森脇 昭介 宇佐美 孝子 山本 陽子 山内 政之 村上 和重
公益社団法人 日本臨床細胞学会
日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871193)
vol.15, no.2, pp.83-96, 1976 (Released:2010-10-21)

The multinucleated giant cells (MNGC) were revie wed from various viewpoint and were examined cyto diagnostic significance.1. The definition of MNGC give normal cells-me gakaryocytes, osteoclasts, placental syncytial cells-, and above two nuclei and over twice as large as normal cells.2. The formation of MNGC were classified into two groups of syncytium-the fusion of the cells-, and plasmodium-ivision of the nuclei without cyto plasmic division.3. The etiologic classification of MNGC were as follows: In normal tissue, the physiologic MNGC revealed the above cells.The pathologic MNGC origi nated in various conditions-infectious granulation, metabolic and neoplastic lesions.4. The histologic classification were as follows: The epithelial MNGC were included placental syncytial cells, virus infected cells and neoplastic cells. And the others nonepithelial origin were found of histiocytes (macrophages), mesothelial, blood component and other mesencymal cells of numerous conditionsforeign body giant cells, Langhans', Sternberg's giant cell, et al.5. The relation between various lesions of MNGC, and diagnostic value of MNGC were differe from diseases. Specially, Langhans'cells, herpes infected cells, foreign body giant cells, and a few neoplastic cells were diagnostic value. Mostly neoplastic MNGC were nonspecific anaplastic atypical features.6. It is difficult that the cytologic identification of MNGC were differ from various giant cells. There fore, it is necessary that differentiation of allid MNGC is with reference to histopathologic, clinical features and laboratory data colectively.
猪又 明子 小縣 昭夫 多田 幸恵 長澤 明道 湯澤 勝廣 安藤 弘 久保 喜一 高橋 博 海鉾 藤文 田中 和良 中嶋 順一 鈴木 淳子 植村 望美 守安 貴子 渡辺 大介 石原 恵 宇佐美 孝 亀井 学 河野 安昭
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.8, pp.1005-1015, 2017-08-01 (Released:2017-08-01)
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We developed a new inhalation exposure method to evaluate effects of synthetic cannabimimetics that are being distributed as new, unregulated drugs in the Tokyo area. We selected the commercial product “SOUTOU” containing AB-CHMINACA and 5F-AMB as the test drug and dried marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) leaves as the negative control. A half cigarette packed with dried marshmallow leaves or SOUTOU was ignited, then mainstream smoke from each was delivered to five mice in an exposure box. After the cigarettes were fully consumed, neurobehavioral observations and a catalepsy test were performed at 15, 30 and 60 min after exposure. The effluent air from the exposure box was poured into impingers containing acetonitrile (first impinger) and dimethyl sulfoxide (second impinger). The resulting solutions were analyzed to assess decomposition of the synthetic cannabimimetics. Mice exposed to SOUTOU smoke showed many excitement behaviors and some suppressive behaviors at 15, 30 and 60 min. These clearly included cannabimimetic specific pharmacological actions. Negative control mice also showed some suppressive behaviors at 15 min but these were attenuated at later times, nearly disappearing at 60 min. In addition, the behavioral effects observed in controls were less pronounced than those in SOUTOU exposed mice. The inhalation exposure method developed in our study would be effective for determining cannabinoid specific pharmacological effects of illegal drugs, as well as for assessing the presence of active compound(s) by comparing the test substance with a negative control.