北野 雄士
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.7, pp.43-65, 2008-06

The Mito Ideology became the theoretical ground of "Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarian Movement" in the late Tokugawa Period. The samurai class at that time was influenced by the political reforms of the Mito domain carried out by Tokugawa Nariaki, the ninth Mito Lord (daimyo), and by the late Mito Ideology of Aizawa Seishisai and Fujita Toko. Minamoto Ryoen classified the acceptance of the Mito Ideology by the samurai class of those days into three types. He cited Yokoi Shonan, a samurai of the Higo domain, as the model of its third type : the type, which accepted its royal statesmanship of economizing and the principle of basing a country's economy on agriculture, but after recognizing its limitations changed into the view of mercantilism and the opening of Japan to the world. According to Minamoto, Yokoi was in his younger age influenced by the late Mito Ideology, especially its policy of economizing and regarding agriculture as important, and later by its view of the elimination of foreigners. However since 1855 he began to vigorously criticize the political activities of Tokugawa Nariaki and the late Mito Ideology. However we still cannot clearly explain the influence of the Mito Ideology on Yokoi, because we do not fully understand its influence especially in his younger age. Therefore, in this paper I have tried to analyze its influence throughout his life. As a result, it proved that Yokoi's radical standpoint of royal statesmanship of benevolence in his younger age had been even in those days different from that of the late Mito Ideology, which had a cautious sentiment toward the people, though it formally adopted the royal statesmanship, and that on the other hand, the samurai in the Mito Domain had been important to Yokoi as his political allies untill 1855.
北野 雄士 キタノ ユウジ Yuji KITANO
vol.7, pp.43-65, 2008-06

The Mito Ideology became the theoretical ground of "Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarian Movement" in the late Tokugawa Period. The samurai class at that time was influenced by the political reforms of the Mito domain carried out by Tokugawa Nariaki, the ninth Mito Lord (daimyo), and by the late Mito Ideology of Aizawa Seishisai and Fujita Toko. Minamoto Ryoen classified the acceptance of the Mito Ideology by the samurai class of those days into three types. He cited Yokoi Shonan, a samurai of the Higo domain, as the model of its third type : the type, which accepted its royal statesmanship of economizing and the principle of basing a country's economy on agriculture, but after recognizing its limitations changed into the view of mercantilism and the opening of Japan to the world. According to Minamoto, Yokoi was in his younger age influenced by the late Mito Ideology, especially its policy of economizing and regarding agriculture as important, and later by its view of the elimination of foreigners. However since 1855 he began to vigorously criticize the political activities of Tokugawa Nariaki and the late Mito Ideology. However we still cannot clearly explain the influence of the Mito Ideology on Yokoi, because we do not fully understand its influence especially in his younger age. Therefore, in this paper I have tried to analyze its influence throughout his life. As a result, it proved that Yokoi's radical standpoint of royal statesmanship of benevolence in his younger age had been even in those days different from that of the late Mito Ideology, which had a cautious sentiment toward the people, though it formally adopted the royal statesmanship, and that on the other hand, the samurai in the Mito Domain had been important to Yokoi as his political allies untill 1855.
猪飼 隆明 森藤 一史 沖田 行司 吉村 豊雄 三澤 純 野口 宗親 八木 清治 北野 雄士

本研究の目的は、横井小楠全集(小楠遺稿、関係史料-来翰や小楠に関する当代の記録、講義録など)の刊行に向けての基礎的作業を行うことにあった。横井小楠については、1938年に刊行された山崎正董編著『横井小楠』上下2巻(うち下巻は、山崎正董編『横井小楠遺稿』として1942年に刊行)があり、以後の研究は、ほとんどこの山崎本を頼りに行われてきた。しかし、横井家には、関係史料が沢山保存されていることが分かり、かついくつかの図書館・資料館等にも、未発見の史料があることが確認され、また個人の好事家の蒐集するところともなっていることが判明した。そこで、今後の横井小楠研究のみならず、明治維新研究、立憲制の研究、欧米への関心と洋学受容、開国論、また福井藩の藩政改革論などの研究の発展のためにも、これらの史料を蒐集し、先学の研究の検証を行うことこそ重要であるとして、本研究を3年間継続してきた。1 この間蒐集した史料は、横井家所蔵の資料(ここには、小楠自筆の原稿・書翰類、来翰等が含まれる)、小楠の弟子たちの家から発見された史料(柳瀬家・安場家・徳富家など)、福岡県立九州歴史資料館柳川分館・佐賀県立図書館鍋島文庫・福岡県立伝習館文庫・熊本大学寄託文書永青文庫等から、合計2000点近くの関係史料が蒐集された。2 山崎正董編『横井小楠遺稿』についての考証作業を一通り終了した。3 小楠の弟子が記録した講義録の検討を行った。以上の成果を、なるべく早い機会に、横井小楠全集として次々と刊行していくつもりであるが、現構想では、5巻程度のものになる予定である。
北野 雄士
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.23, pp.25-43, 2015-02

Yokoi Shonan (1809-1869), a Confucian scholar and samurai active in the late Tokugawa period, undertook an intensive study of Chu Hsi's Neoconfucianism in his early thirties and formulated the idea of "Sandai"(the Three Dynasties, i.e., the Hsia, the Yin and the Chou in ancient China) as the standard for good government. In the first half of his forties, he recognized through his experiences the great influence of a monarch's spirit on the politics of Japan, for example, the conflicts among the samurai factions in Higo (Kumamoto) domain, and through the historical study of Godaigo Tenno (emperor) and his misrule in the medieval period. He then began to advocate the spirit and behavior of Yao and Shun, the mythical emperors before the Three Dynasties, as an ideal image of a sage monarch. The lives of Yao and Shun are recorded in the chapters of "Nitensanbo," i.e., the "Canon of Yao," the "Canon of Shun," the "Counsels of the Great Yu," the "Counsels of Kaou-Yaou," and "Yih and Tseih," compiled in the Shokyo (Book of Documents). This paper attempts to examine why he emphasized the importance of the "Nitensanbo" chapters as the source of his political thought. Then I considered the characteristics of these chapters. From my examination, I point out that the chapters held universal and democratic principles, for example, open and friendly discussions between a monarch and his vassals, the selection of a monarch based on his virtue and faculty as a leader, and promotion and encouragement of industry for the welfare of the common people. These principles met the necessity for immediate acceptance of European civilization in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate. Therefore he attached great importance to the chapters of the "Nitensanbo" and emphasized their significance as the source and standard in his political thinking.