宮澤 賢司 依田 一豊 原田 岳 井田 恵 平山 伊知郎 何 方 平松 優
日本乳酸菌学会誌 (ISSN:1343327X)
vol.28, no.1, pp.12-17, 2017-03-10 (Released:2018-06-12)
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Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG(LGG 菌)摂取が便秘傾向な女性の排便および皮膚性状に及ぼす影響を投与前後比較試験にて検討した。便秘傾向および皮膚の乾燥を自覚している女性 16 名に 4 週間、LGG 菌(1.4 × 1010 cfu/day)を摂取させた。LGG 菌の摂取により、排便回数は試験開始時の 3.0 回/週から試験終了後には 5.4 回/週と増加し(p<0.01)、便性においては、便の色および形(p<0.05)、排便感(p<0.01)が改善した。皮膚の状態は、皮膚画像解析装置(VISIA)での分析により、皮膚の毛穴、色ムラが改善された(p<0.01)。また、試験前と比較し、頬および前腕部の角層水分量が高まっており(p<0.01, p<0.05)、医師の診断では、皮膚の乾燥および丘疹(p<0.01)、紅斑(p<0.05)が試験前より改善していた。Skindex-16 および被験者のアンケートにより、皮膚の状態は試験終了後に有意に改善し(p<0.01)、自覚症状も改善していた。本試験から、LGG 菌の摂取による便秘および皮膚の状態の改善が認められた。
高木 和子 依田 一豊 宮澤 賢司 原田 岳 何 方 平松 優
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.20, no.1, pp.10-15, 2016-04-15 (Released:2017-04-15)

In this study, we compared the physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of low temperature pasteurized (LTLT) milk and ultra-high temperature treated (UHT) milk, both of which were produced using the same raw milk. The consumer tests indicated that the odor, sweetness, thickness, and after-taste were weaker in the LTLT milk compared to that in the UHT milk (p<0.01) and that the LTLT milk was more refreshing than the UHT milk (p<0.01). Although the taste of UHT milk was more familiar than that of the LTLT milk (p<0.05), there was no difference in palatability of the two milks. The odor of the LTLT milk resembled that of raw milk when the odor was analyzed at 40°C, 50°C, and 60°C by using an odor sensor. However, the odor of UHT milk was different from that of both the LTLT milk and the raw milk. The viscosity of the LTLT milk was lower than that of the UHT milk (p<0.05). The hardness of custard puddings prepared using LTLT milk was lesser than that of custard puddings prepared using UHT milk (p<0.01). In addition, the sensory evaluation with the expert panel indicated that the custard pudding prepared using LTLT milk was softer and had a better melting feeling in the mouth compared with that prepared using UHT milk (p<0.01).
高木 和子 山崎 和幸 水上 裕造 早川 文代 何 方 平松 優
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.67, no.7, pp.230-235, 2020-07-15 (Released:2020-07-29)

天野 潤 平松 優佳 早川 直彦 加藤 基浩 岡野 健 木下 春喜 岡崎 彬
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.8, no.6, pp.1199-1212, 1993-12-30 (Released:2007-03-29)

The metabolites of rG·CSF present in the serum were investigated in rats after intravenous administration of 125I-rG·CSF at the dose of 10μg/kg, or nonlabeled-rG·CSF at the dose of 100-400μg/kg. 1. Using gel filtration on the Superose 12 column, most of the radioactivity in rat serum at 30min after administration of 125I-rG·CSF was eluted at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 19kd, this point was the same as that of intact-rG·CSF. The radioactivity was immunoreactive with anti-rG·CSF antibody and showed biological activity against NFS-60 cell lines. At 2 and 6h after administration, the radioactivity present in the serum was eluted from the column at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 46kd and 19kd. The radioactivity corresponding to 46kd showed immunoreactivity, but was biologically inactive. 2. The SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that most of the radioactivity in the serum present at 30min after administration of 125I-rG·CSF was detected at a point corresponding to intact-rG·CSF (molecular weight of 19kd). The radioactivity was also detected at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 19kd and 5kd at 2h, 19kd, 14kd and 5kd at 6h after administration. 3. The chromatofocusing using Mono-P column showed that most of the radioactivity in the serum was focused at a point corresponding to isoelectric points of 5.8 and 5.5 at 30min after administration of 125I-rG·CSF, these points were related to monosialo-rG·CSF and disialo-rG· CSF, respectively. At 2 and 6h after administration, the radioactivity showing immunoreactivity was newly found at a point corresponding to isoelectric points of 5.2 and 4.5. 4. During immunoblotting of serum samples after administration of nonlabeled-rG·CSF, the presence of a band corresponding to molecular weight of 19kd was found in all sampling times after administration. Beside the band of 19kd, only bands at a point corresponding to molecular weight of 5kd and 14kd were detected at 6h after administration. 5. Based of the fact that only an intact form of rG·CSF exists at early stage after intrave nous administration of rG·CSF, and since 2h the metabolites which have not biological activity appeared in the serum, we have concluded that an intact form mainly participate in hematologic activity of rG·CSF in vivo.
加藤 基浩 天野 潤 岡野 健 平松 優佳 木下 春喜 岡崎 彬
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.8, no.6, pp.1213-1218, 1993-12-30 (Released:2007-03-29)

To evaluate the role of the kidney in the elimination of rG·CSF, the pharmackinetics of rG·CSF was studied in rats upon removal of one (1/2-nephrectomized rat) or of two kidneys (nephrectomized rat). Plasma concentrations of rG·CSF were measured by enzyme immunoassay method. 1. The elimination half lives of rG·CSF in nephrectomized and 1/2-nephrectomized rats, which were 4.85h and 1.llh respectively, were longer than those in sham operated rats given rG·CSF 10μg/kg intravenously. Total nephrectomy and 1/2-nephrectomy resulted in 70% and 30% reduction of total body clearance of rG·CSF in rats, respectively. 2. The result suggested that the kidney is the major elimination site of rG·CSF.