中澤 翔 瀧澤 一騎 厚東 芳樹 山代 幸哉 佐藤 大輔 丸山 敦夫
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.2, pp.209-217, 2018-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between running distance over an 8-month period and both 5000 m running performance and aerobic capacity (VO2max, VO2VT, running economy). The 8-month study period was divided into two segments of 4 months each. It was found that long-distance athletes could run 5000 m in about 15 min 30 s. The analysis also confirmed the following: (1) athletes that ran longer distances in the 8-month period had better 5000m times; (2) they had higher VO2VT; and (3) athletes whose distances were longer in the first half of the study period had better VO2VT and 5000m records in the second half of the period. The anaerobic threshold reached a higher level in runners with greater training distance, resulting in an improvement in race results. Furthermore, based on the fact that the distance run in the first four months effects on VO2VT and 5000 m running times in the latter four months, this study demonstrates the possibility of training effects occurring after a certain latency period. The results implicated that it was important to track running distances as an indicator of race performance.
厚東 芳樹 森下 純弘
人間生活文化研究 (ISSN:21871930)
vol.2020, no.30, pp.549-559, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-09-24)

本研究では,小学校低学年(2年生)の子どもを対象に,ボール操作を伴わずに相手との駆け引きが存在する鬼遊びゲーム教材「カバディ」の体育授業を実施し,単元内で子どもたちがどのような「戦術の立案」をいくつ考えるのか,また「戦術の実行数」はどうかといったチーム戦術を事例的に検討することで,低学年で「ゴール型」ゲームにつながる戦術学習の導入可能性を明らかにすることを目的とした. まず,態度測定による体育授業診断の結果,男女共に比較的高い評価になった.これより,実施した「カバディ」の単元計画は低学年2年生にとってある程度妥当な内容であったことがわかる.また,「プレイ数」「戦術(ゲーム様相毎も含む)の立案数」「戦術の実行数」は,単元計画や企図した戦術的気づきに関わった内容構成とよく対応していた.これらより,実施した鬼遊びゲーム教材「カバディ」の体育授業は,低学年の子どもたちに戦術学習の「わかる」と「できる」の両面を保証できていた可能性が示唆された.以上のことから,低学年の体育授業でも「ゴール型」ゲームにつながる戦術学習を導入することは可能であることが示唆された.
中澤 翔 瀧澤 一騎 厚東 芳樹 山代 幸哉 佐藤 大輔 丸山 敦夫
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.2, pp.209-217, 2018

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between running distance over an 8-month period and both 5000 m running performance and aerobic capacity (VO<sub>2</sub>max, VO<sub>2</sub>VT, running economy). The 8-month study period was divided into two segments of 4 months each. It was found that long-distance athletes could run 5000 m in about 15 min 30 s. The analysis also confirmed the following: (1) athletes that ran longer distances in the 8-month period had better 5000m times; (2) they had higher VO<sub>2</sub>VT; and (3) athletes whose distances were longer in the first half of the study period had better VO<sub>2</sub>VT and 5000m records in the second half of the period. The anaerobic threshold reached a higher level in runners with greater training distance, resulting in an improvement in race results. Furthermore, based on the fact that the distance run in the first four months effects on VO<sub>2</sub>VT and 5000 m running times in the latter four months, this study demonstrates the possibility of training effects occurring after a certain latency period. The results implicated that it was important to track running distances as an indicator of race performance.</p>