安藤 延男
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
教育・社会心理学研究 (ISSN:0387852X)
vol.5, no.1, pp.61-73, 1965

基督教との関連で生じる外行動としての宗教的行為 (もしくは宗教生活) に関するインベントリーの作製手続きについて報告した。<BR>(1) "宗教的行為" の概念的定義については, 岸本の所論 (1961) を適用した。かつその測定の意義について述べた。<BR>(2) 24個の質問項目からなる原案を作製し, 予備調査 (対象: 福岡女学院高等学校3年生, N=184, 1962年度) の資料による上位・下位分析を行い, 22項目を有する最終形式をえた (Table 1)。<BR>(3) インベントリーの最終形式の質問項目22個の相互相関係数 (ピァソンのr) 231個の相関行列にもとずく因子分析のあと軸の直交回転を施した (Table 2, 3)。3個の因子に関する解釈は以下のとおりで, いずれも基督教徒の日常生活の重要な諸次元を指示する内容であった。すなわち, 第1因子は 「神中心的生活」 因子, 第2因子は 「宗教的修養」 因子, 第3因子は 「世俗生活への積極性・責任性」 因子である (Table 4, 5, 6)。<BR>(4) 一次因子の相互独立性について検討したところ, 3つの一次因子は総合点に対し, かなり高い相関を示し, かつ二次因子のレベルでも第1因子 (A) における負荷がきわめて高いことが見出された。したがって, 本インベントリーの一次因子相互間には, かなりの内的整合性がみられることから, 一次因子に準拠せる下位尺度の構成は見合わせることとした (Table 7)。<BR>(5) インベントリー最終形式の弁別力を吟味するため, いくつかのグループからえられた回答資料で分布を検べてみたところ, いずれの場合も, 6もしくは7標準偏差に及ぶ広範囲の分布がみとめられた。したがって, 最終形式の弁別力は満足すべきものということができる (Table 8-a, 8-b)。<BR>(6) 信頼性は再検査信頼度係数を用いて吟味した結果, r=. 752という, かなり満足すべきものであった。<BR>(7) 妥当性の吟味は多面的に行われた。妥当性の規準としては, 基督教会における洗礼の有無, 基督教関係学校学生・生徒と教会礼拝出席者の比較, 自己が主観的に帰属する宗教, 両親の宗教, 宗教的情操尺度・基督教への態度尺度・聖書の知的理解などの諸得点が採られ, それぞれについそ相関関係を検討した。その結果, 本インベントリーの妥当性は望ましいものであることが示された (Table 9~14)。<BR>(8) 本インベントリーは, 福岡女学院中学・高校, 西南学院中学・高校, カトリック系明治学園中学・高校のほか, 西南学院大学文学部神学科や基督教会の若干につき実施されたにすぎない。しかしながら, 本インベントリーの利用面を考え, 暫定的な標準化を行った (Table 15, 16)。いうまでもなく, 今後における資料の集積を侯って, 逐次改訂される必要のあることはいうまでもない。なお, この標準化に用いた素資料を付録として示しておく (Appendix 1-3)。
安藤 延男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.37, no.4, pp.219-229, 1966

The main purpose of this study is to find out how the natural transition of reference groups occurs in female adolescence, and what are the determinants in such a transition.<br>A trend analysis and panel study were made concerning the transition of reference groups on the basis of responses to the reference group checklist, which were obtained from 152 students of the Fukuoka Jo-gakuin Girls (Junior High and Senior High) School.<br>They were first tested in November, 1959, when they were first-year junior high students, and second in February, 1965, or six years later.<br>The reference group checklist was designed in order to determine what reference groups are chosen by each individual in a critical situation where she must make a decision as to whether becomes a Christian. Out of school authorities, parents, intimate friends, classmates (as a total), teachers, church members and all the rest, Ss were required to choose their four most significant ones, to form six-pairs by combining the four and to state to which group's (or individual's) expectation or norm they would attach the greatest importance, supposing they were faced with the decision as to whether they become Christians or not.<br>A group chosen once was given one point and, therefore, the highest possible score one group could have was 3 and the lowest 0. The group which obtained 3 points was referred to as the &ldquo;first refer ence group&rdquo; (called RG 1 for short), one which obtained 2 points as the &ldquo;second refer ence group&rdquo; (RG 2), and one which obtained 1 point as the &ldquo;third reference group&rdquo; (RG 3) for a given individual respectively. The intensity of the normative function a group has on an individual also followed the same scoring method.<br>The results of trend analysis mainly based on the group reference indices (RG 1) which appear in Table 1 and Fig. 1 were as follows:<br>1. When <i>S</i> was J<sub>1</sub> (1 st year-junior high), the choice of reference groups showed a trend toward parents, w<b>hile</b> when she was S<sub>3</sub> (3 rd-year senior <b>hi</b>gh) this trend waned, and gave way to <b>tha</b>t toward diversity. However, a rela<b>tiv</b>ely large number of <i>S</i>s retained their identification with parents even when they were S<sub>3</sub>, probably because they were female.<br>2. Their choice of parents ranked first when they were J<sub>1</sub> and S<sub>3</sub>, but this trend gradually decreased.<br>3. Their choice of school authorities and classmates also showed a drastic downward trend, while their choice of intimate friends, teachers, church members and all the rest increased; particularly the increase of intimate friends and church members was striking.<br>4. From the results of this trend analysis based on the &ldquo;reference transition index&rdquo; (RTI for short) in Table 2-2, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, it follows that the transition of reference groups in female adolescence is charaterized by the emergence <i>away from</i> reliance on parents <i>toward</i> peer-group and <i>away from</i> the more secondary formal group of school authorities and classmates toward the informal face-to-face groups around their school life. Generally speaking, as the frame of reference of individual social attitudes, the function of thier family group is considerably strong in the early stage of adolescence and becomes relatively weak in the middle stage, while the function of primary face-to-face groups, particularly that of intimate friends, increase considerably.<br>As a result of panel study based on Table 2-2 and Fig. 2, it was found that the transition of reference groups in female adolescence can be divided into two types of pattern; the first pattern may be called the &ldquo;<i>continued family group reference</i>&rdquo; type which is one shown by those groups who chose their parents or church members when they were J<sub>1</sub>; the second pattern may be called the &ldquo;<i>peer group-oriented</i>&rdquo; type which is