鈴木 継美 今井 秀樹 小林 香苗 本郷 哲郎 柏崎 浩 大塚 柳太郎 鈴木 久乃 石田 裕美
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.41, no.2, pp.91-102, 1988
5 10

食材料 (生鮮67種, 加工・調理済70種) を一般市場より購入し, 某女子大生の食事記録に基づき83種の料理を作成した。これらの食材料と料理のセレン含量をWatkinsonの方法によって測定し, その値を文献値と比較した。これらの値に基づき, 食品群別セレン含量を定め, 国民栄養調査の結果 (昭和60年) を用い, 日本人1人1日あたりセレン摂取量を推定した。<BR>1) 生鮮食材料のうち高値を示したものは, 魚介類, 肉類, 卵類であった。文献値と比較すると, 生鮮, 加工両食材料ともにかなり食い違うものがみられた。<BR>2) 1人1回分の料理のセレン含量の大きかったものは, めん類, 卵料理, 肉料理, 魚介類の料理であったが, 料理のエネルギー含量100kcalあたりでみると, もっとも大きいものは魚料理であった。なお, 調理によるセレンの損失の可能性が一部の料理に認められた。<BR>3) 日本人1人1日あたりの推定摂取量は, 調理損失を考慮しないと, 104.2μgであった。
緑川 泰史 山内 太郎 石森 大知 大塚 柳太郎
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.69, no.4, pp.132-142, 2003-07-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

Seasonality of nutrient intake was evaluated by 7-successive-day food consumption survey in the ordinary season (March) and the slack season (June) of fish catch among 13 married couples in a Solomon Islands society, who were engaged in traditional horticulture and fishing, together with time allocation study. Males' time spent in gardening and fishing was significantly shorter in June than in March (gardening: -48 min/d, and fishing: -43 min/d; P<0 .05, respectively), while there was no seasonal difference in females. On the other hand, males spent more time in hunting and marketing, and females in particular did more time in marketing (P<0.01). No significant difference in energy intake between March and June was observed for either sex. The protein intake was significantly lower in June than in March (males: -23.9 g/d, P<0.01; females: -12.0 g/d, P<0.05). The males' fat intake was significantly higher in June than in March (+14.8 g/d, P<0.05), thought not significantly in females. To compensate the smaller amount of fish catch in June, the villagers spent more time in hunting and marketing, and they took larger amounts of coconut and a kind of nut, which abounds with fat . This study thus suggested that changes in food obtaining activities and food intake patterns of the villagers played significant roles to cope with seasonal shortage of fish catch.