広瀬 雅一 松田 幸久 小川 圭太 太田 愛子 山下 広之 髙橋 伸明 五郎丸 剛 佐藤 英治 長崎 信浩 吉冨 博則
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.4, pp.183-195, 2020-04-10 (Released:2021-04-10)
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The role of medication history at pharmacies has increased as a means to realize improved pharmaceutical care. Furthermore, the education guidelines of clinical clerkship for pharmaceutical education were revised in 2013 to provide better clinical training. The principal aim of the new guidelines was to allow the students to experience medication management, such as medication counseling and the recording of medication histories, frequently. In these circumstances, pharmacy students should acquire, to some degree, the cardinal skills of medication management by the initiation of their clinical clerkship. In this study, we established methods to quantitively evaluate the ability of the medication management at pharmacies. Additionally, we conducted the same practice with pharmacists engaged in pharmacies for less than three years to compare their ability with that of the students. In the practice, the participants presumed the patient characteristics and disease state from a scenario and created the medication counseling phrases from a simulated prescription. Subsequently, they recorded a medication history electronically following the SOAP format. The results showed the scores of the pharmacists regarding medication counseling phrases and medication history descriptions were much higher than those of the students. In contrast, the scores of presumption skills in terms of patient characteristics and state were equivalent. To enhance clinical skills, education programs should include problem-oriented system exercises to integrate various factors of patients’ characteristics as well as to build up student knowledge. This study also suggests that the modification of an electronic medication history system might be efficacious for pharmaceutical education.
澤村 大輔 生駒 一憲 小川 圭太 川戸 崇敬 後藤 貴浩 井上 馨 戸島 雅彦 境 信哉
一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会
高次脳機能研究 (旧 失語症研究) (ISSN:13484818)
vol.32, no.3, pp.533-541, 2012-09-30 (Released:2013-10-07)
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頭部外傷後注意障害患者の行動観察評価スケールであるMoss Attention Rating Scale (以下, MARS) の日本語版を作成し, その信頼性と妥当性を検討した。対象は頭部外傷後注意障害患者 32 例である。対象者の担当理学療法士, 作業療法士, 言語聴覚士, 臨床心理士, 看護師, 介護福祉士が MARS を施行した。信頼性については MARS 総合得点, 因子得点における評価者内信頼性, 評価者間信頼性を検討し, 妥当性については神経心理学的検査を用い, 基準関連妥当性, 構成概念妥当性を検討した。結果, MARS 総合得点では高い評価者内, 評価者間信頼性 (ICC>0.80) が得られ, 因子得点においても中等度以上の信頼性係数 ICC>0.40 が得られた。また十分な基準関連妥当性, 構成概念妥当性が確認できた。以上より MARS は多職種で使用でき, 注意障害の検出に優れた評価スケールであることが示唆された。