宮田 靖志 岡野 良 倉富 雄四郎
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.35, no.10, pp.1093-1098, 1997-10-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

症例は51歳女性. 約30年前にシリコンによる豊胸術を受けた. 以後, 両乳腺外側および腋窩リンパ節腫張を自覚していたが, 2年前よりリンパ節腫大が増大し, さらに, 数ヵ月前より手指腫張, 朝のこわばり, Raynaud 徴候, 労作時呼吸困難が出現した. 四肢近位筋の対称性筋力低下, 口唇生検, 筋生検, 唾液腺造影所見, 筋原性筋電図変化, 筋逸脱酵素の上昇などより多発筋炎とシェーグレン症候群の overlap 症候群と診断された. 胸部X線・CTにて胸膜下優位の二次小葉間質陰影の肥厚, 肺野濃度の上昇, 下葉容積の減少が, また, TBLBにて炎症細胞浸潤を伴う胞隔肥厚と線維化が認められ, 間質性肺炎の合併と考えられた. 本例は, シリコンリンパ節炎の増強と膠原病症状および間質性肺炎の発症に強い臨床的関連が推測され, ヒトアジュバント病が強く疑われた. 本症に伴う間質性肺炎の報告は少なく, 文献的考察を加え報告した.
岡野 良成 久々宮 久
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.65, pp.23-30, 1981-09-15 (Released:2017-01-15)

Assembling the data of Crash-Stop Astern by courtesy of the Institute for Sea Training, the authors recomputed the tracks for each trial. The training ships have performed the trials at least once a year in their curriculums using various methods, namely ; (1) The Dumb-Card Method which calculates a ship's relative positions against a target afloat by observing the relative azimuths with fore and aft cards repeatedly. (2) The Sextant Method which calculates her relative positions against a drifting life boat, from which one of the ship's fixed points is measured by observing vertical angles with sextants, and of which the bearing is simultaneously observed from the ship repeatedly. (3) The Radar Method which calculates her relative positions against an appropriate floating target by measuring the distance with a radar and the bearing by a compass repeatedly. (4) The Numerical-Integration Method which calculates her track by summing up distances run during a short interval with respect to x and y directions. The above comparison shows that the Numerical-Integration Method fairly fits with the Sextant Method, which is highly evaluated by training ship officers, and from start of astern revolution the speed of the ship decreases almost linearly. The authors have arrived at the conclusion that the Numerical-Method is likely to be most suitable for merchant vessels if the trial is to be performed by the ship's crew only. This is because this method can be carried out only by 2 or 3 personnel. It is to be remembered, however, that the speedmeter precheck is vital.
竹元 伸之 小檜山 律 松浦 克彦 岡野 良 倉富 雄四郎
気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.18, no.1, pp.79-83, 1996-01-25

肺癌の気管支形成術後の吻合部狭窄に対し, バルーン拡張とNd-YAGレーザーを併用し良好な結果を得た。症例は57歳, 男性。左上大区入口部の扁平上皮癌に対し, ほぼ4/5周にわたる気管支楔状切除を伴う左上葉切除術を施行。術後46日目に吻合部が屈曲と肉芽増生および分泌物貯留によるほぼ完全な閉塞を来たし, それによる肺膿瘍・無気肺のため緊急入院となった。理学療法・抗生剤治療後, 高耐圧の血管拡張用バルーンを用いた拡張術を2回, その後Nd-YAGレーザーによる肉芽焼灼を3回(計3669J)施行し気道の開存をはかった。1ヵ月で肺膿瘍・無気肺は軽快し現在(術後18ヵ月)に至っており, 両者の併用は非常に有効であった。