山本 耕司 角谷 直哉 山本 敦史 鶴保 謙四郎 森 義明
Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.15, no.1, pp.137-144, 2005-03-25 (Released:2010-05-31)
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大阪市では2000年3月から全域で高度浄水処理水が給水されている。高度処理水をやかん, 電気ポットで加熱, 沸騰させたときのトリハロメタン, 全有機ハロゲン (TOX) の減少経過について検討した。トリハロメタンについては, これまでの水道水にみられた沸騰直前の急激な濃度上昇は見られず, 加熱に伴って減少し, 煮沸1分で消失した。蛇口水でのTOXに占めるTHMの割合は32%であった。TOXの加熱・煮沸に伴う減少経過から, TOXは揮発性と不揮発性のハロゲン化合物から構成されていた。高度処理水のTOXはやかんで沸騰時に17%, 電気ポットで40%しか減少されなかった。
山本 耕司 鶴保 謙四郎 細川 守 山本 攻
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.278-284, 1981-10-31 (Released:2008-05-30)

In order to elucidate the effect of fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) for water works on the water quality, the time course of elution of organic matters from FRP test pieces was investigated and the free available chlorine consumption by test pieces was also studied. Total organic carbon (TOC) of the water, in which test pieces were immersed, was regarded as the amount of organic matters eluted from test pieces to water. The amount eluted to distilled water was propotional to the surface area of test pieces, and entirely dependent on the water temperature. The similar tendency was observed in the amount of styrene contained in the eluted organic matters. Gel filtration of the eluate showed that the organic matter contained high molecular weight substances. The organic matter was also eluted from the test pieces which had been washed with tap water during 12 months. The chlorine had no effect on the elution profile of organic matters from test pieces. The time course of elution of styrene, however, showed a time lag in the presence of chlorine. The styrene reacted with the chlorine in water and the product was 1-phenyl-2-chloroethanol. The chlorine consumption by test pieces, however, was not able to be estimated by the amount of eluted styrene. A linear relationship existed between the decrease of chlorine and the square root of time. Its slope was propotional to the initial concentration of chlorine and the surface area of test pieces. The chlorine consumption by test pieces could be explained by the assumption that the diffusion of chlorine into the interface between test pieces and water was the rate-determining step.
村尾 明紀 柏原 佑介 大山 伸幸 佐藤 道貴 渡壁 史朗 山本 耕司 福本 泰洋
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.102, no.11, pp.614-622, 2016 (Released:2016-10-31)
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Increased gas utilization and improved permeability have been desired in order to achieve low RAR (Reducing Agent Rate) operation of blast furnace. Coke mixed charging in the ore layer is one effective measure for realizing these improvements. A burden distribution control technique for mixing small coke at a blast furnace with a parallel type and center feed type bell-less top were developed and investigated in an experiment with a scale model of an actual blast furnace at JFE Steel. The scale model consists of an ore bin, a coke bin, a surge hopper, belt conveyers, a bell-less top and a model furnace to simulate the charging system of the actual blast furnace. The mixed coke ratio at the furnace top was controlled by the discharge pattern of mixed small coke and ore, and mixing position. The optimum patterns were founded to discharge the small coke from the coke bin after the ore discharged from ore bin in center feed bell-less top, and to discharge the small coke on the ore at front of quarter part overlapped in parallel type bell-less top. These patterns were applied to the actual blast furnace, and the improvement of permeability in a furnace was confirmed by the effect of increase the mixed small coke yield into ore layer.