吉田 寿夫 古城 和敬 加来 秀俊
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.30, no.2, pp.120-127, 1982-06-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
49 52

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the developmental process of self-presentation in children on the basis of its relation to the development of cognition of evaluation (which the target person of the self-presentation (TP) held toward the presenter) and to the development of social approval need.Ss were second, third, and fifth grade elementary school children. In order to investigate the above problem, the following four studies were conducted.In study I, we investigated the development of cognition concerning the way in which the TP evaluated the presenters with different kinds of self-presentation.In study II, from the standpoint of age and sex, the dominance of ability aspects and personality aspects in social approval need were investigated.In study III and IV, we investigated the developmental process of self-presentation on one's actual ability. In study III, TPs were classmates who most frequently made contact with the Ss, and in study IV, TPs were university students who did not know the Ss at all.According to the results from study I-IV, we inferred the following developmental process concerning self-presentation in children.1) Because even second grade children recognized that a self-deprecating presenter's personality was evaluated more highly than a self-enhancing presenter's personality, they could present themselves deprecatingly (modestly).2) With an increase in the number of TPs whom third grade children were conscious of, they would learn to present themselves deprecatingly, not only to known TPs, but also to newly met TPs as well.3) Moreover in the case of fifth grade girls, codnition which influenced self-presentation differentiated depending on the TP. That is, in case the TP knew them well they based their self-presentation on the TP's cognition about them, and in case the TP did not know them at all they presented themselves enhancingly in a way they could conceal their negative points.
菅沼 崇 古城 和敬 松崎 学 上野 徳美 山本 義史 田中 宏二
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.36, no.1, pp.32-41, 1996

本研究は友人によるサポート供与と評価懸念が生理的, 認知的, および行動的なストレス反応に及ぼす効果を実験的に検討することを目的とした。2 (友人サポートの有無) ×2 (評価懸念の有無) の要因計画で, 被験者は大学生79名。彼らはそれぞれ親しい友人と実験に参加した。サポート供与条件では, 友人は被験者がアナグラム課題を遂行している間, 自発的にそして被験者の要請に応じてサポートを供与した。他方, サポートなしの条件では, 友人はサポートを一切供与しなかった。評価懸念ありの条件では, 友人は被験者が課題を遂行する状況を観察することができた。従属変数としてのストレス反応は, 平均血圧 (MBP), 認知的干渉, および課題正答数で測定された。<BR>その結果, 評価懸念あり条件ではサポート供与の有無の条件間に差はなかったが, 評価懸念なし条件ではサポート供与あり条件の方がなし条件よりMBPが有意に低いことが認められた。したがって, 評価懸念をもたらさない友人のサポート供与はストレスを緩和する効果をもつことが指摘された。