阿左美 章治 平塚 静子 北野 隆雄 江指 隆年
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.47, no.2, pp.117-122, 1994-04-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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生後4週齢のフィッシャー系雌ラットにカゼインをタンパク質源とし, その含有量をそれぞれ10%, 20%, 40%とした飼料, すなわち10%カゼイン食 (C-10), 20%カゼイン食 (C-20), 40%カゼイン食 (C-40) を5週間与えカルシウム (Ca), リン (P), マグネシウム (Mg) の出納実験を行った。また, ミネラル出納に影響を及ぼす腎臓についてその肥大や組織の形態学的な観察を実施した。さらにCaの恒常性に関する血清中のCa量, PTH量, 大腿骨や腎臓中のCa量についても検討した。結果は以下のとおりであった。1) Caの尿中排泄率はC-40が3群中最高値を示した。2) 腎臓の肥大はC-10, C-40に認められるもののC-10についてはCaの尿への高排泄を伴わなかった。3) C-10の腎臓Ca量はC-40のおよそ60倍を示し遠位尿細管部に著しいCaの沈着が認められた。4) C-40の血清中遊離Ca量は3群中最低値を示した。5) C-40の血清中PTH量は3群中最高値を示した。6) C-10の大腿骨中Ca量は3群中最低値を示した。以上の結果から, タンパク質の摂取レベルに対するCa代謝の対応は腎臓を中心に異なることが考えられた。
牛島 佳代 北野 隆雄 二塚 信
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.58, no.3, pp.395-400, 2003-09-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objectives: To clarify the needs and to consider establishing a social support system for patients with Minamata disease (MD), or methylmercury poisoning, by investigating their health and socioeconomic conditions.Methods: The total number of people certified as having MD in May 1999 by the Kumamoto and Kagoshima Prefecture Government Committees on MD was 2265. We sent two questionnaires to 917 individuals who were surviving at that time, which corresponded to 40.5% of the total number of MD patients. The first survey sought information on the individual's health-seeking behavior, and the second survey was about their socio-economic conditions and requirements for welfare and medical care in the future.Results: The average age among male patients was 68.0±13.2yrs (n=477) and that among female patients was 71.2±13.0yrs (n=440). The response rates were 45.7% (n=416) for the first questionnaire and 38.6% (n=354) for the second questionnaire. Among the MD patients, 71.7% judged their health condition to be ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, and 97.4% received medical treatments that included acupuncture or moxacautery and massage. Regarding the activity of daily living (ADL), which includes ‘communicating’, ‘walking’, ‘eating’, ‘use of toilet’, ‘dressing’ and ‘taking a bath’, the rates of ‘independent’ were relatively low among those under 49yrs and those over 75yrs compared with the other age groups. Many individuals emphasized that they had anxiety about their health and health care in the future.Conclusion: We concluded that the quality of life (QOL) of MD patients was low. It is important to consider developing a social support system for MD patients.