横山 雄一 井口 和弘 臼井 茂之 平野 和行 ヨコヤマ ユウイチ イグチ カズヒロ ウスイ シゲユキ ヒラノ カズユキ Yuichi YOKOYAMA Kazuhiro IGUCHI Shigeyuki USUI Kazuyuki HIRANO
岐阜薬科大学紀要 = The annual proceedings of Gifu Pharmaceutical University
vol.62, pp.68-74, 2013-06-30

グリセロールは肝臓における糖新生や脂質合成の材料であるため、肝臓へのグリセロール流入量の変化は様々な代謝経路に変調をきたす。アクアポリン9(AQP9)は、主に肝臓において発現が見られ、水分子のみならず、グリセロールや尿素などの低分子溶質をも透過させるチャネル型膜蛋白質である。AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK)は生体内のエネルギーセンサーであり、糖・脂質代謝の恒常性維持に働くセリン/スレオニンキナーゼである。本研究では、AMPKの活性化剤である、5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1--D-ribonucleoside(AICAR)を、ヒト肝癌由来HepG2 細胞に作用させたところ、AQP9 mRNA の発現量が顕著に減少することを確認した。レポータージーンアッセイや転写因子forkhead boxa2(Foxa2)遺伝子をノックダウンさせた実験の結果から、Foxa2 は、AICAR によるAQP9 遺伝子発現抑制に関わる重要な転写調節因子であることを見出した。AICAR により活性化されたAMPK は、Akt のThr-308 残基とSer-473 残基のリン酸化を促し、それに伴いFoxa2 がリン酸化されて核内から核外へと移行することを明らかにした。したがって、肝臓でのグリセロール輸送の観点からAMPK によるコントロールのもとに、AQP9 は肝臓へのグリセロールの流入量を変化させ、糖・脂質代謝調節に寄与している可能性が示唆された。
足立 哲夫 原 宏和 平野 和行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.4, pp.386-391, 2001-08-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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All students in the 4 th year at our university, perform 4 -week training in pharmaceutical health care practice (practical training in hospital pharmacy and community prescription pharmacy). We carried out a consciousness survey of 149 students who received training at a community prescription pharmacy. A questionnaire on the interest in community prescription pharmacy work revealed the reply, “the training arouse my interest” in 58% of the students who wish to work in hospital after graduation and in 60% of those who wish to work in pharmacies but only in 49% of those who wish to work at pharmaceutical companies and in 40% of those who wish to go graduate schools. Among the types of work of community prescription pharmacy, those that particularly arouse student interest were “home medical care”, “patient compliance instructions” and “patient reception”. Interest in patient compliance instruction was frequently observed in students who wish to work in hospitals, home medical care and the sale of OTC drugs in those who wish to work in pharmacies, and DI work in those who wish to go to graduate schools.Concerning the questions about the image of community prescription pharmacies (or the work performance), students who felt a strong attitude of pharmacists toward their work showed more interest in training in community prescription pharmacies. To enhance the students' consciousness of practical training in community prescription pharmacy, the contents of training should be improved by evaluating the training items students wish to learn and adjusting by classifying the pharmacies requested to accept students for training.
杉浦 衛 加藤 憲二 足立 哲夫 伊藤 吉将 平野 和行 沢木 [シュン]二
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.29, no.2, pp.426-429, 1981-02-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
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We have established new colorimetric methods for the assay of adenosine deaminase, purine nucleoside phosphorylase and guanase activities in serum, based on the formation of hydrogen peroxide with xanthine oxidase as a coupling enzyme. [chemical formula] The proposed methods were found to be precise and convenient. Under the assay conditions, the mean levels of adenosine deaminase, purine nucleoside phosphorylase and guanase activities in the sera of normal subjects were 5.8±2.2 I. U./1, 3.7±2.1 I. U./1 and 0.5±0.3 I. U./1, respectively.
杉浦 衛 加藤 憲二 足立 哲夫 伊藤 吉将 平野 和行
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.29, no.2, pp.430-432, 1981-02-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
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A colorimetric method for the assay of xanthine oxidase activity, based on the production of hydrogen peroxide, is described. [chemical formula] The precision, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the method were found to be satisfactory for the rapid and reliable determination of xanthine oxidase activity.