土井 信幸 小見 暁子 清水 祥正 大野 祥輝 原澤 健 長谷川 紗 秋山 滋男
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
vol.143, no.4, pp.385-391, 2023-04-01 (Released:2023-04-01)

All medical enteral nutrition products contain phosphorus and when administered to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and on dialysis, they lead to the risk of elevated serum phosphorus levels. Thus, serum phosphorus levels should be monitored, and phosphorus adsorbents should be used in cases of high serum phosphorus levels. In this study, we investigated the effect of phosphorus adsorbents on enteral nutrition, using Ensure Liquid®, a medical nutritional formula, for patients with CKD and those on dialysis. Additionally, we compared the effects of the simple suspension method, in which various phosphorus-adsorbing agents are suspended and mixed directly with the nutritional formula for tube administration (hereafter referred to as the “pre-mix method”), and the conventional method, in which only the phosphorus-adsorbing agents are administered separately from the nutritional formula for tube administration (hereafter referred to as the “normal administration method”). The administration of various phosphorus adsorbents using the pre-mix technique resulted in a phosphorus removal rate of 8–15% (approximately 12% on average). Therefore, through the pre-mix method, maintaining the phosphorus content of Ensure Liquid® below the daily phosphorus intake standard was possible for patients on dialysis. The pre-mix method via the simple suspension method of administering phosphorus adsorbent with Ensure Liquid® resulted in less drug adsorption to the injector and tube and a higher phosphorus removal rate than the normal administration method.
土井 信幸 小見 暁子 池永 啓介 大塚 穂乃香 秋山 滋男
アプライド・セラピューティクス (ISSN:18844278)
vol.16, pp.77-90, 2021 (Released:2021-12-03)

一般用医薬品において酸化マグネシウムは瀉下薬の主成分、さらに、解熱鎮痛薬の吸収促進剤に含まれている。酸化マグネシウム製剤は高マグネシウム血症による健康被害や死亡例が報告されており、それに伴う医薬品安全性情報が発出されている。本研究は、酸化マグネシウムを含有した一般用医薬品による高マグネシウム血症発症後の重篤な副作用の回避を目的とし、薬剤師や登録販売者が販売する際の、考慮すべき患者背景と適正使用に関する情報提供内容のエビデンスの構築について検討した。 添付文書の調査の結果、瀉下薬かつ第3類医薬品の酸化マグネシウムの1日最大用量は医療用医薬品とほぼ同じ約2,000 mgであった。また、すべての商品で添付資料(患者説明書)に腎機能に応じた投与量の規定は定められていなかった。JADERの解析結果から、60代以上では高マグネシウム血症発症後の転帰死亡の割合は約2倍高かった。また、メタアナリシスからは、腎機能低下(CKDステージG3b以上)の患者では酸化マグネシウムの服用による高マグネシウム血症発症リスクが高いことが示された(RR[95% CI]: 3.14 [1.56-7.45])。 以上の結果より、薬剤師や登録販売者が酸化マグネシウム含有の一般用医薬品の販売時に、医療用医薬品の服薬有無や年齢や腎機能などの患者背景を確認すること、さらに、購入者に対して高マグネシウム血症の初期症状とその対応についての情報提供をすることが重要であると考える。
土井 信幸 秋山 滋男 矢野 健太郎 高橋 恵美利 小見 暁子 井戸田 陽子 荻原 琢男
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.9, pp.651-658, 2016-09-10 (Released:2017-09-10)

Many generic products of latanoprost ophthalmic solution are commercially available. For pharmacists' guidance, patients often ask questions, such as the total number of drops to be used per bottle. However, materials, including package inserts, that can be obtained from pharmaceutical companies do not provide such information, such as the total number of drops, the volume of a drop, or sense of use regarding each preparation. In this study, we compared the total number of drops, the weight of a drop, squeezing force, and sense of use using brand-name and generic products of latanoprost ophthalmic solution to establish selection criteria.The weight of a drop exceeded 25 mg in all products, but there were significant differences among the products. In generic products, the total number of drops per bottle was lower than in the brand-name product (112.6 ± 0.9 drops), showing significant differences (10 to 20 drops). The squeezing force required for dripping differed among the products (1.5 to 5-fold). The sense-of-use score regarding the rigidity of an eye drop container reduced with the increase in the squeezing force, showing a negative correlation. The utilization of this information may improve glaucoma patients' adherence and/or reduce costs, providing beneficial information for adopting pharmaceutical preparations in medical institutions.