中村 潤二 久我 宜正 後藤 悠太 生野 公貴 武田 和也 庄本 康治
Japanese Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy
物理療法科学 (ISSN:21889805)
vol.25, no.1, pp.63-71, 2018 (Released:2022-09-03)

本研究の目的は,大腿骨頸部骨折患者の股関節外転筋への電気刺激療法と課題志向型練習を併用した際の効果を予備的に検討することとした.対象は,大腿骨頸部骨折術後患者とし,準無作為に電気刺激群(ES群)6名,コントロール群6名に割り付けた.両群ともに,歩行能力向上を目的とした課題志向型練習を実施し,ES群は,術側中殿筋への電気刺激を併用して実施した.介入は10セッション行った.評価は介入前後に股関節外転筋力,膝関節伸展筋力,疼痛,Timed up & go test,6分間歩行テスト(6MWT),圧力計式歩行解析装置を用いて歩行パラメータを計測した.介入後にES群は,コントロール群と比較して,術側股関節外転筋力の有意な改善がみられ,6MWTの改善傾向がみられた.ES群における術側股関節外転筋力の変化量は,歩行速度,術側と非術側の歩幅,ストライド長,6MWTの変化量との間に強い有意な相関がみられた.大腿骨頸部骨折患者の股関節外転筋への電気刺激と課題志向型練習の併用は,股関節外転筋力や歩行能力を向上させる可能性がある.
横山 広樹 石垣 智也 尾川 達也 知花 朝恒 後藤 悠太 柳迫 哲也
一般社団法人 日本地域理学療法学会
地域理学療法学 (ISSN:27580318)
pp.JJCCPT22012, (Released:2023-07-14)

鈴木 康介 後藤 悠太 欠畑 岳 彼末 一之
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18007, (Released:2019-04-18)

This study was performed to devise an instructional program for children who were not good at sprinting and to verify the program’s effectiveness for improvement of sprinting ability and motion. The participants were 19 upper grade elementary school children who were not good at sprinting. The program included 2 drills with some teaching devices and running on flat markers. The children attended the program for 8 days (2 days per week) and each lesson lasted an hour. In order to validate the program outcome, sprint time (50 m), interval speed (every 10 m), average speed, maximal speed, rate of speed decline, interval and average step frequency and step length were analyzed, and sprint motions were evaluated. The results were as follows: 1) Most of the children’s 50 m times were below the national average. This suggested that their negative feelings toward sprinting resulted from the realization that they were unable to run as fast as other children. 2) The children’s sprint times were improved after the program, and a significant correlation between pre-time and post-pre time was revealed. It was also found that the greater the increase in the children’s step frequency, the faster their sprint times became. These results suggest that sprinting instruction allows low-performing children to increase their step frequency and improve their sprint times. 3) The main aim of the program was to improve children’s sprint motions in the mid sprint phase, and the participants practiced start motions only twice during the program. As a result, speeds from the start to 10 m, 20-50 m, and maximum speed were increased significantly by this practice, suggesting that significant changes of speed led to improvement of the sprint times. 4) Participants became able to swing back their leg under their body and to make contact with the ground with the middle or front of the foot. Therefore it was considered that the drills and running on flat markers with teaching devices were valuable for improving the children’s sprint motions. 5) Although the scissors-like leg motion was not improved by practice with a color board and bells, the kneefolding motion of the swing leg did appear to be improved. Therefore, the children seemed to acquire basic skill in more rapid scissors-like leg motion. These results suggest that our instructional program was effective in enabling children to improve their sprinting ability and motion. However, additional research focusing on aspects such as the relationship between sprinting ability and sprint motion, or individual feelings and motor competency in the context of sprinting, will be needed.