嶋津 秀昭 瀬野 晋一郎 加藤 幸子 小林 博子 秋元 恵実
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.117-123, 2005 (Released:2007-01-19)

We have developed a method and a system to quantitatively evaluate human pain without relying on subjective criteria. The concept of pain quantification is to compare the magnitude of the subject's pain to the magnitude of a painless electric stimulus that is comparable to actual pain. We quantified degree of pain as the pain ratio, based on the ratio between pain equivalent current and minimum perceived current. In the system developed as the objective of this study, a gradually increasing pulsed current (frequency was 50 Hz, and the pulse width was 0.3 ms) was applied to the subject's medial forearms, and the subjects compared the magnitude of this sensation to electrical stimulation produced by an electrical current. Using test equipment, we conducted basic evaluations of measurement principles. We induced two types of experimental pain, by applying weight load to the upper arm and the lower leg, and by pinching the skin using clips. We examined whether changes in the degree of sensation with respect to electrical stimulation used in this method could be accurately observed, and whether or not it was possible to accurately and with high reproducibility measure minimum perceived current and pain equivalent current. As a result, we were able to make a clear comparison between pain and the degree of stimulation by electrical current, which was a sensation differing from pain. Although there were individual differences in the measured values, the reproducibility of the pain equivalent current as measured was favorable, and the measured values for pain ratio were also reproducible. We confirmed in the present study that the degree of experimental pain can be expressed as quantitative numerical values using an index defined as pain ratio.
秋元 恵実 小林 博子 嶋津 秀昭 伊藤 寛志 木下 晴都
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.38, no.4, pp.409-415, 1988-12-01 (Released:2011-05-30)

指動脈圧を無侵襲的かつ連続的に計測する容積補償式の血圧計を使用し, 本態性高血圧症16名を対象に, 洞刺による血圧応答について正常血圧群と比較検討した。本態性高血圧群では鍼刺激直後から収縮期・拡張期血圧は有意 (P<0.05) な下降を示した。平均では収縮期血圧で14mmHg, 拡張期血圧では9mmHgの下降であった。洞刺の効果は刺激後30分まで持続し, 洞刺後15~20分で最大の下降が認められた。脈圧および心拍数については有意な変化は認められなかった。本態性高血圧群と正常血圧群の血圧変化を比較すると両群共に類似した下降曲線が得られ, 両群には同様な反射が出現しているものと推察する。しかしながら洞刺による血圧変化には個体差が見られた。