浅見 高明 平井 仁
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-11, 1994-08-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purposes of this study were firstly to observe relationship between positions of lower abdominal region (called “Seika-Tanden” in Japanese) and whole-body centers of gravity (CGs) in four types of the correct sitting posture (called “Seiza” in Japanese) and the sitting postures crossing legs on four conditions (called “Kekkahuza” in Japanese), and secondly to compare these postures by degree of spinal curvature which had measured with a conformateur. Four types of “Seiza” was prescribed as follows: (1) Tanza: incorrected “Seiza” , (2) Sokushinza: “Seiza” corrected with piling a top side in one foot on an arch of another foot, (3) Koushiza: “Seiza” corrected with crossing hallux, (4) Heishiza: “Seiza” corrected with placing toes side by side. Four conditions on “Kekkahuza” were (1) non-cushion, (2) one cushion, (3)add one more cushion, (4) add two more cushions. Estimation of CGs was based on H. Matsui's body segment parameters by means of pictures in profile. Positions of “Tanden” were obtained by T. Sato's drawing figure method. The subjects were eleven Judoist (on “Tanza” , “Sokushinza”,“Koushiza” and “Heishiza”) and a practician of “Zazen” (on “Kekkahuza”). The results were as follows:1) As to characteristics in each posture estimated by degree of spinal curvature,“Tanza” characterized by a shape of that like an alphabet C, and the lumbar curvature was not found. On the other hand, the corrected “Seiza” (“Sokushinza”,“Koushiza” and “Heishiza”) and “Kekkahuza” expressed curvatures like an alphabet S that showed the same characeristics as a standing posture.2) In both “Seiza” and “Kekkahuza”, the positions of CGs located above the navels, and the heights of CGs were higher than those of “Tanden”.3) In“Seiza”, the antero-posterior positions of CGs were more behind than those of “Tanden”(50%).4) About “Kekkahuza”, the antero-posterior positions of the CGs were in the rear of those of “Tanden” on all conditions (39.5-42.2%).
平井 仁智 石黒 龍司 島原 直樹 岡田 彩 清水 慶子
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.29, 2013

&nbsp;オランウータンは,東南アジアのボルネオ島とスマトラ島のみに生息する樹上性の大型類人猿である.生息している島によって,ボルネオオランウータン <i>Pongo pygmaeus</i>とスマトラオランウータン <i>Pongo abelii</i>の 2種に分けられる.雌の寿命は,53歳以上で,霊長類の中では最長の 6.1~ 9.3年間隔で子どもを出産し,母親が単独で子を育てることが報告されている.このことが主要因となり,個体数の減少が始まると歯止めをかけるのが難しい.野生下では 50歳での出産報告があるにも関わらず,飼育下では,40歳を過ぎると年老いた個体とされているため繁殖に用いられない.この理由の一つとして,いつ繁殖不可となるのかの基礎データがないことがある.また,本種においては妊娠した個体や若い個体を対象とした生殖生理学的研究はあるが,老齢個体を対象とした研究はほとんどない.<br>&nbsp;現在,日本国内においてボルネオオランウータンは 12園館で 34頭( ♂ 19頭, ♀ 15頭),スマトラオランウータンは 5園館で 11頭( ♂ 5頭, ♀ 6頭)が飼育されているが,本研究では飼育個体数が多いボルネオオランウータンを研究対象とし,2012年 8月~ 9月に多摩動物公園にて,雌ボルネオオランウータン 4個体(推定 57歳,47歳,推定 42歳,39歳)を対象として糞尿の採取をおこなった.酵素免疫測定法により,糞尿中性ホルモン代謝産物を測定し,年齢不明の個体の生殖状況の推定が可能になり繁殖計画の基礎データとなることを目的として,加齢に伴い変化する生殖内分泌動態について考察をおこなったので報告する.