奥村 潔 石田 克 樽野 博幸 河村 善也 Kiyoshi Okumura Shinogu Ishida Hiroyuki Taruno Yoshinari Kawamura 岐阜県博物館 大阪市立自然史博物館 愛知教育大学 Gifu Prefecture Museum Osaka Museum of Natural History Aichi University of Education
大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History (ISSN:00786675)
vol.70, 2016-03-31

熊石洞は日本の代表的な後期更新世の哺乳類化石産地の一つである.この洞窟の化石堆積物の発掘調査は主に1965年から1981年まで行われ,保存のよい大型シカ化石を含む多数の哺乳類化石を産出した.本報告では,大型シカ化石の詳細な記載を行うが,これによりほぼ同じ大きさのヤベオオツノジカ(Sinomegaceros yabei)とヘラジカ(Alces alces)という2種の大型シカの区別を明確にする.日本においてこの大型シカ2種はしばしば混同されてきたが,骨および歯の特徴からこの2種の識別を行う.また,主に角の形態的特徴に基づき,ヤベオオツノジカが中国産Sinomegacerosの種とは別個の日本固有の種であることを確認する.さらに,歯の萌出と咬耗の程度に基づいて2種の大型シカの年齢構成も明らかにする.
橋爪 貞雄 Hashizume Sadao 愛知教育大学 Aichi University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.35, pp.60-72, 1980-09-20

The supply of qualified teachers to compulsory education has undergone various difficulties since the end of World War II, and it was especially true during the period of economic prosperity in 1960's. But the situation seems to be changing gradually after this prosperity began to decline in l970's. The consequent "over-supply" of teachers can even be recognized these days. Main factors influencing this "over-supply" may be listed up as follows: (1) The comparative easiness for university graduates to get teacher licences (especially of secondary education) under the present Teacher Licence Law. (2) A steady increase of university graduates applying for government officials including public school teachers. (3) A remarkable raise of teacher salaries in compulsory education was made possible through the promulgation of a special law in 1974. School teachers are now paid more than average local government officials graduated from universities. (4) A longer leave given to female teachers after every child birth. This has made teaching a more attractive and secure job for female graduates. (5) The decrease of younger population expected in the near future and the consequent decrease in the demand for school teachers, although the total situation will be made a little easier by the long-range plan of improving class-size. Recent dicussions on teacher training have been more or less influenced by this "over-supply" as well as by theoretical opinions about education and teaching profession in general. Four viewpoints or trends can be identified in the discussions: (1) That any kind of teacher training should be given by a "university". This means that a teacher training institution must maintain an acadmic standard at the level as high as any other institutions of higher education. (2) That teaching even at the elementary level is a "profession" which can be trained and recruited only in a curriculum emphasizing the inevitable interrelation between academic study and educational practice. (3) That a more strict enforcement of regulations on teacher licences is urgently needed in order to exclude inappropriate teacher applicants. (4) That some "realistic" measures must be taken in response to the recent increase of teacher applicants. These four trends cutting across each other also form different opinions on the division between pre-and in-service training of teachers. Two examples, i. e. the so-called "peak system" in pre-service education for elementary school teachers and the student teaching are referred to briefly.