小浦方 格 原 利昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.69, no.681, pp.1366-1373, 2003-05-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
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Orbicularis oris superior (OOS), orbicularis oris inferior (OOI), levator anguli oris (LAO), depressor anguli oris (DAO), and mentalis (Ment) are considered as typical perioral muscles that contribute to the force and pressure occurence in and around lip aperture. This study presents the experimental and analytical results that show correlationships between eledrical muscle activities and mechanical parameters on bilabial closing force, puckering force, POM (perioral muscle) value and so forth. Besides, zero-lag correlation coefficients between rectified and smoothed SEMG signals of LAO and DAO was constantly higher than other muscle combinations including OOS-OOI combination considered to be most closely related with lip movement. Among lip tasks, prominently high correlation between LAO and DAO was shown when subjects tried to close their lip bilabially at principally distal part. Consequently authors succeeded to prove the great importance of the coordination between LAO and DAO for producing bilabial consonants, drinking and eating, pooling saliva in oral cavity, and others, while the applicability of POM meter to myofunctional therapy is obscured.
小浦方 格 守山 光三 原 利昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.68, no.665, pp.101-108, 2002-01-25 (Released:2008-02-26)

It is important for senior brass instrument players to study the detailed control parameters for embouchure building. While many investigators have reported the preliminary data on the muscle behavior, the precise aspects are unrevealed so far. The purpose of the present paper is to study dynamic perioral muscle behavior of French horn players and to investigate their lip valve function by measuring the contact pressure on teeth buccal surface during playing. It was shown from the experimental results that the advanced players contracted depressor and levator angulioris especially for high tone playing. The combined contraction by these muscles may contribute to smaller lip aperture formation appropriate for higher tones. Inversely a strong contraction of m. buccinator was found insignificantly from the results for the advanced players while it is well known that m. buccinator contracts hard during playing.
渡邉 優 藤田 一也 金田 悠拓 原 利昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2006, pp.63-64, 2006

Various veterinary techniques are applied to the animal fracture treatment. However, it seems to be significantly difficult for the clinical applicability of veterinarian treatment to the pelvis fracture of a small house pet because of slender anatomic bones. In this paper, a new fixational device for the small house pet is developed and evaluated biomechanically.
尾田 雅文 二宮 敬一 原 利昭
ライフサポート (ISSN:13419455)
vol.25, no.4, pp.124-129, 2013-12-30 (Released:2015-02-09)
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The number of patients with chronic respiratory deficiency, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Sleep Apnea syndrome, is increasing. For patients with comparatively serious symptoms, the Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NPPV) may be prescribed. However, pressure necrosis or anaclisis could affect treatment by occurring at the contact area of nasal mask. In response to this problem, the construction of a simulation environment can be applied. This personal simulation model was created based on these measurement results and the interpolation results using the Free-form-deformation technique. A fundamental numerical analysis was performed, and Von Mises stress distribution was shown when the NPPV nasal mask made contact with the face. It is shown that the maximum stress can be decreased by 19.4% compared with the cases of standard mask. In conclusion, by using this system, the shape of a nasal mask suitable for each patient can be determined.
野口 愛子 笹川 圭右 尾田 雅文 塩田 直史 佐藤 徹 原 利昭
ライフサポート (ISSN:13419455)
vol.29, no.3, pp.100-105, 2017-06-30 (Released:2019-03-29)

The biomechanical effects of an intramedullary nail system for treating subtrochanteric fracture during bone healing is still unclear. The aim of this study was to analyze the stress conditions of a subtrochanteric fracture model implanted with an intramedullary nail system and augmentation plate under stretching exercise. Two displacement conditions assuming stretching exercise were considered. The finite element (FE) model of a subject undergoing surgery with the intramedullary nail system and augmentation plate was constructed based on post-operative computed tomography images. A 1-mm-thick callus was set in the gaps positioned at the fracture line. Bone healing was defined as a change in the Young's modulus of the callus. The orced displacements from the medial and lateral sides were applied to the distal part of the FE model, respectively. In the initial stage of bone healing, there was a noticeable difference between stress distributions of the callus under displacements from the medial and lateral sides. The compressive stress was widely distributed in the callus by the displacement from the lateral side. However, the tensional stress in the callus was increased by displacement from the medial side. Stretching exercise, such as displacement from medial direction, carries a risk of non-union.