斉藤 日出治
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.12, no.1, pp.1-24, 2010-09

Japan occupied the island of Hainandao just before the Asia Pacific War.The Japanese army murdered many Hainandao inhabitants during this occupation. Nevertheless the facts of these massacres have been suppressed and neglected by japanese government and people after the war. We have been researching the facts of the massacres by the Japanese army through interviews with the survivors in Hainandao. As a result we found these massacres did not happen accidentally, but were purposely carried out in accompaniment with the military operations of the Japanese army. These massacres took place continually from February 1939 to August 1945. I analyzed the Military Diary of the Japanese Navy in Hainandao. Recorded in this diary is not only military operations in the narrow sense, but also various government policies. For example, the mining of natural resources, management of land, control of prices, the education for the island inhabitants, and securing human resources. The aim of the Japanese army was to continue its war effort by pillaging resources, food, and using forced labor, among other things. It tried to construct a sphere of self-sustenance by pillage of its occupied countries. Many government policies were necessary to construct this sphere of self-sustenance by pillage. It shows the particularity of Japanese imperialism in comparison with Occidental imperialist practices.
斉藤 日出治
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.7, no.3, pp.365-380, 2006-06-30

Mouffe C., English political philosopher, indicates that conflicts among social groups lie at the root of socialization. She locates the concept of "politcal" in the level of the conflicts of people, in distinction from normal term of politics.Nevertheless, under the rule of neoliberalism after cold war, the concept of political is concealed and rejected, and the antagonism is excluded from politics. Politics is esteemed as dialogue among reasonable individuals. She calls this concept of politics "post politics". She makes a critical comments for second modernization by A. Guiddens or W. Beck and "Empire" by Negrit A./ Hardt M. as example of post politics.The subject of this thesis is to inquiry the critics for "post politics" by Mouffe. C. and to examin the signification of biopolitical production by Negrit A./ Hardt M.Negrit A./ Hardt M.don't refuse the conflicts of social groups, on the contrary, as a result of extending these conflicts outside nation-state, war is becoming not the state of exception but the state of normal of everyday life. Therefore politics is located in the extension of war. Nevertheless, these conflicts breed many kinds of collaboration, for the sake of development of knowledge, information, communication, etc., that is to say "common", Cosequently a focal point of social coflicts is how to organize these many kinds of "commn".Negrit/Hardt also propose absolute democracy in exchange for representative democracy. They define abusolute democracy as politics to organize "common" and try to delve the concept of democracy.
斉藤 日出治 サイトウ ヒデハル Hideharu SAITO
vol.12, no.1, pp.1-24, 2010-09

Japan occupied the island of Hainandao just before the Asia Pacific War.The Japanese army murdered many Hainandao inhabitants during this occupation. Nevertheless the facts of these massacres have been suppressed and neglected by japanese government and people after the war. We have been researching the facts of the massacres by the Japanese army through interviews with the survivors in Hainandao. As a result we found these massacres did not happen accidentally, but were purposely carried out in accompaniment with the military operations of the Japanese army. These massacres took place continually from February 1939 to August 1945. I analyzed the Military Diary of the Japanese Navy in Hainandao. Recorded in this diary is not only military operations in the narrow sense, but also various government policies. For example, the mining of natural resources, management of land, control of prices, the education for the island inhabitants, and securing human resources. The aim of the Japanese army was to continue its war effort by pillaging resources, food, and using forced labor, among other things. It tried to construct a sphere of self-sustenance by pillage of its occupied countries. Many government policies were necessary to construct this sphere of self-sustenance by pillage. It shows the particularity of Japanese imperialism in comparison with Occidental imperialist practices.
斉藤 日出治 佐藤 正人 金 静美

斉藤 日出治
vol.18, no.3, pp.103-128, 2017-06-30

20世紀末から急進展したグローバル化は深刻な危機に直面している。グローバル化は,所得格差,地域格差を拡大し,中産階級を崩壊させ,大量の移民・難民を創出し,宗教紛争・民族紛争を激化させることによって,ついに反グローバリゼーションの反動を呼び起こした。イギリスのEU 離脱,米国におけるトランプ大統領の誕生,ヨーロッパ諸国における極右政党の台頭は,グローバル化の隘路に直面した諸国の反動を物語っている。この反動は,グローバル化の隘路を主権国家の強化によって打開しようとする。保護貿易を強化する,流入する移民・難民を排除し厳しく取り締まる,自国民の雇用確保を優先する,といった排外主義的な政策が強化される。 日本も同じ流れに棹さしている。経済の新自由主義的進展がもたらした雇用の不安定化,貧困の増大,所得格差と資産格差の拡大は,社会の監視の強化,治安の強化,そして国家の軍事化と排外主義への動きを強化し,立憲主義の危機,神権的国体論を触発している。 新自由主義とは,社会を市場の競争原理に委ねるシステムであり国家の非介入を原則とするにもかかわらず,新自由主義の行き詰まりが国家の軍事化および治安の強化と連動し,ひとびとの市民的自由を抑圧する動きが高まっている。本論では,このように一見すると逆説的にみえる経済と国家の動向を,市民社会の共進化という視点から再考する。この再考によって,経済における市場原理の進展と,国家における権威主義の台頭と,市民社会におけるポピュリズムという大衆的熱狂が相乗効果をともなって増幅する新自由主義の社会危機の動態を究明する。その究明を踏まえて,この社会危機を乗り越える連帯と協同の新しい共進化の方向を提示したい。
斉藤 日出治
大阪産業大学経済論集 (ISSN:13451448)
vol.6, no.3, pp.21-35, 2005-06-30

Karl Marx discovered the social individuality, as opposed to the private individual, at the end of the development of bourgeois society in the 19th century. Nowadays, in 21th century, capitalism has attained production post-fordism. The production system of post-fordism is composed of the corporation of workers. It accelerates communication, dialogue and language activity between workers. Japanese Economist, Kiyoaki HIRATA, pointed out the appearence of social individuality as the result of the transition of the labour process into the scientific proces in the age of post-fordism. Almost the same period, before or after 1980, Antonio Negri and Paolo Virno in Italy focused their attention on the same transformation of labour process in post-fordism. They indicated the importance of politics of labour in organizing the collective force of workers as productive force of capital. They reffered to this type of politics as bio-politic power.