平木 潔 太田 善介 入野 昭三 三好 勇夫 瀬崎 達雄 原田 英雄 鈴木 信也 大里 尚司 永森 俤一郎 守屋 純一郎 六車 昌士 高杉 潔 駄場崎 浩 池田 一彦
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.77, no.5-6, pp.795-835, 1965-06-30 (Released:2009-03-30)

Morphologic characteristics of most of known oncogenic viruses, some of which were investigated by us, were described in relation to their oncogenicity and their localizations in tumor tissues.Oncogenic viruses were classified into six groups: type A, B, C, D, E and F. Viruses pertaining to type A were presumably not mature virus particles. Some of them could, however, be immature form or incomplete form of oncogenic virus particles. Viruses belonging to type B, C, D, E, and F were represented by mammary tumor virus of mice, leukemia viruses of mice and chickens, polyoma virus, Shope fibroma virus and Lucké renal adenocarcinoma virus, respectively. They were different in size and shape, and in the mode of development.It was presumed that type B and C viruses were members of the Myxovisus group and type D viruses belonged to Adenovirus and the Papova virus group. It was also believed that type E and F viruses had in general the feature of the Pox virus group and Herpes virus group, respectively.
平木 潔 太田 善介 三好 勇夫 原田 英雄 鈴木 信也 六車 昌士
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.16, no.1-2, pp.6-12, 1966-04-30 (Released:2010-03-16)

Spontaneous mammary carcinoma of AKR mice and Xray-induced mammary carcinoma of C58 mice, both known as low-cancer strains, were investigated by electron microscopy.In AKR mammary carcinoma, intracytoplasmic type A and extracellular type B particles were present. In C58 mammary carcinoma, extracellular type C particles were observed. In both tumors, mature virus particles, i.e. type B and type C particles, were formed by the process of budding of cytoplasmic membrane of carcinoma cells and present in the lumina of the milk ducts. Aberrant form of type C particles, which contained a filamentous structure instead of a nucleoid was also seen in C58 mammary carcinoma.In serial in vivo transplantation of those carcinoma cells to the same strain mice, these virus particles were always present and formed from carcinoma cells, although the number of virus particles reduced almost successively with transplantations in AKR mammary carcinoma.In tissue culture of C58 mammary carcinoma cells, type C particles similar to those in the original tumor were observed extracellularly. On the contraty to the presence of type B particles in the original AKR mammary tumor, however, two tissue culture strains derived from in vivo transplanted AKR carcinoma cells contained type C particles. These type C particles were conceivable to be the leukemia virus that naturally harbored in AKR mice and happened to have been tranferred to the tissue culture probably through its latent infection in carcinoma cells.
越智 浩二 三宅 啓文 松本 秀次 妹尾 敏伸 田中 淳太郎 原田 英雄 光延 文裕 谷崎 勝朗
岡大三朝分院研究報告 (ISSN:09133771)
vol.63, pp.74-78, 1992-06

光ディスクとパーソナルコンピュータを組み合わせた内視鏡画像ファイリングシステムは電子内視鏡の画像の保存・管理,検索・再生などに威力を発揮する。今回,われわれはオリンパス社製内視鏡ファイリングシステムSDF-3を使用する機会を得たので,その有用性や問題点の検討を行った。有用性としては,①内視鏡画像を検査終了後直ちに再生し,再検討できる,②多数の項目についての検索や統計処理が可能である,③限られたスペース内で大量の画像データの一括保存・管理が可能であるなどが挙げられる。一方,問題点としては,①内視鏡再生画像は画質が劣化する,②検索機能を十分に活用するにはかなり煩雑な人力操作を必要とする,③光ディスクの清掃が必要であるなどがあげられる。本内視鏡ファイリングシステムに今後必要な改良点やその展望についても合わせて考案を加えた。Olympus SDF-3, an endoscopic image filing system using an electronic endoscope in conjunction with a personal computer and an optical disk, has been recently developed. We evaluated the usefulness of this filing system with 449 cases of gastroduodenal endoscopy. As a result, we have found that this filing system has following advantages : (1) one can review endoscopic images immediately after endoscopic examinations ; (2) previously documented endoscopic image can be searched and reviewed in a short time ; (3) statistical analysis of documented cases is facilitated. However, it has some disadvantages as well to be improved : (1) quality of endoscopic images is deteriorated in the process of filing ; (2) putting patients' data into the filing system is time-consuming ; (3) frequent cleaning of an optic disk is required. Thisendoscopic image filing system needs to be further developed and refined.
越智 浩二 石橋 忠明 松本 秀次 妹尾 敏伸 田中 淳太郎 原田 英雄 穐山 恒雄 中井 睦郎 林本 加奈枝
岡山大学医学部附属環境病態研究施設, 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院
環境病態研報告 (ISSN:09133771)
vol.60, pp.39-46, 1989-07

注腸・内視鏡同日併用法の大腸早期癌診断における有用性の検討,その診断能向上のための検査前日食改善を目的に,同法を施行した94例の診断能,従来のBrown変法に準じた献立食とレトルト食(サンケンクリン)とのX線画像の質,内視鏡時の残渣の程度,被検者への味のアンケートを分析した。発見大腸腫瘍は癌5例(早期癌2例,進行癌3例),ポリープ26例32病変である。早期癌はともにポリープの形態をとり,注腸,内視鏡とも病変を指摘できた。病変の好発部位である直腸・S状結腸で注腸・内視鏡によるダブルチェックができる。前日食の検討ではレトルト食が従来の献立食と比し,注腸・内視鏡ともに優れた腸内洗浄能を有し,味のアンケートからも劣ることはなかった。大腸癌早期発見の2次スクリーニングとして,レトルト食を前日食とする同法の有用性が示された。The present study was performed (1) to evaluate the validity of co-examination by sigmoidoscopy and barium enema study for the early diagnosis of colon cancer and (2) to find the most suitable preparation method for the co-examination. The co-examination was performed on 94 patients : those with abdominal symptoms and signs suggestive of colonic diseases : those with positive occult blood test in stool : or those asking for the routine examination of the colon. The examination revealed 5 cases of colon cancer (2 with early cancer and 3 with advanced cancer) and 26 eases (32 lesions) with colon polyp. The high detection rate of colonic neoplasms, especially of minute lesions, along with the high rate of early lesions among cancers suggested the validity of the co-examination method for the early diagnosis of colon cancer. The method was not time-consuming and not demanding for both patients and doctors, but was effective in detecting minute lesions by allowing a doublecheck in the high-risk recto-sigmpid region ; in addition, the upper colon could be examined by X-ray. The comparative studies on the currently popular Preparation method (modified Brown's method) and a new method with retort foods (Sankenclean, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd) revealed that the latter was significantly more effective in cleaning colon lumen and visualizing fine network pattern of the colonic mucosa. In addition, the patients were more satisfied with the taste of the latter.
松本 秀次 越智 浩二 田中 淳太郎 妹尾 敏伸 原田 英雄
岡山大学医学部附属環境病態研究施設, 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院
環境病態研報告 (ISSN:09133771)
vol.62, pp.5-10, 1991-08

早期膵癌を発見するためのスクリーニング法を確立するため,1986年6月1日から1990年6月30日までの期間のprospective studyを行った。対象は,人間ドックを目的として来院した患者を主とする三朝分院の外来患者1,748名である。一次スクリーニング検査として,血清アミラーゼ,エラスターゼI,腹部超音波検査(US)を施行し155名の要精検者が得られ,要精検率は8.9%であった。155名の要精検者に,二次検査として,USの再精査,ERCP,腹部CTを施行した。その結果,早期膵癌患者1名,進行膵癌患者4名を発見し,膵癌発見率は0.29%と良好な成績であった。加えて,一次スクリーニングの検査項目を限定することによりcost-benifitを改善することができた。発見された膵癌患者の3名は60歳代であった。また,年代別要精検率は加齢とともに上昇した。1年以後にfollow-up検査を受けた患者の数は641名でfoilow-up率は36.7%であり,そのなかから膵癌は発見されなかった。60歳代のfollow-up率は40歳以上60歳未満のそれにくらべて有意の低値をとった。早期膵癌の見逃しを少なくするためには,今後,60歳代を中心とする患者のfollow-up率をさらに高めることが必要である。To find an effective mass screening method for detecting early pancreatic cancer among asymptomatic populations and patients with vague abdominal symptoms, a prospective studywas attempted on 1748 patients who came to Medical Clinic of Misasa Branch Hospital, Okayama University Medical School mostly for a routine annual chek-up from June 1,1986 through June 30, 1990. These patients underwent first-step screeing tests including serum amylase, elastase I and routine abdominal ultrasonography (US). Consequently 155 patients (8.9% of the total 1748 patients) showed abnormal findings and underwent secondstep tests including US, ERCP and computed tomography. Final diagnosis was early pancreatic cancer in one patient and advanced pancreatic cancer in four. Three of the 5 patientswith pancreatic cancer were in their sixties. Detection rate of pancreatic cancer (0.29%) in this series was satisfactory as compared with the results of previous reports with US alone. The rate of second-step examination increased with age. Six hundred and forty-one patients (36.7% of the 1748 patients) underwent follow-up examinations more than one year after the previous test.No pancreatic cancer was detected in the 641 patients. The rate of follow-up examination in patients in their sixties was significantly lower than in those in their fortiesor fifties. It is important to improve the follow-up rate in patients in their sixties, because they are at a high risk for pancreatic cancer as suggested by the presentstudy.