亀田 圭輔 渡来 和宏 高橋 憲二 庄古 知久 濃沼 政美 生島 五郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.6, pp.925-929, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-06-01)

Since 2012, Matsudo City Hospital has increased the number of pharmacists stationed in the ward on weekday mornings at the emergency care center, the intensive care unit (ICU) and the high care unit (HCU). Multidisciplinary joint meetings and joint conferences are conducted in the emergency care center, and patient and drug information is shared. A 20-year-old man was transferred to our hospital after a traffic accident. He was diagnosed with subarachnoid hemorrhage and brain contusion. He exhibited violent movement and intense restlessness. He was sedated with a continuous intravenous infusion of 5 mg/h midazolam and 20 μg/h fentanyl, with intubation. Propofol was also used intermittently. The midazolam infusion was concluded on day 5 of hospitalization. However, his restlessness recurred so an intravenous drip infusion of 150 mg/h haloperidol was administered. On the 7th day, he developed a high-grade fever, muscle rigidity, perspiration, and leukocytosis, and malignant syndrome or malignant hyperthermia was suspected. For malignant syndrome treatment, he received an intravenous drip infusion of 60 mg dantrolene, followed by the combined oral administration of 100 mg/d dantrolene and 7.5 mg/d bromocriptine. Considering various pharmacological effects, we selected an intravenous drip infusion of 25 mg hydroxyzine hydrochloride as the drug to alleviate restlessness. The patient's course continued without recurrence of malignant syndrome; his symptoms improved because of pharmaceutical care with an awareness of patient benefits through clinical and laboratory findings, consultation with the attending physician, presentation of information on causative and therapeutic drugs, and coordinated planning of a prescription design.
島 五郎 木村 邦彦
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.16, no.3-4, pp.280-283, 1952 (Released:2018-03-27)

アイヌ指紋各型の出現頻度は(1)総数に就いては尺側蹄状状が多く, 渦状紋が少なく, (2)隻手に就いては, 他の多くの人種と異なって, 左手より右手に尺側蹄状紋が多く, 渦状紋が少ない。この特徴は他人種に類例の稀なアイヌ指紋の特異点である。撓側蹄状紋も左手に比して右手に特に少なく現われる。以上の如き特異点を有するアイヌと和人-(1)総数に対する頻度はアイヌに比して尺側蹄状紋が少なく, 渦状紋が多く, (2)隻手に就いては男性では右手に尺側蹄状紋が少なく, 渦状紋多く, 女性では尺側蹄状紋と渦状紋が左右の手に略相半ばして現われ, 明らかにアイヌと異った特徴を有する和人-との第一代雜種の指紋は(1)総数に就いての頻度はなお強くアイヌ的特徴を有っているが, (2)隻手に現われる指紋各型の頻度には和人的特徴が強く見られるようである。(昭.26.11.8記)
島 五郎
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.65, no.3, pp.109-127, 1956-12-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

1. Marked characteristics and local variations are observed between the toe prints of various Ainu tribes and those of the mixed Ainu in Hokkaido. (Tables 1 and 2)2. The toe prints of the Ainu of the present list which differ only slightly from those of mixed ainu but which are extremely unlike those of pure Ainu can be considered in the category of mixed-bred Ainu. The reason is described in detail in the present paper. Because of this, apparently marked local differences observed in comparing the Ainu tribes are not necessarily significant.3. The Tocachi Ainu tribe has steadily maintained its distinctive characteristics. From a physical stand point, most of the Ainu are mixed. The Hitaka tribe, and more especially Iburi tribe are intensively influenced in the direction of mixed breeding.4. Marked differences among individual local tribes are chiefly attributable to the fact that physically mixed tribes have been involved in the pure Ainucategory. Chiefly the differences take their origin from mixed breedingwith Japanese.