregivers in 33%, and excessive pressure from family in 21%. Diagnoses were established in only seven cases, but eating disorder, depression, and wrist cutting being noted at relatively high frequencies. In the first five months of 2005, 31% had dropped out, 21% had transferred, 22% were under treatment, 23% appeared to be heading toward recovery, and 4% had become fully reinstated in school. Although the course of students following transfer is unknown, given that the dropouts had for most part been non-attendant students in high school with a tendency of withdrawal, the course and prognosis of high school non-attendant students tending towards withdrawal cannot be considered good. Among the various types of school non-attendance, the apathetic non-attendance type is believed to be at high risk of non-attendance in high school, leading on to dropping out, and subsequent withdrawal from society and holing up within the home.
加藤 綾子
一般社団法人 経営情報学会
経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集
vol.2013, pp.302-305, 2013

加藤 綾子
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第24回全国大会
pp.152-157, 2009 (Released:2010-02-26)

For a long time, it was considered that Japanese popular music would not be received in Western market. However, based on the popularity of Japanese Anime and Manga in overseas market, Japanese popular music became popular lately particularly in Western countries. For example, some Japanese musicians were invited to some conventions in Western countries in these years. This kind of conventions introduce Japanese modern subculture such as Anime, Manga, popular music and fashion to Western consumers and gather over ten thousands people in a few days. Also, there are some music labels in Europe, which specialize J-rock (Japanese rock music). Some J-rock musicians made a contract with one of them and release their music in Europe. Focussing on the business side of the international music business, this paper shows how the development of Japanese popular music in Western market is carried out; mechanism, structure, and network of the music business.
加藤 綾子
一般社団法人 経営情報学会
経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集
vol.2008, pp.76-76, 2008
