太郎良 和彦 伊礼 彩夏 玉城 盛俊 河野 伸二 安田 慶次 正田 守幸 浦崎 直也 松村 英生
育種学研究 (ISSN:13447629)
pp.18J08, (Released:2018-10-23)
1 1

パパイヤ奇形葉モザイクウイルス(Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus: PLDMV)抵抗性を持つ属間雑種個体(パパイヤCarica papaya × Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis)にパパイヤを戻し交雑し,胚培養による戻し交雑個体の作出を試みた.戻し交雑後180~210日に供試した5,762の種子から,胚を持つ45の種子が得られ,最終的に32個体の再生植物体が得られた.PCRによって,性染色体型を調査した結果,32個体の内,19個体に戻し交雑親のY染色体の保有が確認できたことから,戻し交雑個体であることが確認できた.全ての戻し交雑個体は,母本として用いた属間雑種の性染色体を持っていたことから,非還元配偶子が形成されている可能性が示唆された.戻し交雑個体のPLDMV抵抗性を評価するため,PLDMVの人工接種を行った結果,66%がPLDMVに対して全く病徴を示さない抵抗性であった.残りの戻し交雑個体は,接種上位葉に壊疽斑点を生じたが,PLDMVの拡大を妨げた.従って,戻し交雑個体は全てPLDMVに対して抵抗性を有していた.これらの戻し交雑個体は,沖縄県で問題となっているPLDMVへのパパイヤ抵抗性品種育成において有望な育種素材と考えられる.
安田 慶次 金城 常雄
九州病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:03856410)
vol.29, pp.89-91, 1983-10-30 (Released:2009-05-22)

Weekly census of nymphs and adults of Leptogrossus australis was conducted over 2 years, from April 1981 to April 1983, in 5 plots grown with a wild host, Diplocyclos palmatus, in a southern locality of Okinawa Is. where the insects were collected. No insects were collected during the period from February to April, but through May to December both nymphs and adult bugs could be recovered. Two peaks of nymphal incidence were recorded in May to June and in October to November, respectively. A long interval with a lower density of nymphs lasted for about 4 months between the two peaks, presumably due to the marked decrease in the number of fruits associated with the drought in the hot summer. The typhoon that struck the area in the early and middle part of fall exerted an effect similar to that of the summer drought resulting in the disappearance of the later (second) peak of nymphal incidence as observed in 1981. Based on the total number of effective day-degrees estimated from the incubation experiments, the period during which the insects could not attack the wild host was approximately 1.8 times longer than that required for the completion of the egg and nymphal stages. This finding suggests that the migration of the adult bugs from the unsuitable wild hosts to cultivated hosts such as bitter cucumber and cucumber is likely to occur and that at least one generation. develops on the cultivated hosts between the two generation peaks on the wild host.
安田 慶次 河村 太 大石 毅
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.49, no.3, pp.146-149, 2005-08-25
1 37

The location and preference of adult Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of the citrus huanglongbing (greening disease) Liberobacter asiaticum, on two host plants, Murraya exotica L. and Citrus depressa Hayata, were investigated in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. While the adults of D. citri were found on all parts of the C. depressa tree and on the M. exotica tree, all of the D. citri eggs and most of the nymphs and adults were found on young shoots and young leaves. We suggest that it is possible to save labor in the investigation and control of the psyllid by attentively checking the young shoots of M. exotica. Investigation on the distribution of D. citri adults on M. exotica plantlets hung upside down in a container showed that although no difference was found between frequencies of males on young leaves and mature leaves, significantly more females were found on the apical buds, suggesting that females have a preference for this part of the tree.
安田 慶次 河村 太 大石 毅
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.49, no.3, pp.146-149, 2005 (Released:2005-11-25)
30 37

The location and preference of adult Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of the citrus huanglongbing (greening disease) Liberobacter asiaticum, on two host plants, Murraya exotica L. and Citrus depressa Hayata, were investigated in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. While the adults of D. citri were found on all parts of the C. depressa tree and on the M. exotica tree, all of the D. citri eggs and most of the nymphs and adults were found on young shoots and young leaves. We suggest that it is possible to save labor in the investigation and control of the psyllid by attentively checking the young shoots of M. exotica. Investigation on the distribution of D. citri adults on M. exotica plantlets hung upside down in a container showed that although no difference was found between frequencies of males on young leaves and mature leaves, significantly more females were found on the apical buds, suggesting that females have a preference for this part of the tree.