園田 博文 中村 孝二 齋藤 昭子 横山 優子
山形大學紀要. 教育科學 (ISSN:05134668)
vol.14, no.4, pp.57-81(415-439), 2009-02-15

要旨 本稿は、散在地域の典型例とも言える山形県を例として、詳細な実態調査を行い、現状を示し、課題や問題点を指摘したものである。まず、JSL児童生徒(JSLとは、Japanese as a Second Languageの略で「第二言語としての日本語」を指す)の定義を明確にした上で、散在地域における小学校、中学校、高等学校の現状を示し、課題を提示した。関連して、ボランティア団体の行動についても考察を行った。今回の実態調査では、文部科学省が行っている調査だけからは見えてこない面を指摘することが出来、問題の所在が明らかになった。今後、より正確な実態の把握に努め、分析を進めてしいく。本研究を拠り所として、各方面において、実際に問題を解決していく取り組みがなされることを望む次第である。
園田 博文 Hirofumi SONODA 東北大学大学院
東北大学文学部日本語学科論集 = Journal of the Department of Japanese, Tohoku University (ISSN:09174036)
vol.6, pp.140-129, 1996-09-30

園田 博文 全 成燁 国実 久美子 百留 康晴 百留 恵美子
山形大学紀要. 人文科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Humanities
vol.16, no.3, pp.81(38)-94(25), 2008-02-15

This article addresses the misunderstandings and problems that can be caused by the use of similar Chinese characters standing for such things as positional titles, and the names of organizational subdivisions. The countries involved were Japan, Korea China and Taiwan. We attempt to compare these academic terms from the four countries by dividing them into three sub-groups: Terms related with classes and administration; terms related with academic department structure and curriculum; and terms between related with status and position. International academic exchanges make it necessary that the discrepancies in terminology be mapped. We suggest further study in this direction. This article discusses the current situation, including the difficulties facing international academic exchanges from the point of view of Inje University, a sister university of Yamagata University. Even though it is a long process to become a sister university, there are additional practical problems in performing the administrative work of exchanging students. For example, the transfer of credits or grades between universities is made difficult by the differences in academic terms. It also requires the adoption of new guidelines in considering each university’ s grading policies. In addition, this article examines the programs and activities related to international student exchanges and reports on the instruction of student theatrical activities and speech contests performed in the Japanese language. We conclude that it is necessary to collect practical case studies and analyze the causes of misunderstandings in order to determine proper solutions and better facilitate international relations. Furthermore, it is necessary to increase and continue additional academic research in this area. 【キーワード】大学用語、日韓中台語彙対照研究、大学間協定校、国際交流、日本語教育