平木 潔 太田 善介 入野 昭三 三好 勇夫 瀬崎 達雄 原田 英雄 鈴木 信也 大里 尚司 永森 俤一郎 守屋 純一郎 六車 昌士 高杉 潔 駄場崎 浩 池田 一彦
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.77, no.5-6, pp.795-835, 1965-06-30 (Released:2009-03-30)

Morphologic characteristics of most of known oncogenic viruses, some of which were investigated by us, were described in relation to their oncogenicity and their localizations in tumor tissues.Oncogenic viruses were classified into six groups: type A, B, C, D, E and F. Viruses pertaining to type A were presumably not mature virus particles. Some of them could, however, be immature form or incomplete form of oncogenic virus particles. Viruses belonging to type B, C, D, E, and F were represented by mammary tumor virus of mice, leukemia viruses of mice and chickens, polyoma virus, Shope fibroma virus and Lucké renal adenocarcinoma virus, respectively. They were different in size and shape, and in the mode of development.It was presumed that type B and C viruses were members of the Myxovisus group and type D viruses belonged to Adenovirus and the Papova virus group. It was also believed that type E and F viruses had in general the feature of the Pox virus group and Herpes virus group, respectively.
小林 誠 北川 隆夫 藤下 雅敏 吉本 静雄 久保西 一郎 新谷 憲治 田口 博国 三好 勇夫 園部 宏
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.72, no.10, pp.1384-1390, 1983

Pneumocystis carinii(Pc)肺炎は専ら免疫不全状態にある患者に発症する.最近CMV感染あるいは麻薬の常用が,同性愛の男性の免疫不全の原因となる可能性が指摘されている.我々は異常な性習慣や麻薬歴のない健康成人女性に発症したPc肺炎の1例を報告する.症例は37才の女性で,主訴は労作時呼吸困難.両側性びまん性胸部陰影の精査のため入院した.患者は10年間縫製業に従事しており,入院5ヵ月前の胸部X線像は正常であつた.入院第10病日に高熱が出没するようになり,次第に低酸素血症と胸部陰影が増強したため,経気管支肺生検を施行した.メテナミン銀染色で肺胞腔内に充満するPcの虫体を認めたので, TMP-SMZの内服を開始した.投与後5日目に下熱し,その後8週間で胸部陰影は全く消失し, Po<sub>2</sub>も正常化した.入院後間もなく患者は腋窩部と下腹部を中心に疥癬に罹患していることが判明し,皮膚病変は成人ではまれとされる皮下トンネルの形成が著明であつた.血清学的にCMVに対する抗体は陰性で,末梢血リンパ球数, T細胞数, B細胞数, PHAとPWMに対するリンパ球幼若化反応,末梢血単球と好中球の貧食能,免疫globulin値はすべて正常であつたが, PPD皮内反応は陰性であつた.細胞性ならびに液性免疫能が正常でかつ基礎疾患のない婦人にPc肺炎が発症した理由は明らかでないが,トンネル形成が著明な疥癬が合併したことを考えると,本例に何らかの免疫不全が存在したことは否定できない.
平木 潔 入野 昭三 三好 勇夫
The Japanese Cancer Association
GANN Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (ISSN:0016450X)
vol.54, no.4, pp.427-432, 1963-12-31 (Released:2008-10-23)

Five of eight inbred Swiss mice given repeated injections of a small amount of benzene in olive oil developed subcutaneous sarcomas. One of the three tumors transplanted grew and is now maintained as transplants. Morphology of these tumors and histological changes in other organs are described. The present results indicate that benzene is capable of inducing solid malignant tumors in mice. No leukemia or lymphoma was observed among these experimental mice.
平木 潔 太田 善介 三好 勇夫 原田 英雄 鈴木 信也 六車 昌士
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.16, no.1-2, pp.6-12, 1966-04-30 (Released:2010-03-16)

Spontaneous mammary carcinoma of AKR mice and Xray-induced mammary carcinoma of C58 mice, both known as low-cancer strains, were investigated by electron microscopy.In AKR mammary carcinoma, intracytoplasmic type A and extracellular type B particles were present. In C58 mammary carcinoma, extracellular type C particles were observed. In both tumors, mature virus particles, i.e. type B and type C particles, were formed by the process of budding of cytoplasmic membrane of carcinoma cells and present in the lumina of the milk ducts. Aberrant form of type C particles, which contained a filamentous structure instead of a nucleoid was also seen in C58 mammary carcinoma.In serial in vivo transplantation of those carcinoma cells to the same strain mice, these virus particles were always present and formed from carcinoma cells, although the number of virus particles reduced almost successively with transplantations in AKR mammary carcinoma.In tissue culture of C58 mammary carcinoma cells, type C particles similar to those in the original tumor were observed extracellularly. On the contraty to the presence of type B particles in the original AKR mammary tumor, however, two tissue culture strains derived from in vivo transplanted AKR carcinoma cells contained type C particles. These type C particles were conceivable to be the leukemia virus that naturally harbored in AKR mice and happened to have been tranferred to the tissue culture probably through its latent infection in carcinoma cells.