千葉 勝吾

1 調査の概要質的調査として大都市と地方の下位ランク校6校の生徒及び卒業生20名に対する面接調査をおこない、高校における進路指導の効果と外部要因の影響について検討した。量的調査として大都市部の専門高校1校の3学年全員分の進路決定過程についてのデータを分析して、大都市の他の高校や地方の高校と比較し検討をおこなった。2 研究の成果(1)下位ランク校の生徒たちは、計画的に可能な限り少ない努力で楽をしながら、成績は低位であっても卒業して、フリーターも含めたなんらかの進路実現を果たすという「自己を充足させるメカニズム」を持つということが確認され、さらに調査から判明したことは以下の3点である。第1は、質問紙調査では高校入試において.実際に受験した高校が第1希望だったと回答するものの、実際のところは入試のランクを下げた結果の選択であり「潜在的」な不本意入学者という点である。第2には、生徒たちの学校生活を送る方策の方向性は、消費社会に引き寄せられたものとなっているものの勉強嫌いで何事にも意欲のない性格的な特性をもつわけではないことがあきらかになった。第3には、しっかりとした進路意識や進路選択の意志のないままに、進路決定に進まざるを得ない場面が少なくないとうことがわかった。(2)進路形成について、生徒一人一人の進路希望や進路指導の経過を逐一記載し、指導の状況を管理するためのデータを分析した結果、学校が提供する指導/支援は進路形成のチャンネルとして捉えることができた。具体的には、(A)「コーチング」実践と呼ばれる、教師がボランタリに課外のプログラムを設けて、生徒を支援しようとする特別な指導体制。(B)A商業高校における基本的な進路形成チャンネルである「全体指導」の枠組。(C)「個別サポート指導」というべき進路形成チャンネル。(D)「離脱」のチャンネルーの4つが確認された。
千葉 勝吾 大多和 直樹 Shogo CHIBA Naoki OTAWA 東洋大学大学院 東京大学 Graduate School of Toyo University University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.67-87, 2007-11-30 (Released:2017-02-28)

The school system continues to occupy a central position in the system of social distribution. However, the school is changing from a social screening institution, as it was in the 1970s, to a support institution. Schools now tend to support the decision-making of students based on their own academic achievements and career plans. It is difficult for schools to intervene in students' decision-making in the way they did in the 1970s. However, the relationship between student's school records and their academic and career achievements has not been broken down despite the drastic change in this internal process. In this paper, the authors describe this mechanism in the school by investigating one commercial high school in the Metropolitan area. The authors examine data from the "Student Kartes" of all students in 2002. In these documents, teachers record students' academic achievements and their process of career determing. The authors then analyze how students move between the various channels offered by the school to make academic and career choices, and show some typical patterns. The main conclusions are as follows. First, many students failed to attend group counseling formally provided by the school, and teachers need to give individual support to students. Second, ironically, due to the fact that academic affairs were not highly valued at the commercial high school and that academic competition was not stiff, students with a strong commitment to school tended to have better achievement than those who had a weak commitment. In that sense, the school, as a support institution, also functions as a social screening institution.
千葉 勝吾 大多和 直樹 Shogo CHIBA Naoki OTAWA 東洋大学大学院 東京大学 Graduate School of Toyo University University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.67-87, 2007-11-30

The school system continues to occupy a central position in the system of social distribution. However, the school is changing from a social screening institution, as it was in the 1970s, to a support institution. Schools now tend to support the decision-making of students based on their own academic achievements and career plans. It is difficult for schools to intervene in students' decision-making in the way they did in the 1970s. However, the relationship between student's school records and their academic and career achievements has not been broken down despite the drastic change in this internal process. In this paper, the authors describe this mechanism in the school by investigating one commercial high school in the Metropolitan area. The authors examine data from the "Student Kartes" of all students in 2002. In these documents, teachers record students' academic achievements and their process of career determing. The authors then analyze how students move between the various channels offered by the school to make academic and career choices, and show some typical patterns. The main conclusions are as follows. First, many students failed to attend group counseling formally provided by the school, and teachers need to give individual support to students. Second, ironically, due to the fact that academic affairs were not highly valued at the commercial high school and that academic competition was not stiff, students with a strong commitment to school tended to have better achievement than those who had a weak commitment. In that sense, the school, as a support institution, also functions as a social screening institution.