大石 毅 本間 淳 日室 千尋 照屋 清仁
応動昆 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.62, no.2, pp.123-126, 2018

<p>To improve the larval artificial diet in a mass-rearing system of <i>Euscepes postfasciatus</i>(Fairmaire), we compared the yield and quality of weevils reared on artificial diets containing different types and amounts of commercial sweet potato powder, using their current diet as the control(made from peeled tubers). We compared a diet containing the same amount of an alternative sweet potato powder(made from the peel of tubers), a diet containing half the amount of the alternative sweet potato powder, and a diet containing no sweet potato powder. The resulting numbers of emerged adults, mean male mass, and rate of sexually matured females did not differ significantly between the diets. Moreover, the mass of females reared on a diet with half the amount of alternative sweet potato powder showed no significant difference from those reared on the control. However, the males reared on the control transferred significantly less sperm than those reared on the other diets. These results indicated that the diet with half the amount of alternative sweet potato powder was superior in terms of yield, quality, and production cost in the weevil mass-rearing system.</p>
照屋 清仁 大石 毅 鶴井 香織
vol.61, no.1, pp.32-35, 2017

<p>Prevention or reduction of infection by the neogregarine parasite <i>Farinocystis</i> sp. is indispensable for effective mass-production of the West Indian sweet potato weevil <i>Euscepes postfasciatus</i>(Fairmaire). The established method of weevil collection, coercively drawing weevils from the larval rearing cage, was suspected to increase the risk of breaking infected individuals, which causes horizontal transmission of the parasite to uninfected individuals. Here, we developed a novel collection method in which the weevils were permitted to spontaneously leave the larval rearing cage. The significant decrease in infection rate and the significant increase in the fecundity of weevils collected by the novel method suggested that this method may improve the mass-production of weevils.</p>
安田 慶次 河村 太 大石 毅
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.49, no.3, pp.146-149, 2005-08-25
1 37

The location and preference of adult Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of the citrus huanglongbing (greening disease) Liberobacter asiaticum, on two host plants, Murraya exotica L. and Citrus depressa Hayata, were investigated in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. While the adults of D. citri were found on all parts of the C. depressa tree and on the M. exotica tree, all of the D. citri eggs and most of the nymphs and adults were found on young shoots and young leaves. We suggest that it is possible to save labor in the investigation and control of the psyllid by attentively checking the young shoots of M. exotica. Investigation on the distribution of D. citri adults on M. exotica plantlets hung upside down in a container showed that although no difference was found between frequencies of males on young leaves and mature leaves, significantly more females were found on the apical buds, suggesting that females have a preference for this part of the tree.
萩原 剛 新井 盛夫 山中 晃 藤田 進 高橋 一郎 川田 和秀 大石 毅 鈴木 隆史 天野 景裕 福武 勝幸
The Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
日本血栓止血学会誌 = The Journal of Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISSN:09157441)
vol.14, no.4, pp.337-344, 2003-08-01

ハイレスポンダーインヒビター保有血友病Aおよび血友病B患者に起きた3回の重症出血に対し, 凝固因子製剤の大量投与でインヒビターを中和し, 引き続き持続投与によって充分な血漿凝固因子活性を維持し, 止血に成功した. 症例1は第VIII因子インヒビター保有血友病A患者. 38歳時に小脳出血で緊急入院した. 2. 1ベセスダ単位(BU)/m<I>l</I> の第VIII因子インヒビターに対し, 第VIII因子製剤5, 000Uのボーラス投与に続き, 3. 8U/kg/hrの持続投与を行った. 血漿第VIII因子活性は4日間0. 9~1.44U/m<I>l</I> を維持し血腫は縮小した. 40歳時には, 外傷性頭頂葉皮質出血をきたし, バイパス療法を行ったが, 新たに右硬膜下血腫を認めたためインヒビター中和療法を施行した. 10BU/m<I>l</I> の第VIII因子インヒビターに対し, 第VIII因子製剤12, 000Uのボーラス投与に続き, 4~6U/kg/hrの持続投与を行った. 血漿第VIII因子活性は, 5日間0.54~2.04U/m<I>l</I> を維持し血腫は縮小した. 症例2は4歳の第IX因子インヒビター保有血友病B患者. 右足背部の打撲により大きな皮下血腫を生じた. 連日のバイパス療法でも改善せず, インヒビター中和療法に変更した. 2.1BU/m<I>l</I> の第IX因子インヒビターに対し, 第IX因子製剤2, 000Uのボーラス投与に続き, 13U/kg/hrの持続投与を開始した. 血漿第IX因子活性は1. 0~1.3U/m<I>l</I> を維持し, 血腫は速やかに縮小した.
安田 慶次 河村 太 大石 毅
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.49, no.3, pp.146-149, 2005 (Released:2005-11-25)
30 37

The location and preference of adult Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of the citrus huanglongbing (greening disease) Liberobacter asiaticum, on two host plants, Murraya exotica L. and Citrus depressa Hayata, were investigated in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. While the adults of D. citri were found on all parts of the C. depressa tree and on the M. exotica tree, all of the D. citri eggs and most of the nymphs and adults were found on young shoots and young leaves. We suggest that it is possible to save labor in the investigation and control of the psyllid by attentively checking the young shoots of M. exotica. Investigation on the distribution of D. citri adults on M. exotica plantlets hung upside down in a container showed that although no difference was found between frequencies of males on young leaves and mature leaves, significantly more females were found on the apical buds, suggesting that females have a preference for this part of the tree.