落合 芳博 渡部 終五 橋本 周久 成田 弘子 浮島 美之 奈良 正人
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.50, no.4, pp.721-725, 1984

Attempts were made to identify biochemically two gampylid fishes, escolar ("aburasokomutsu") <i>Lepidocybuum Flavobrunneum</i> and castor oil fish ("baramutsu") Ruvettus pretiosus, whose muscles contain a large amount of wax esters and hence may casuse a food poisoning when ingested. Myogen fractions were prepared from the ordinary muscles of both fishes as well as various fishes, and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by staining with Coomassie brilliant bule for protein and with reagents for lactate and malate dehydrogenase activities. Results showed that the protein pattern is species-specific enougy to distinguish the two gempylid fishes from any of the other fishes tested. The pattern of either dehydrogenase was found to be less species-specific. However, simultaneous analyses of MDH and protein patterns faciliated the identification of buth gempylid fishes. Cellulose acetate membrane electrophophoresis was also found to be applicable for this purpose, though less satisfactorily.
成田 弘子 奈良 正人 馬場 啓輔 大上 皓久 阿井 敬雄 野口 玉雄 橋本 周久
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.25, no.3, pp.251-255_1, 1984

巻貝ボウシュウボラ <i>Charonia sauliae</i> のテトロドトキシン (TTX) 毒化機構を解明する目的で同じくTTXをもつトゲモミジガイ <i>Astropecten polyacanthus</i> によるその飼育試験を行った. 1~4週間後には, 供試した全ボウシュウボラ個体の中腸腺に毒性が認められ, TTXの蓄積率は平均33%であった. ボウシュウボラ中腸腺の総毒量は, ある水準までは投与したトゲモミジガイの毒量に応じて増加した. また, いったん毒化したボウシュウボラは, さらに40日間無毒の餌で飼育しても特に毒力は低下しなかった.
浮島 美之 成田 弘子 増井 俊夫 杉井 邦好 鈴木 由利子 奈良 正人
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.30, no.4, pp.216-221, 1984-08-31

The sale of escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) and castor oil fish (Ruvettus pretiosus) is prohibited in Japan, because their muscles are rich in wax which may cause a food poisoning. The identification of these fishes was therefore investigated by wax analysis. The analytical procedure was as follows : lipids were extracted from fish meats, and the presence of wax in the lipids was examined by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The compositions of these waxes were examined by gas chromatography with FID (FID-GC). In order to investigate the composition of higher alcohols included in the waxes, the lipids separated from fishes were saponified and the extracted unsaponifiable matters were subjected to FID-GC after acetylation. The results obtained from the analysis on 28 fish species showed that the lipids of john dory (Zeus faber) in addition to escolar and castor oil fish contained wax. The gas chromtogram of waxes showed that the molecular formular of waxes of escolar and castor oil fish were C_<34>H_<66>O_2,whereas that of john dory was C_<40>H_<76>O_2 as their main ingredient. Furthermore, it was shown that the alcohols of escolar and castor oil fish were of C 16 : 0,whereas that of john dory was of C 22 : 1 as their main ingredient. These results indicate that it is possible to distinguish sale-prohibited fishes from edible fishes by wax analysis, even if they are sliced.
浮島 美之 秋元 宣子 成田 弘子 石川 雅章 藤井 貴野 木野 正彦 山脇 正樹 岡田 昌二
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.35, no.5, pp.339-346, 1989-10-31

To identify the species of mushrooms mainly for the distinction of poisonous mushrooms from edible ones, thin layer isoelectric focusing analysis was applied on their water-soluble proteins. 1. The electrophoretic profiles were species-specific. The proteins extracted from the cap and stem in a species gave essentially identical profiles. 2. The profiles of cap proteins of 10 individuals of Akamomitake (Lactarius deliciosus) were indifferent, indicating that the intra-species variation of water-soluble proteins was little. 3. The heat treatment at higher than 60℃, for 10 min, of the water-soluble proteins of Dokutsurutake (Amanita virosa) caused temperature-dependent disappearance of protein bands, while not significant change up to 60℃. 4. The values of pI and relative peak height of isoelectro-focused water-soluble protein bands were numerically expressed. These numerical values were species-specific, indicating that mushroom species might be identified by analyzing the water-soluble proteins with a verification of the tables of these numerical values. 5. The present method was applied for the identification of poisonous Kusaurabenitake (Rhodophyllus rhodopolius) mixed in Urabenihoteishimeji (Rhodophyllus crassipes) which caused a food poisoning incident. The former mushroom was satisfactorily identified by this method.