嶋田 雅子 小林 陽子 坂口 寄子 岡田 加奈子 村山 伸子 佐々木 敏 武見 ゆかり
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.16, no.3, pp.94-109, 2008
1 1

目的: 小学生を対象に「弁当箱ダイエット法」を用いたランチバイキング学習を実施した.このランチバイキング学習を通して, 児童の食物選択内容が改善するかを検討した.<BR>方法: 東京都世田谷区の小学6年の児童61名 (男子30名, 女子31名) が2003年秋にこの研究に参加した.ランチバイキング学習は, 年間を通じた食に関する学習プログラムの最初と後半の2回実施された.児童の食物選択内容の変化を, 栄養素, 食品, 料理レベルで検討した.さらに, 児童自身の選択内容の変化の気づきについてワークシートを分析した.<BR>結果: 栄養素では, 脂肪エネルギー比が男子は41%から33%, 女子は42%から29%へと有意に減少した.一方, 炭水化物エネルギー比は男子は40%から51%, 女子は40%から55%へと有意に増加した.食品では, 白飯が男子は108gから192g, 女子は82gから186gへと有意に増加し, 緑黄色野菜, 及び野菜の総重量も有意に増加した.料理では, 「食事バランスガイド」のサービング (SV) 数に基づき評価した結果, 主食と副菜の平均SV数が増え, 主菜のサービング数が減少した.学習時に児童が記入したワークシートの記述内容の分析では, 多くの児童がバランスの良い食物選択について正しい認識をしていた.<BR>結論: このランチバイキング学習を通して, 児童がバランスのよい食物選択のための知識とスキルを獲得したと示唆された.
蕨迫 栄美子 小林 陽子 野口 美奈 島津 早奈英 吉田 美津子
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.854, pp.30-36, 2011-12-01

The objective of the present study is to investigate approaches to dietary education at nursery schools by elucidating the actual dietary life of nursery school children and the dietary awareness of their parents. A questionnaire survey was conducted on a total of 1,049 parents of 4-year-old children attending public nursery schools in Ward S of Tokyo. Ninety seven point two percent of the responses were valid and the following results were obtained:1 A total of 97.4% of children ate breakfast every day, while 2.6% sometimes skipped it. Reasons for skipping it were lack of appetite(55.6%)and lack of time(27.8%).2 Regarding the people children ate breakfast with, the most common response was the mother(81.8%), and while few responded that their children ate alone(2.8%), 10.2% indicated that their children ate with other children only. Eating with other children only was associated with a low level of enjoyment, and the frequency of greetings before and after eating was also lower compared to when children ate with adults.3 As for the contents of breakfast, while 97.2% regularly ate a carbohydrate rich staple food, only 63.9% and 38.1% of children respectively ate a protein rich main dish such as fish or meat, and a side dish such as vegetables or seaweed every day. Breakfast contents were classified into five patterns, and the most common pattern was "Pattern 2: Staple food + one main or side dish"(33.9%), followed by the ideal combination of "Pattern 1: Staple food + main dish + side dish"(32.1%), and "Staple food only"(30.8%). Although few children skipped breakfast, these findings indicate the need to improve breakfast contents.4 "Pattern 1: Staple food + main dish + side dish" was more common among children who ate with adults compared to those who ate with other children only, children of parents who liked cooking compared to those of parents who disliked cooking, and among children who did not dislike any vegetables and children whose parents checked the lunch menu of their children's nursery school every day.5 Intake of restaurant food, pre-cooked food, boxed meals, and convenience store food for breakfast was no more than once weekly. Intake of frozen food was slightly more frequent. These findings suggest that factors that positively affect breakfast intake among nursery school children include eating with adults overcoming any dislike of vegetables with the help of adults, and the parents coming to like cooking and developing a greater awareness regarding their children's diet.