竹田 喜美子 小林 靖子 Kimiko TAKEDA Yasuko KOBAYASHI 昭和女子大学生活環境学科 昭和女子大学大学院生活学科研究専攻:(現)(株)シナジー
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.777, pp.77-91, 2005-07-01

The research focused on the entrance design of apartment houses where troubles between pet-keepers and non-pet-keepers occur one after another. The researchers analyzed the architectural and mental factors which worsen their relationships aiming to establish a system for the peaceful cohabitation of dwellers of both types, and explore the would-be plan of sharing a space which would enhance pet communication. The other purpose of this research is to get the basic knowledge of the cohabiting environment for elderly pet-keepers. From the results, the following proposals can be made. 1. As a system, the management association of the apartment house makes it compulsory for the pet-keepers to register their pets and join the 'Keepers' Society' which makes rules for keeping pets, strives to keep good manners concerning pet-keeping, acts to cultivate the dwellers' community for the keepers, and tries to mediate with the non-keepers for their understanding and cooperation. 2. For shared space to enhance pet communication and to avoid troubles, the following ideas would be beneficial. a. To avoid troubles, the apartments with 'divided entrances' where the keeper and non-keeper use their own entrance is desirable. b. Another idea is that 'shared entrances' have some merit in that they give chances to the dwellers to communicate. c. The most desirable model is to build outside and to one side of the 'divided entrance' for pet-keepers a space with seating and equipment for pets so that non-keepers who love animals can mingle with keepers if they wish while non-keepers who dislike animals can avoid contact. 3. To make a supporting system for the elderly pet-keepers, the 'shared entrance' is desirable. One could expect the elderly keepers to become friends with other keepers when they meet at the entrance. These meetings may motivate them to participate more in the 'Keepers' Society'. With this system, it is more likely that the offer of pet-sitting or pet-adoption will be extended to the elderly when needed.
小川 哲史 新井 英夫 渡部 登志雄 小林 靖子 森川 昭廣 丸山 健一 服部 浩明 江頭 徹
一般社団法人 日本小児腎臓病学会
vol.11, no.2, pp.171-175, 1998

我々は,血漿アポEの高値および特徴的な腎組織像からリポ蛋白糸球体症と診断した4歳発症の女児例を経験した。本例は検索した範囲では世界最年少例と思われた。<br> 本症の病因の一つとしてリポ蛋白代謝異常が示唆されているため,患児のアポEの検索を行った。表現型と遺伝子型に不一致がみられたことより,さらに検索を進めたところ,アポE遺伝子exon 4において9塩基の欠失 (480-488nt) が認められた。これによって合成される患児のアポEは,3個のアミノ酸 (Arginine,Lysine,Leucine) が欠け,296個のアミノ酸から成る変異体であると推測された。また,現在無症状である母親および弟にも同遺伝子変異が確認された。この変異はアポEにおいてレセプターとの結合領域と考えられている部分に存在しており,これによって生じる変異体はリポ蛋白代謝異常さらには本症の発症に何らかの形で関与している可能性が示唆された。