小池 孝子 野﨑 葵 定行 まり子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 69回大会(2017)
pp.77, 2017 (Released:2017-07-08)

目的 現代の住まいにおける和室の使われ方を分析することにより、今後の住宅内における和室のあり方について検討をおこなう。方法 女子大学生を対象に、自宅における和室の有無、室配置、和室での生活行為について質問紙調査により分析する。調査対象者数は489人である。結果 対象とした女子大学生の自宅のうち和室がある家は69.1%であり、東京都では51.0%にとどまった。 住居形態別では、戸建て住宅では70.9%、集合住宅では63.8%の住宅に和室があった。和室の配置の形式は、廊下のみと接する独立間、他の室と連続する続き間、室の一部のみが畳敷きとなっている和洋室の3つに大別され、それぞれの割合は30.1%、67.6%、2.3%となっており、特に集合住宅では続き間が多くなっている。和室の使用目的では、独立間は個室としての使用が多いが、玄関脇の独立間などでは客間としての使用もみられる。続き間はリビングと連続するものが大半を占め、多目的室、寝室としての使用が同程度あり、団らん室、家事室としての使用もみられた。和室を含む住宅内で女子学生が行う行為では、和室では個人的行為のほか家事手伝いなどさまざまな行為が行われているが、行われている行為そのものが少なく、和室があまり利用されていないことがわかった。
近藤 ふみ 定行 まり子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.645, pp.2371-2377, 2009-11-30 (Released:2010-04-01)
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Recently, there has been a great demand for day nursery in Japan. The floor space per person, which is provided in minimum standards for child welfare facility, has not been revised for 60 years though this is the only criterion for the environmental level in day nursery. The purpose of this study is to consider whether it is relevant to use the floor space of eating and napping per person, for the means to reconsider the floor space per person which is not said to be well-founded scientifically. We observed four-year-old-children in detail while they were eating and napping. We also measured each space of nursery rooms. 4 nurseries fulfilling the following criteria were selected; eat and nap in the same room,20-30 children for each class, 2.0m2 per person in nursery room. As a result, we found that eating and napping space is 0.80-1.65m2 and 1.22-1.44m2 per person, respectively. Therefore, we figured that the necessary space of eating was 1.03m2 per person and of napping was 1.40m2 per person, respectively(2.43m2 per person in total)in order to make comfortable nursery room. To conclude, the eating and napping floor space may become one of the effective index to develop the nursery environment hereafter.
古賀 繭子 定行 まり子
公益社団法人 都市住宅学会
都市住宅学 (ISSN:13418157)
vol.2013, no.83, pp.73-78, 2013 (Released:2017-06-30)

The purpose of this paper is to research how elderly households in TOYAMA-HAITSU live and remodel their space to continue to live there. The results are as follows: The elderly convert two rooms into one by removing the door. They try to make the most of their limited space and improve their house along with their lifestyle changes. The elderly create their working space by removing the household equipments including washbowls. Single elderly households use one of their rooms as storage space because the elderly people generally have many belongings. But on the other hand, other types of households are difficult to create such space. Therefore they eat and sleep in one room. The government provides house remodeling grant for the elderly. But for more effective use of housing stock, the grant for renovation to create adequately sized house which fits their lifestyle is needed.
近藤 ふみ 定行 まり子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.653, pp.1647-1654, 2010-07-30 (Released:2010-09-03)

Recently, there has been a great demand for day nurseries in Japan. The purpose of this study is to consider whether it is relevant to use the floor space of eating, napping and playing per person. We observed zero-year-old-children in detail during their stay in their nursery rooms. We also measured eating, napping and playing spaces of nursery rooms. 5 nurseries fulfilling the following criteria were selected; eat and nap in the same room, 6-12 children for each class, 3.0 m2-5.0 m2 per person in a room. As a result, we found that eating and napping space is 1.02-2.42 m2 and 0.91-1.83 m2 per person, respectively. Therefore, we figured that the necessary space of eating was 1.68 m2 per person and of napping was 1.23 m2 per person, respectively(4.11 m2 per person in total) in order to make comfortable nursery room. In case the development levels of children who compose a class differ widely, it is impaired for them to crawl freely and safely.
山崎 陽菜 定行 まり子
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.18, no.39, pp.657-662, 2012-06-20 (Released:2012-06-20)
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This study, we got a handle on the characteristics of spatial from relation between children’s activities and spaces. As a result, it became obvious that the variety of children’s activities in after-school daycare centers is not necessarily secured. And, many facilities were not space to ensure free and dynamic children’s activities. It is difficult to each of the activities of static and dynamic can be done without risk. On creating an environment at the facilities, it is important that plan to be expanded the possibility of further activities after securing the floor space depending on the number of people.