小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.63, no.7, pp.791-795, 2007-07-20 (Released:2007-10-04)
4 1 1

若生 理佳 西本 尚樹 上杉 正人 寺下 貴美 小笠原 克彦
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.65, no.8, pp.1025-1031, 2009-08-20

The purpose of this study was to develop an automated acquisition support for the semantics of abbreviations and evaluate its performance with respect to academic articles. Our goal was to support the maintenance of an institution-specific semantics inventory for abbreviations on a continuous basis. We retrieved articles from MEDLINE with the keyword "Liver [MeSH]," and 100 abstracts were randomly selected. Abbreviations and their full forms were retrieved using original Java software based on the following rules. (1) Searching the parentheses in the abstracts, the words inside the parentheses were retrieved as "INNER" and the words in front of the parentheses were retrieved as "OUTER." (2) Matching rules, such as whether the first characters of INNER and OUTER were the same. (3) If the words satisfied the conditions stated at (2), INNER was saved as the abbreviation and OUTER as the full form. Performance was manually evaluated by two graduate students and a radiologist. Of the 165 pairs of abbreviations and full forms that were obtained, 145 (87.9%) constituted correct matches.
谷川原 綾子 辻 真太朗 福田 晋久 西本 尚樹 小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.72, no.3, pp.203-208, 2016

<i>Purpose</i>: The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the notation of technical terms and their meanings among three terminologies in Japanese radiology-related societies. <i>Materials and Methods</i>: The three terminologies compared in this study were "radiological technology terminology" and its supplement published by the Japan Society of Radiological Technology, "medical physics terminology" published by the Japan Society of Medical Physics, and "electric radiation terminology" published by the Japan Radiological Society. Terms were entered into spreadsheets and classified into the following three categories: Japanese notation, English notation, and meanings. In the English notation, terms were matched to character strings in the three terminologies and were extracted and compared. The Japanese notations were compared among three terminologies, and the difference between the meanings of the two terminologies radiological technology terminology and electric radiation terminology were compared. <i>Results and Discussion</i>: There were a total of 14,982 terms in the three terminologies. In English character strings, 2,735 terms were matched to more than two terminologies, with 801 of these terms matched to all the three terminologies. Of those terms in English character strings matched to three terminologies, 752 matched to Japanese character strings. Of the terms in English character strings matched to two terminologies, 1,240 matched to Japanese character strings. With regard to the meanings category, eight terms had mismatched meanings between the two terminologies. For these terms, there were common concepts between two different meaning terms, and it was considered that the derived concepts were described based on domain.
谷川原 綾子 辻 真太朗 福田 晋久 西本 尚樹 小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.72, no.3, pp.203-208, 2016 (Released:2016-03-20)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the notation of technical terms and their meanings among three terminologies in Japanese radiology-related societies. Materials and Methods: The three terminologies compared in this study were “radiological technology terminology” and its supplement published by the Japan Society of Radiological Technology, “medical physics terminology” published by the Japan Society of Medical Physics, and “electric radiation terminology” published by the Japan Radiological Society. Terms were entered into spreadsheets and classified into the following three categories: Japanese notation, English notation, and meanings. In the English notation, terms were matched to character strings in the three terminologies and were extracted and compared. The Japanese notations were compared among three terminologies, and the difference between the meanings of the two terminologies radiological technology terminology and electric radiation terminology were compared. Results and Discussion: There were a total of 14,982 terms in the three terminologies. In English character strings, 2,735 terms were matched to more than two terminologies, with 801 of these terms matched to all the three terminologies. Of those terms in English character strings matched to three terminologies, 752 matched to Japanese character strings. Of the terms in English character strings matched to two terminologies, 1,240 matched to Japanese character strings. With regard to the meanings category, eight terms had mismatched meanings between the two terminologies. For these terms, there were common concepts between two different meaning terms, and it was considered that the derived concepts were described based on domain.
福田 晋久 辻 真太朗 谷川原 綾子 西本 尚樹 小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.71, no.6, pp.505-511, 2015 (Released:2015-06-20)

This study aims to grasp the target area of the literature on ontology and to apply it in radiological technology. We used Google scholar to search the literature containing the keyword “ontology”. Our search identified and extracted 162,381 words from 29 manuscripts and used the 8,706 nouns excluding duplicates as individual variable. Using a cluster analysis, we categorized the documents to one of the following five classifications: (1) “Systematization of vocabulary by text mining”, (2) “Hierarchy of language information”, (3) “Conceptualization of situation”, (4) “Standardization of lexical information”, and (5) “Visualization of the concepts related to the problem”. We propose that the terminologies in (2), (4), and (5) cluster can be used in radiological technology field.
辻 真太朗 福田 晋久 谷川原 綾子 西本 尚樹 本間 勝美 小笠原 克彦
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.71, no.3, pp.186-193, 2015

<i>Purpose:</i> In 1994, Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) constructed the lexicon in the field of radiologic technology. However, recently, latest lexicon is not updated yet. The purpose of this article is to compare the terminologies in clinical medicine with the others and to consider reconstructing the lexicon in the radiological technology. <i>Materials and Methods:</i> Our study selected three categories from the database of the academic society. These three groups were Clinical medicine (hereafter CM, 167 societies, includes JSRT), Psychology / Education (hereafter P/E, 104 societies), and Comprehensive synthetic engineering (hereafter CSE, 40 societies). First, all societies were surveyed to know whether there were any lexicon in their official website. Second, these terminologies were surveyed on the following criteria: (a) Media of lexicon, (b) Number of terms, (c) File type of lexicon, (d) Terms translated into English, (e) Way of searching terms, and (f) Number of committees of the terminology. <i>Results:</i> Lexicon in CM, P/E, and CSE had 20, 4, and 7. Compared with P/E and CSE, CM showed the following trends: (a) used electronic media frequently, (b) stored large number of terms (about 5,000 to 11,000), (c) enabled to download frequently, and (d) used the alphabet and Japanese syllabary order frequently. <i>Conclusions:</i> Compared with the lexicon of P/E and CSE, terminology in CM tended to adopt the electronic media of lexicon and to have large number of terms. Additionally, many lexicons were expressed in English terms along with Japanese terms. Following massive lexicon of SNOMED-CT and RadLex, it is necessary to consider applying the web-based term searching and an ontological technique to the lexicon of radiological technology.
小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.66, no.6, pp.668-672, 2010-06-20 (Released:2010-08-10)
3 2 2
良村 貞子 下田 智子 小笠原 克彦 岡崎 光洋

寺下 貴美 中場 貴紀 布施 善弘 小笠原 克彦
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.60, no.6, pp.811-817, 2004-06-20

診療用放射線の防護に関して,医療法施行規則の一部を改正する省令が関係告示とともに公布され,平成13年4月1日から施行された.さらに,国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)1990年勧告の取り入れにより空気中,排気中,排水中の放射性同位元素の濃度限度が改められ,新濃度限度に対応した算定法が通知された.これらにより医療現場における放射性同位元素の使用実態に則したものとなったが,新法令への移行には煩雑で実務的な処理を伴っているのが現状である.当院では平成12年6月より医療情報システムの開発会社(ベンダー)に依らずに単独でWorld Wide Web(以下,WWW)を用いたシステム(以下, Webシステム)による患者情報システム,入院患者台帳システム,DICOM Imagingシステム,検査オーダ・エントリ・システムを開発し運用している.特に,検査オーダ・エントリ・システムではモダリティごとの検査依頼,照射録等の作成・管理などを運用している.法改正に伴い当院でも新濃度評価の下で記録簿様式の変更が必要となった.そこでわれわれは業務の簡素化を図るため,放射性医薬品の入荷・使用・在庫・調剤・廃棄・帳票等の管理を一括して行うことを目的としたシステムの開発を行った.今回,当院で運用しているWebシステムを拡張し,患者情報と検査内容のデータが共有できる放射性医薬品管理システムを構築したので報告する.