山川 啓介 山本 崇史 桂 大詞 井上 実 畠山 望 三浦 隆治 岡島 淳之介 稲葉 賢二 石澤 由紀江 遊川 秀幸 伊東 博之 石元 孝佳 大下 浄治
公益社団法人 自動車技術会
自動車技術会論文集 (ISSN:02878321)
vol.53, no.5, pp.886-891, 2022 (Released:2022-08-23)

山本 崇史
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.59, no.1, pp.21-42, 2017 (Released:2019-09-01)

Abstract: Pigou actively participated in the tariff reform controversy and contributed to several writings and articles on tariff reform in the early 20th century. In A Study in Public Finance (1st ed. 1928; 3rd ed. 1947), his foreign trade theory was given a new perspective in the form of the theory of tax revenue. Pigouʼs interest in foreign trade is evident in Economics in Practice: Six Lectures on Current Issues (1935) and Alfred Marshall and Current Thought (1953). In these writings, trade balances are the main focus. In view of these activities, it can be inter-preted that Pigou studied foreign trade theory continuously and from the perspective of con-tributing to real economic policies. Pigouʼs foreign trade theory of later years is significant for our study, as it allows us to understand the progression of his economic theory and how it follows Marshallʼs theory. This paper examines the influence of Marshall on Pigou, based on similarities in their foreign trade theories and policies. In view of Pigouʼs considerations of the ʻrepresentative balesʼ concept, analytical similarities on import tax and export tax, elasticity, recognition of the present conditions of England, and ethical issue of taxation, we find an inheritance of for-eign trade theory from Marshall to Pigou, as well as quotations and references to Money Credit and Commerce. In view of the fact that Pigou largely changed the argument of the first edition to deal with new problems, while being based on Marshallʼs foreign trade theory us-ing elasticity, we also find the application of Marshallʼs foreign trade theory by Pigou. There-fore, we can consider A Study in Public Finance to be an indispensable work for investigating the relation between the theories and policies of Pigou and Marshall. JEL classification numbers: B 13, B 21, F 11.
山本 崇史
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.50, no.2, pp.56-73, 2009-02-05 (Released:2010-08-05)

Because Pigou had developed an economic theory and policy around the problem of welfare, in this paper I devote particular attention to the theoretical basis for Pigou's initial opposition to the protective tariff. My purpose is to clarify how the theory behind his criticism contributes to an understanding of Pigou's economics. The three main points may be summarized as follows.First, Pigou already had an established interest in the relation between national dividend (income) and welfare when he formulated his criticism of protective tariffs, and he recognized that national dividend and welfare would increase and decrease by the same direction. He backed his objection to protective tariffs with a close examination of how they would operate to raise or reduce the national dividend. The significance of these ideas becomes clearer when it is shown that, at that time, Pigou had, quietly, formed the theoretical directionality that later would emerge in his welfare economics.Second, Pigou's discussion of the influence of protective tariffs on labor, employment, and unemployment considers the problem of industrial fluctuation and stability in annual income and how industrial fluctuation determined incomes of the poor. He recognized, in other words, the relation of protective tariffs to the “third proposition of welfare economics.” In this, Pigou seems to demonstrate an understanding of the basis of unemployment and business cycle theory of later years.Third, Pigou did not object in principle to protective tariffs and protection. Rather, he tried to deal with the question of protective tariffs and protection by considering the stage of development of a nation's economy and society.