豊川 剛二 庄司 文裕 川野 大悟 吉田 月久 矢野 篤次郎 前原 喜彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器外科学会
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09190945)
vol.23, no.7, pp.946-950, 2009-11-15 (Released:2010-01-28)
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川野 大二郎 宮下 浩二 井出 善広 増田 清香 岡本 健
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2008, pp.C3P3432, 2009

【目的】野球肘の発生要因として、投球動作などの個体要因、投球数などのトレーニング要因、使用するボールなどの環境要因が挙げられる.硬式球と軟式球ではボールの重さが異なり、特に成長期の選手における硬式球の使用は経験的に発生要因となることが知られているが、その影響について定性的に分析した研究はほとんどない.そこで本研究では、ボールの重さの違いによる投球時の肩関節と肘関節の運動学的差異を比較することを目的とした.<BR><BR>【方法】対象は中学生の軟式野球選手15名(年齢13.9±0.7歳、野球歴6.1±1.9年)とした.対象に硬式球(146.5g)および軟式球(135.5g)の2条件で投球を行わせ、ステップ脚の足部接地時からリリースまでの肩外旋角度、肘関節外反角度、肘関節外反角加速度を三次元動作解析にて算出し、両条件間で比較した.また、肘関節外反角加速度とボールの質量の積による運動方程式を用い、加速期において肘関節に加わる外反方向への力を求め、軟式球投球時に加わる力に対する硬式球投球時に加わる力の比率を算出した.各角度の両条件間の比較には繰り返しのある二元配置分散分析を用いた.肘関節に加わる外反方向への力の比率の検定にはWilcoxon符号付順位和検定を用いた.いずれの検定も危険率5%未満を有意とした.<BR><BR>【結果】肩関節外旋角度、肘関節外反角度については両条件間に有意な差はなかった.肘関節外反角加速度については、肩最大外旋位からリリースの間で硬式球投球時が軟式球投球時より有意に大きかった.また、肘関節外反方向へ加わる力の比率は、軟式球投球時を1とした時、硬式球投球時は1.8±1.7となり、硬式球投球時には軟式球投球時と比較して約1.8倍の力が肘関節外反方向へ加わっていた.<BR><BR>【考察】野球肘の発生は加速期における肘関節外反ストレスが原因の一つとされており、そのストレスを増大させる要因を明らかにすることが野球肘の予防には重要となる.肘関節外反ストレスは、主に加速期おいて近位部に対して遠位部が遅れる現象、いわゆるlagging backによって生じる.今回、加速期において硬式球投球時には軟式球投球時の約1.8倍の力が肘関節外反方向へ加わっていた.これは硬式球投球時にボールの重さの影響で、ボールを持った手部を含む前腕部の慣性が大きくなり、後方へ残る結果として、肘関節外反角加速度が有意に大きくなったためと考えられる.以上より、硬式球は肘関節外反ストレスを増大させる要因の一つとして考えられ、野球肘発生のリスクとなる可能性が示唆された.
川野 大輔 千田 二郎 和田 好充 藤本 元 石井 素 鈴木 央一 後藤 雄一 小高 松男
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.70, no.696, pp.2213-2219, 2004-08-25 (Released:2011-03-03)

Original KIVA code cannot take account for the spray and combustion processes of multicomponent fuels. Therefore, it is necessary to produce the sub-models for multicomponent fuel using KIVA code. In this study, the modeling of detailed physical properties and evaporation process for multicomponent fuel was conducted. In addition, the effects of fuel composition in multicomponent fuel on vapor distribution, spray tip penetration, vapor mass and evaporation rate, and sauter mean diameter were numerically investigated by using KIVA 3 V code with this multicomponent fuel spray model. From the numerical results, the spray characteristics of multicomponent fuel varied with a change in mixing fraction in multicomponent fuel. Especially, the evaporation of multicomponent fuel was not necessarily improved, even if much amount of high volatility fuel was mixed in the multicomponent fuel.
澤 裕一郎 川野 大 福井 克仁 中山 敦史 土井田 誠 宮城島 俊雄
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.46, no.6, pp.372-374, 2000-06-20
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Bone grafts are useful for the placement of implants in atrophic bone in edentulous regions. Usually, grafted bone undergoes resorption and provides inadequate support for implants. The guided bone regeneration (GBR) method can prevent resorption of grafted bone; however, GBR has some disadvantages, including exposure of the membrane and infection. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) accelerates wound healing by autologous growth factors. We consider growth factors of PRP to promote sufficient bone for implants. In this study, we used PRP gel to graft, bone harvested from the chin to the anterior maxillary region, which had undergone resorption. After 14 weeks, we decided that there was sufficient bone in the region on computed tomographic examination. After 16 weeks, implants were able to be placed, despite bone resorption. Biopsy of bone specimens revealed active osteogenesis and bone remodeling. Our results suggest that PRP could accelerate bone healing and remodeling, but could not prevent bone resorption in a similar manner to GBR. We confirmed that PRP gel is beneficial at the time of bone grafting for implants.
澤 裕一郎 熊澤 友子 滝本 明 馬杉 亮彦 川野 大 野村 明日香
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.50, no.6, pp.408-411, 2004-06-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

Paralysis of the mental nerve is one of the principal complications of surgery of the mandibular canal and mental foramen region. The position of mental foramen can be clearly depicted on CT scans. The mental foramen is bilaterally located at the mandibular premolar region and appears as a dimple on the bone surface. However, several reports have described an accessory mental foramen (AMF). We examined CT pictures taken from patients with implants for missing mandibular teeth to detect variations of the AMF. The results were follows: 1) AMFs were present in 28 patients (24.6 %). 2) Unilateral AMFs were found in 24 patients, and bilateral AMFs in 4 patients. 3) Among patients with unilateral AMFs, 21 had AMFs with one foramen, and 3 had AMFs with two foramens. Among patients with bilateral AMFs, 2 patients had one foramen on each side, and 2 had two foramens on one side. 4) The position of AMF relative to that of the mental foramen was as follows: 18 foramens were superior mesial, 8 were superior distal, 6 were inferior mesial, and 5 were inferior distal.These results suggest that one quarter of patients with missing mandibular teeth may have AMFs around the mental foramen.
澤 裕一郎 熊澤 友子 滝本 明 馬杉 亮彦 川野 大 野村 明日香
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.50, no.6, pp.408-411, 2004-06-20

Paralysis of the mental nerve is one of the principal complications of surgery of the mandibular canal and mental foramen region. The position of mental foramen can be clearly depicted on CT scans. The mental foramen is bilaterally located at the mandibular premolar region and appears as a dimple on the bone surface. However, several reports have described an accessory mental foramen (AMF). We examined CT pictures taken from patients with implants for missing mandibular teeth to detect variations of the AMF. The results were follows: 1) AMFs were present in 28 patients (24.6 %). 2) Unilateral AMFs were found in 24 patients, and bilateral AMFs in 4 patients. 3) Among patients with unilateral AMFs, 21 had AMFs with one foramen, and 3 had AMFs with two foramens. Among patients with bilateral AMFs, 2 patients had one foramen on each side, and 2 had two foramens on one side. 4) The position of AMF relative to that of the mental foramen was as follows: 18 foramens were superior mesial, 8 were superior distal, 6 were inferior mesial, and 5 were inferior distal.<BR>These results suggest that one quarter of patients with missing mandibular teeth may have AMFs around the mental foramen.